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Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Clear intention
Align with the flow of our intention
Let our intention work for us
Be in the flow
Go at our own pace
Trust the universe to meet our intention
Need to hold focus, hold our intention but let go of the outcome - it is the paradox
Living in expectation and learning to remove all expectations
It will not look like or unfold as we expect - learn to release our expectations
Plan to live a thousand years but live life as thought we will die tomorrow

Clear intention

For any action we do in our life, we can set a clear conscious intention as to what we hope to achieve by the action. A clear intention is key to our creative endeavors and we need to set a clear intention for everything we do and to pull information into our life. With a clear intention, what we will find is that as we perform or participate in the actions to meet our intention the information, people, and circumstances will be orchestrated such that meeting the intention is optimized for the situation within the environment in which we find ourselves.

What this means is that although there may be an infinite set of possibilities and there are several most likely probabilities for a given set of circumstances, our intention will pull the probability that optimizes our intention with all the other situational needs being met. In this regard we can set an intention for any activity whether it be to focus healing, information gathering, communication and the like. For example we can set a personal intention to focus on healing at the next staff meeting and we will find that the meeting itself happens in such a way that circumstances orchestrate to optimize the healing for each participant at the meeting. Although we many not see immediate results, it will and does occur. Similarly, if we go to the doctor’s office for a medical problem but set the intention to allow clear communication between us and the universe as to what the real issues are that need to be addressed we will find something will occur that gives us or leads us to the information that we seek. This is why it is important that we have an underlying clear intentionality for our life.

Each interaction we have has an underlying intention that caused the particular interaction. The underlying intention may be only a result of past programming or it may be a conscious intention specifically chosen. In any case, the interaction will result in circumstances optimizing to meet our intention and the greatest common good of the intention for each participating person. Living with clear intention allows life to be lived much fuller and much more consciously. We may say that this sounds like we are trying to control the situation, and we are. But what we don’t realize is we control the situation at all time, we just are not aware of it. All we are asking or suggesting here is that we do so in consciousness with awareness.

We needs to understand is that what we think about becomes the our intention and becomes the underlying carrier wave that orchestrates our reality. We get what we think about. If we have a clear focused thinking discipline, we get a clear, focused reality. If we allow our thoughts to wonder all over the place either our life will be reflective of this lack of focus or our life will be pulled in the general direction of the direction were most of our thinking resides. We can help ourselves maintain focus by simply telling our mind that we set a particular intention and visualize, draw or say what issues and/or which chakras is draining us that we want to look at or what we expect out of a situation. The more focus our thinking the quicker and more clearly will we be able to manifest our desires.

The recommendation for a personal practice to develop our personal power is to set and hold clear intentions. Each key intention, something we really wanted to manifest, should be clearly written out and the words carefully chosen to reflect exactly what it is that we are intending. We then need to go back over each intention we hold and ensure the words were clear and the intentions were not conflicting. When then need to look at the decisions in our life as to whether or not we are making our decision for our against intention.

It does need to be noted here that if we set a clear intention and we seem to be unable to manifest that intention in a reasonable period of time, we should explore our mind and explore what we think and believe for two things. One is to look to see if we consciously or nonconsciously hold competing intentions from the experiences of our current life that are somehow opposed to what we now intend. Or, is the intention for our life pulling us in some other direction that our desired intention.

Align with the flow of our intention

Any intention we set creates a flow of energy to which we can surrender and follow its lead. The flow of energy will also have a cycle of its own. As a minimum there will be a growth cycle and that cycle may repeat itself on some periodic basis as in an ebb and flow into and out of form. Whether or not our intention is like planting a seasonal flower or a flower that grows every year, there is a cycle to its growth, its flowering and its death. Again, in becoming aware of the cycle one can align their energy with the energy of the cycle and use the energy of the cycle to ease one’s efforts.

Let our intention work for us

There are essentially two primary ways individuals live on the earth plane. One is to believe there is an eternity to achieve one’s aim. The second to live as though there is never enough time and one’s schedule is stuffed with things to do. As is with everything else, neither is right and neither is wrong. The strategy for managing our time and energy is to have our intention so deeply ingrained that we work our day around its power, as opposed to working around other people's agendas.

In this regard, we need a clear plan as to what we think it takes to manifest our intention and work to that plan but we in no way are limited by that plan and we are open in the moment to each opportunity that presents itself. The trick, however, is to recognize the opportunities.

There are two ways to do this. The first is to understand our intention and what it take to implement it and the plan we have laid out so that we can see how opportunities that come to we may align with our needs. Second, by keeping our focus on our intention, following the heart as to what arises and act accordingly. The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step so it is essential that we step out and keep stepping as to the best direction we understand we should take. However, every time we put our foot down we need to be aware how the ground and the path changes to go with the path the universe set out for us. There may be hidden obstacles or twist in the path that cannot be seen until we step out. It is essential we be aware and open to the change at each step but yet never lose focus for what we intend.

Be in the flow

If we have to force a solution, we need to re-exam our approach and look for that on which we hold which needs to be released. We need to eliminate activities that we have to force. Life is a flow and when we are in that flow we can feel it and we know it. There is a synchronicity and there is magic. If synchronicity and magic are absent in our life, we are probably not in the flow and we need to adjust our life to get back into that flow.

