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 Dealing with the mind  

Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Dealing with the mind
Learn and utilize becoming from top down
Look to have thoughts which serve
Look to erase doubt
We reap what we sow
Learn to Garden our life
The only "judgment" we receive is when we are not living consistent with our beliefs
Check the heart in everything we do
There is no right or wrong - there is no duality unless we choose duality
Not Doing

Learn and utilize becoming from top down

The fruits of a tree bear fruit according to it essence. We do not get apples from orange trees. Also, only that which has strong roots or a secure foundation survives the storms and shaking of the earth. The same is true for that which we manifest. We need to give our creations strong roots and our fruits will correspond to the seeds we plant. It is recommended we create everything from the top down. Or, in others words, start all things into manifestation from first principles. What this means is since the inner is reflected in the outer, whatever we build in our life, we create it internal to us first. The, let it manifest outward rather than trying to build it externally then taking it inward. We change ourselves and our belief structure to allow the new form to enter our life.

To do this we need to have a clear understanding of what it is we are intending and why. Then set that clear intention for our life and allow it to pull to us the physical form. We still need to do all that we need to do in the external world, but holding the underlying intention will allow whatever is built or manifested to be cast based on the original intention. It will make a big difference for how things are seen and operate.

We cannot attempt to fool ourselves. We must face the reality of the situation and our truth. For example, contrary to popular belief, we construct nothing for war based on the concept of trying to preserve peace. The underlying intent is to wage war either in offense or defense, not to wage peace. Everything we construct for war whether it be a ship or a building to house war offices, is constructed with the underlying fear of war or the desire to have and retain that which must be let go for war is only holding onto that which must pass. We must admit the facts. There is no judgment here of what is right or wrong, and no condemnation is made of war or building a military. We just need to make sure the truth is spoken. Otherwise we give our creative power away.

We maintain a military industrial complex and military to maintain what we have and to take from others what we feel is essential to preserving our way of life or to implement the beliefs of the leaders we place in charge of the system. If peace is a by product, so be it. But, that is not the intent of the military. The key point is to keep our intention, our thoughts, our words and our actions consistent in all ways.

Look to have thoughts which serve

We become what we think about. It only makes sense to keep thoughts as constructive and expansive as possible at all times to create what serves us. If we continually worry about something, our mind cannot think of any thing else and we are continually pumping energy into that worry. The positive aspect about this single mindedness is that if we choose a thought to hold, such as in a meditation with a mantra or affirmation or a positive melody line, we cannot be worrying and energizing our fears.

This, in fact is the key way that we lose our personal power. We occupy our mind with negative or non-constructive thoughts like worry or self-pity and our emotional creative life energy is then diverted from constructive creation into the focus to manifest our worry or self pity. More importantly, while our conscious mind is worrying and putting the focus of our attention and awareness on that which we really don’t want, our nonconscious mind is following the direction provided by the focus and attention of the conscious mind. The mind then takes these thoughts, be they "good" or "bad," and begins to manifest them. We need to understand what we consider positive thought as opposed to negative thought also take us into the duality of right and wrong, good and bad.

In any case the consequences of not being in touch with our thinking and mindful of our thoughts, we continually pump energy into that which we don’t want because we continue to focus and worry about them. Remember that the nonconscious mind is only following the direction of the conscious mind. When we are unaware and unmindful we are unknowingly using the law of manifesting to create those thing that we do not want. This is why it is essential to become mindful and remove all worry, doubt and self-pity because they rob us of our creative life energy and create that which we do not want. The best way to do this is hold constructive and expansive thoughts at all time. We need to keep in our mind those thoughts the we wish to manifest and train our nonconscious to be in these thoughts rather than any being in worries and doubts.

Looking to have constructive thoughts is also about what we say and speak. In addition to not holding thoughts which so not serve us, we must look to think and speak words which do not originate from a frame of mind which is not serve us. In particular we need to look at our intentions and ensure they use words and phrases which serve us. For example, we would try and refrain from saying something was good or bad but rather talk about if it was serving what we desired to experience and what we needed to do create the experience we desire. The idea is to focus on what we would like to create and bring into our life rather than what we do not like or wish to avoid.

Look to erase doubt

Doubt robs us of our creative power. We need to learn to trust the creative process and our own intuitive guidance. We need to look to erase doubt. We need to look to hold no thoughts of doubt.

We need to look carefully at our thinking and what we say for patterns and words of doubt or where we demonstrate doubt.

We reap what we sow

Remember, an intention in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another intention. Regardless of whether we choose to were we want to be going or not, we are going to get where we are going. We are an intention in motion. We can change direction at any time we wish, but we have to choose to change. We are the perfect physical expression of the beliefs that we hold. If we do not like what we are experiencing, we can change it at any time. Just choose and hold to the choice and give it some time to manifest and be physically present in our world. Also remember that we live in the world of duality. For every judgment of good there is a judgment of bad. For ever judgment of right, there is a judgment of wrong. For every action we take, there is an equal and opposite reaction to keep the duality balanced. If we wrong somebody, we will wrong ourselves. If we love somebody, we will draw love to our self. Live with the recognition of duality and transcend duality where ever possible. Use duality in our favor by acting to create those conditions we wish to experience not those we do not want.

Learn to Garden our life

We need to learn to garden our thoughts and garden our life. Knowing that our inner world is reflected in the outer, we need to become aware of what is manifesting in our life so as to pull the string to see what is it we think and believe which is giving rise to what we experience. We garden our life by looking to see what we experience that serves and doesn’t serve us. Then pull the string on that which is not serving us to see how we need to change our inner world to change the outer to something which better serves us.

The only "judgment" we receive is when we are
not living consistent with our beliefs

Contrary to what many have been lead to believe, there is no sin and there is no right or wrong. Everything just is. It is when we judge something right or wrong we create the duality that starts the dance between the judgment and its opposite. To not start the dance of duality, stop judging what we do and what we see. In this regard there is no punishment for any choice we make and express in our life. We only need to be sure that our actions are consistent with our beliefs, for only in consistence between actions and beliefs is true salvation to be found and one able to reenter the Garden of Paradise. The Kingdom of God is at hand and here before us. We don’t see it only because of our judgments and expectations. If we live and walk our talk without judgment and we will not see judgment and not be judged for we are the ones who create the experiences we have.

Check the heart in everything we do

The mind gets clutter with what we think is important. The heart and the feelings of the heart will be our only true indicator as to whether or not we are living our truth. Imagine everything we do being in, and coming through, the heart. We only then need to listen carefully, act and trust. With time we will get better and better and we will see the magic of the universe unfold. All we need to do is to check each decision with the heart.

There is no right or wrong - there is no duality unless we choose duality

There is no sin unless we choose to believe there is sin. The world is created out of love and in love. The only sin that exist is the sin we bring upon ourselves by our actions and intention to harm or injure another. In choosing to harm we create a duality and judge what we do as correct and the other person’s actions as wrong. In fact, we can think so strongly such that we need to harm them. In that judgment we judge ourselves and harm ourselves What we reap is what we sow. We need to learn to transcend the duality of mind and be happy with what is.

Not Doing

To do what is normally not of our psyche is one of the quickest ways of breaking the ties of the past and prevent new habits from forming unless we want them. Not doing lets both our conscious and nonconscious see that we are not who we think we are but we are in fact different and can be different than who we are programmed to be. We need to continually break our patterns as to who and what we think we are. We need to incorporate not doing to continually to push the edge of who we think we are and the more we push, the more we will see the magic of the universe

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Create the space
Thoughts for taking action
The practice in the long term

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Exploring our mind

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