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 What we believe  


Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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What we believe
Don’t take our life personally
Learn to be happy with what is
Work on our belief structure

Don’t take our life personally

Probably the first and most important personal practice point about what we believe is don’t take our life personally. That is, nothing in life happens to attack us personally. We have only experiences and at some level of our life we either we created the experience we have or we have agreed to participate in the experience. We only are playing a role and whatever happens to us is part of that role. Not taking our lives personally is often difficult to do but we need to remember three things.

The first is creation/Creation is not done alone. We each need another or others to give us the experiences we need to have. Similarly, we will play a role for others for them to have the experiences they desire to have. The question as to why we play the role we do is another issue. We need to understand here is in the oneness and interconnectedness of Creation we are there for each other. We are there for each other in a dance orchestrated and choreographed by the universe for the greatest common good all involved.

The second is what we believes determines the focus of our attention and awareness. The focus of our attention and awareness is how we direct our creative life energy to flow to create the experiences we have. As a result whatever we experience is related to, and a result of, what we believe. For whatever beliefs we hold and for whatever reason we created the experience we have, we are exactly where we need to be to have the experience we are having.

The third things is Physical Creation is a shared creation. We give up some of our creative ability and creative power to participate in the shared creation and, at times, we feel as though we are a victim and unable to do what we desire. However, for whatever the reason may be we agreed to have the physical experience as a human being. Part of being a human being is to participate in what is occurring for our particular time and place. As a participant in a shared creation, we are frequently the occasion for things to happen. We cannot give what we do not have. By us being who we are, we give permission to others to be who they are. In doing so, they may need someone to vent or accuse as being responsible for their problems. We become their target for them to have the experience they desire to have. Whether we realize it or not, in us being there for others we are there for ourselves and we have the experiences we need and/or desire to experience.

When we find we take what is happening to us personally, we can, if we choose, we can be open to the lessons the experience provided. We only need to pull the string as to why we are taking what happens to us personally. We can look to see whether or not it serves or doesn’t serve us. The experience we have can become the instrument of our learning how and what we think and believe. So, we need to learn to be happy with what is and don’t take our life personally.

Learn to be happy with what is

Corollary to not taking our lives personally is learning to be happy with what is as it is. It is to understand there is a deeper orchestration of events than what our mind can understand. We can say as above, creation/Creation is not done alone and we each need another or others to give us the experiences we need to have and w are there for each other in a dance orchestrated and choreographed by the universe for the greatest common good all involved. However, it is much more profound that this simple statement. Probably the best way to explain this is as discussed in the story of the honey bee. By being true to ourselves and doing what we need to do, we will impact both Creation and those around us in ways we do not understand. Additional discussion is found in the topic, "Learn to be happy with what is."

Work on our belief structure

It is our mind and how and what we think and believe which keeps our creativity bound in the cage of our own making. How and what be believe focuses our attention and awareness and, as such, determines how our creative life energy flows to create the experiences we have. As such it is important to work on our belief structure if we wish to have the creative ability and creative power to create what we desire.

There are two parts to the effort. The first is about uncovering our beliefs and what we believe and then exploring our beliefs and their impact on our creativity. The second part is to consciously remove and replace those that we do not want and/or do not support what we desire to create. Additionally we should seek to add beliefs which would strengthen our personal power to create the reality of our choice. In particular ,we need to look at what limiting beliefs we hold and what boundaries we impose on ourselves which is limiting our creativity. What we choose to believe is our choice. From the creativity perspective the recommendation is to chose believe which allow us to hold our creativity sacred and allows us to grow and expand into the infinity of our being.

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Create the space
Dealing with the mind
Thoughts for taking action
The practice in the long term

Related topics
Belief and thinking inventory
Exploring our mind

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