The most frequent reason for not being in the flow is that we are just holding onto something that needs to be released. Other time we are in a desert or there is a calm such that the flow seems to stop. No matter what we do, not much is going to happen so we just have to wait until the winds blow again and the calm passes or we just need to walk though the desert one step at a time. However, whether the lull is of our making or natural to the path, we can determine what needs to be done. Strong internal self assessment and awareness will help us to distinguish whether or not we have stepped out of the flow or we are just in one of those periods of the cycle where not much is happening.

Go at our own pace

Everyone’s pace will be different. We need to go at our own pace, taking the appropriate breaks for who we are. If we recall the story of the race between the tortoise and the rabbit. The rabbit is much faster, the tortoise, although moving much slower at his own pace, the tortoise still achieved the goal. So to with us. Some go fast, some go slow. Some need more rest periods than others. We each need to be attune to our own needs and service those needs when appropriate.

Trust the universe to meet our intention

Enough cannot be said on the topic of trust. However, all that can be said is to trust. We need to learn to trust the creative process and we are perfect as we are. We are perfect creators and have created what we experience by how we have come to think and believe. We need to learn to trust we are exactly where we need to be and all our need will, and are, being met exactly have we have intended based on the beliefs we hold. We are the perfect physical expression of the beliefs that we hold - we are our consciousness manifested. If we don’t like what we get, we need to change our intention or change our beliefs to manifest what we desire.

Need to hold focus, hold our intention but let go of the outcome
- it is the paradox

The most difficult aspect of manifesting is to hold the thought or image with unwavering faith yet not put an expectation on how it will manifest. Probably the best recommendation to being in this paradox is, unless necessary, cast all our manifests as attributes of the form rather than in a specific form and let the universe provide the actual form. For example, rather than say I want to leave this horrible work environment and get a new job we might say, "I desire a job with the following attributes..." and allow the universe to choose the form. In reality, believe it or not, it may be easier for the universe to recast the organization in which we are working to give us what we desire than it finding us a new job. Remember the creative intelligence of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation is brilliant beyond belief and it will always take the easiest and optimum way of doing something. The Universe works in the world of flowing energy. We work in the world of harden form and these worlds can be different as night and day. What is easy for us may be more difficult for the universe and what is trivial for the universe is impossible for us, so let the universe decide. We will be impressed by the magic.

Living in expectation and learning to remove all expectations

We all tend to live with expectations. It is part of being human. Learn to act because it is correct to act and leave the results to destiny. Plan to live a thousand years but live and be open to each moment as if we were going to die tomorrow. Let go and just be. Yes it is very difficult, but time, practice and patience we will get there. Remember all the positive experiences we have pulled into our life. We are powerful enough to pull them into our life again, so focus on the constructive and positive and do not judge and dwell on the negative.

It will not look like or unfold as we expect - learn to release our expectations

It will not look like or unfold as we expect - learn to release our expectations is the understatement of the working in any creative endeavor. This is the understatement of the universe about its magic. Since the universe is creating experiences that we have not yet had before, there is no way the we can possibly see and understand what those experiences will look like. It is not unlike building a house. As the house is being built we can get and idea of the size of the rooms and what the exterior may look like, but we will not see the house in its final form until it is completed. We may even choose a paint that appears that it will look good on the walls but we will not know what it looks like until we paint the room and it dries. So to with the creations of the universe - we won’t know what they look like in final form until the paint dries. As we don’t know if the layout of the house "works" until we live in it, so to with the creations of the universe. We don’t know how good they work until we live in them. So, it will not look or unfold as we expect. Let go, be happy with what is, and if we don’t like it, choose to change it.

Plan to live a thousand years but live life as thought we will die tomorrow

What we need to realize is that it is through how we hold our thoughts that we create reality. If we don’t plan and hold to a logical sequence, that is, first things first, our world will seem chaotic and random, when in reality, it is only reflecting the thoughts we are holding or not holding. So we must know where we want to go. We need to clearly know how we wish to live our "next thousand years." But in holding to where we want to go, we need to be as open and free as possible to allow the universe to carry us.

If we are open to live in the now realizing we may die tomorrow, we will be spontaneous and will act on the opportunities the Universe provides today rather than continuing to postpone an embracement of life thinking there will be an easier or better way tomorrow. When we become spontaneous we go in the least resistant path as possible. Remember, the Universe will first begin to work on an energy level and will try and get our solution on the energy level and then allow the physical solution to form and coalesce or crystalize around that energy solution. By not being amenable to the Universe and going with the energy flow, we force the Universe to leave the world of energy and move into the world of form. Then, in the world of form, what we want becomes more and more difficult to obtain. So the rule of thumb is to plan, let go, don’t hold on to anything, and let the Universe work at an energy level where things are created in the quickest and easiest fashion possible. Here we must trust. We must trust the Universe will manifest our creation to meet all our needs only to the extent that we release and let go allowing space it to manifest our intention.

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Create the space
Dealing with the mind
Thoughts for taking action
The practice in the long term

Related topics
Role of consciousness

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