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 The practice in the long term

Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The practice in the long term
Don’t make the personal practice the end in itself
Vary our practice

Don’t make the personal practice the end in itself

The personal practice is no more that a tool for developing the discipline in our mind to control the focus of our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe and to develop the strength of will to manifest our thoughts. However, frequently we make our personal practice the end point and end in itself and not the continual expansion of our creative ability and creative power.

The goal is to take the discipline of the personal practice and translate it to our every day life to manifest what we desire. Often we forget, or maybe even never come to understand, we are here in the physical plane to co-create reality with the Creator of Physical Creation. For example, writing this material for web posting has been not so much about writing for the web as opposed to a very strong rigid creative discipline to get in touch with that part of my understanding that this material represents. The content for this material is no more than the focus of the author’s attention and awareness and this material is the fruit of that focus.

Our personal practice is in many ways the same way practicing a musical instrument allows one to get in touch with the music of the universe. However we make the performance of the instrument the end product rather that the music. The way many musicians perform today is that they are only showing off their discipline on the instrument in public playing essentially the same music over and over. If we were using the discipline of the instrument to hear the music of the universe each performance would be an ad lib and never repeated for the universe is in continual movement. Artie Shaw, a musician of the 1950' and 1960's is reported to have left public performance because he could no long do new and innovative music. All the audience wanted to hear was the older material that he had made popular. They were not prepared to move into new music as he was being drawn to do. So as to not compromise his needs, he left public performance. We have lost the aspect of spontaneity of performance with the event of the modern recording and film industry. We no long see the spontaneity of the performance and allowing the musicians to "push the envelop" in their creative musical exploration or live at the edge with their musical abilities as something to be desired unless it is specifically a improvisational jazz concert. So too with our personal practice discipline. It should take us to the edge where we being to live in the spontaneity of the universe.

Vary our practice

The daily practice should not just be a daily meditation or prayer ritual. It should be representative of our whole being in the world and our being is routinely asked to change in the world. Some consistence is good and necessary as the sun rises and sets each day. But, it should be noted, the time the sun shines varies from day to day depends on the time of year. Similarly there should be aspects of our practice that are routine as the sun rising and setting but there needs to be a variation even in that.

Anything that becomes the same all the time causes a part of one’s awareness to go to sleep. If we do not routinely break our personal practice it becomes a habit that controls and actually takes one away from what they are seeking. It is essential that there is some type of break in our way of being. It is why there are season in nature and religious calendars with seasons and feast days/celebration days - to break the pattern, to break the habit to allow new vegetation to spring forth in the spring. Unfortunately, rather than allowing new vegetation to spring forth each spring, the same pattern is replayed on an annual cycle.

But man has become too capable. We try and control the fruits that come into our life. It is not unlike how we are not longer dependent on the inconvenience of the seasons of the year by how we plant in different parts of the country with different climates. Or, we live in houses that allows us to maintain our routine and vary the personal climate to our liking rather than experience the climate based on the seasons. It is essential to break the routine. Even Napoleon recognized this when he is claimed to have said "the real job is to keep men fresh." The same is true of our personal practice and our lives. We need to keep them fresh like the freshness in a small child’s world where they daily discover new experiences each day.

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Create the space
Dealing with the mind
Thoughts for taking action

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Single point focus

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