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 Create the space 


Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Create the space
Give ourselves space - create a sacred space
Give our creative spirit permission to come out
Face and step into all fears
Deal with each obstacle
Anger and clearing emotions
We live in a world of distractions where there is conscious intention to distract
Choose to live in the present
Be present in the now, Enjoy things while we are doing them

Give ourselves space - create a sacred space

Giving ourselves space and creating a sacred space is about two things. One is we cannot fill a cup that is already full and we cannot grow new vegetation on a field that is already clogged with vegetation. We need to create a space to plant and a space large enough for our intention to grow. The second thing is that this space that is created is a space where we can hold our creativity sacred.

This concept of space can be seen as the container that allows creativity to unfold - it is not a place or a thing but a way of being. All manifests and creations start with energy that forms into a thought. The space is a space that allows energy to form into thoughts - thoughts never conceived before. Space is one of the most important elements for creativity and is one of the most lacking in our lives.

What is discussed here is something much more that just some time for reflection or meditation and a place in which to do it. This is only one facet. What we speak of is a quality of being and state of our psyche it is one which allows for new people and possibilities to enter our lives and we need to create enough room for the creative flow to enter and manifest our intention. This is why a personal practice is so important. It is the personal practice that allows us to create this space whenever we need it.

This space is a "Sacred Space" that we hold to allow the Divine creativity to unfold and to give birth to the new. This sacred space is of a different dimension and has a different quality of time. It is an inward dimension that gives the sense of the connectedness to the whole and to all things. It is a dimension of consciousness that is not unlike standing on the side of a magnificent mountain looking out over a broad sweeping fertile valley seeing clearly and open to all the possibilities. The depth and size of the valley makes anything and everything possible. We only need to choose what it is we wish to create and the fertile space is available. If we fail to create this space we will be unable to effective manifest the intention we seek.

Give our creative spirit permission to come out

Whether we realize it or not, we have placed our creative spirit in a cage of our own making. We have created this cage by how we have we have responded to life when our creative spirit was thwarted in any way. Although we move to protect our creative spirit because of how we limit ourselves as a result of having our creativity thwarted we end up creating a cage by our own self imposed limits and barriers. On we can remove the bars and give our creative spirit permission to reenter those aspects of life and our creativity which we limited by the cage we created. One aspect of our personal practice is to go back and look at the response patterns we developed to face life and what we have come to believe as a result of the experiences we have had which limit the free expression of our creative spirit. Then change the response patterns and our beliefs to something which better serves us and holds our creativity sacred.

Face and step into all fears

It was stated in the discussion on the considerations for personal practice - becoming our truth that we need to accept all that arises and that includes our fears. We need to choose to act from a position of centeredness and strength and to walk into all fears. The more we avoid them the bigger they get and the more difficult it is to step into them. Ultimately all fears will need to be addressed, it is only a question of when.

Deal with each obstacle

Obstacles are similar to fears in that each obstacle that arises to block our intention must be addressed. We cannot achieve our intention unless the obstacle is removed. If it were possible to do so, then we would not have an obstacle to the intention. If we really want to meet our intention, we have no choice but to deal with each and every obstacle.

Anger and clearing emotions

Again, it was stated in the discussion on the considerations for personal practice - becoming our truth that we need to accept all that arises including any emotions. Emotions have to be acknowledged. The more our resist them, the louder they get. Each of us needs to develop our own way to hear our emotions, acknowledge them and the let the energy in them dissipate in some fashion. Running, as many other similar physical activities are very good for clearing emotions and can be integrated into our personal practice. What ever we choose to do, we should choose things that will allow us to release the range of emotions that we will experience. No emotion can be suppressed for extended periods. They will be released one way or another. It is best to release them in some type of controlled fashion before they manifest as misfortune, accidents, illness, disease and the like.

We live in a world of distractions where there is conscious intention to distract

We need to understand that everyone and everything is trying to get a place in our mind Look very carefully at our modern society and we will see attempts are constantly being made to manipulate us and, in particular, to spend our money and our creative life energy in a very directed fashion. We need to understand how different the modern world is relative to the past.

In the past, one’s mind was bombarded with relatively few thoughts from the external world and most of those tended to be "how do I stay alive today" - the basic survival issues. Although there were all the environment parameters and need for food, survival and the like in the ancient mind, it was not subject to the modern advertising world and news media where there is an active and conscious attempt and intention to bombard and invade ones psyche. Just consider the amount of time we spend in school being bombarded then consider the number of commercials we are subjected to each day whether it be on TV, radio or in a magazine we pick up to read. The modern world is not structured for us to live the life we want to live. It is designed to get us to live the life it wants us to live. We will see and experience a constant struggle unless we discover our own way to deal with these incessant distractions. We should try to attempt to make our mind like a clear, calm placid body of water as done in the pool meditation. Hopefully, once a day, but in any case, as routinely as we can.

Choose to live in the present

We are always going to become distracted by the past and expectations of the future. There is not much avoiding it on the earth plane. However, we can become mindful and choose to live in the present moment. One key way of doing this is try to use language that is representative of the present -to living in the now. For example, elect to choose words that reflect the present versus future or of the past. View our life as being here in the present and talk accordingly. The more we practice being in the present, the more one will stay present. In time we will develop a habit to become present. With time, we will find our distractions will be ways to actually bring ourselves into the present because the habit will be to leave the distraction and go the present.

Be present in the now, enjoy things while we are doing them

When it is all said and done with, this is the key principle to focus for our life. Live in the now, enjoy the moment as it occurs. Make our life a meditation and bring ourselves into the moment. When ever we are distracted, bring ourselves back to what ever it is we are doing. There is great power and insight in the moment. Living in the moment and not in the past or the future allows us to be open to the spontaneity of the universe, that infinite world of possibilities and of unlimited abundance. We only needs to be open and in the moment to see it and experience it.

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Dealing with the mind
Thoughts for taking action
The practice in the long term

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