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 Thoughts for taking action

Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Thoughts for taking action
Become impeccable in all that we do
Don't worry about the little things
Keep the end in mind
Look at three options in all scenarios to keep the options open
Look to where we are not free to move
Living in wonder
Living in gratitude
Don’t attempt a to leave a legacy for the ego
We are given all that we need
Look to bind no one

Become impeccable in all that we do

Impeccable is about being in accordance with the highest standards. It is about being faultless. We need to remember we are the perfect physical expression of the beliefs that we currently hold. There is no reason to take what is happening to us in our life personally since the universe is only allowing us to experience what we hold in our belief structure. Act impeccably. Respond to the situation as required and if we do not like what we are experiencing, don’t judge it, just choose to become and experience something different. We just need to remember, it will take time. Physical Creation is about planting seeds and allowing them to grow and bear fruit. Until the new world forms around us, act impeccability for what the situation calls for living according to our heart to the best of our abilities to nourish our desired creation giving it its true needs. The situation we face is simply is providing us with the opportunity to develop our strength of will and recreate our life. As we strengthen our will and hold to our intention, the reality will change to meet that intention.

Don't worry about the little things

There are a variety of little things are important. We need to attend to them and plan for them on a daily basis. But, we need not worry about them. The Universe created us to have the experience we are having and it will provide for all we needs as we need them to have the experience we came to have. We just need to attend to what needs to be done in the moment. There is nothing to really worry about. To keep focused, we can use death as our advisor. When we worry we can ask ourselves, "Does this really matter when all is said and done?" The details which do matter, we need to attend to acting because it is correct to act. Those that don’t matter, trust that the universe will provide what needs to be done. Just take the next necessary step on our journey one step at a time.

Keep the end in mind

The mundane of life and living will continually distract us from many of our desired creation, including fulfilling the intention for our life. It is important to continually look at what is it we really desire to create both short term and long term to see if we are on course or have been pulled off. There is the old saying, "It is hard to remember the task was to drain the swamp when we are up to our rear end in alligators." Although our mind will not know the path we have to travel, we can look to see if we are continually holding focus for what we desire to create. Or, have we shifted the focus of our attention and awareness onto something else.

Look at three options in all scenarios to keep the options open

Remember we live in a world of possibilities and probabilities. All is possible but in any given situation some things are more probable than others. To allow the world of possibilities to become more and more available to us, we need to choose to live in that world. The first step in doing so is to always see more than one way as possible. One way to look at what is possible is to try and always give our self three choices or look at three options in any scenario. As we do so, we will begin to see more and more possibilities and we will find the world of probabilities and find solutions that we initially never dreamed as possible.

Look to where we are not free to move

Key to our creative ability and creative power is the freedom to explore options as a minimum in our creative imagination. Remembering the inner is reflected in the outer and creation manifests from the inner outward into the external world, we need to both look within and look externally as to where we are not free to move. While exploring our mind we need to outward to see where we are limited and were we need to go in our nonconscious mind to access what is creating the experiences we have. Many of our limits and barriers only arise in the context of a situation. Rituals, metatheaters, not doing, and the like can be very helpful in learning where we have limits, barriers and/or limiting beliefs which stifle the free unfoldment of our creative spirit.

Living in wonder

The universe can been seen in one of two forms. It can been seen in a fixed form, operating and corresponding to a particular set of beliefs that we choose to experience. Or, we can let go of our expectations and see a magical, mystical and mysterious world constantly changing and evolving. The choice is ours. Choose to see the wonder and the magic and it will manifest before our eyes. All that can be recommended it to try it and see. See if it brings our the joy and bliss for which we are looking. We need to choose what works for us and live by it. We need to speak and walk our truth for it is ultimately that truth that works for us and best serves us.

Living in gratitude

Again life can be approached in one of two ways. We can choose to live in gratitude and be thankful for the life we have or we can choose to complain about the life we don’t have. The more we focus on gratitude and how much we have been given, that focus will allow more to enter our lives and pass through giving us a richer more full life. The more we complain about what we don’t have, we concentrate on the not having and we will see less and less coming into to our lives and maybe even loose what we do have. The choice is ours, to live and see abundance or to live and see lack and wanting. We will see what we believe.

Don’t attempt a to leave a legacy for the ego

Everything comes, everything goes. Nothing of the physical remains permanent. Just look at history, and even history changes and new perspectives are made available. Our enculturated ego and the needs of the enculturated ego are for this life and this particular time only. This time, this now, will past for we are a creative living process. We are not the same today as we were yesterday. We will not be the same tomorrow as we are today. Let go of all that is of the physical form. Anything we do for the ego is attaching us to the current form which is an illusion for it too changes. Live for our heart. Enjoy the experience we are having as we are having it and let it go being open to the next moment. The memory of the moment is always available if we choose. We need not cast that memory in physical forward holding us to that form and the past by making that memory an expectation. Remember, we were powerful enough pull the experience that we did, we are powerful enough to pull such an experience in the future. We need not hold to it.

We are given all that we need

The Universe created us to have the experience we are having. It will provide for all our needs as we need them to have the experience we came to have. We don’t need to try to figure everything out. We only need to learn to be with the process. All our true needs will be met. It is only a matter of learning to understand our true needs and the best way is to turn our worries over to the universe and trust.

Look to bind no one

We cannot give what we do not have. We cannot give freedom if we do not have freedom. If we look to bind someone, we are in some way bound ourselves. If we wish to become free to both create the experience we desire to have and have all the creative ability and creative power we need, we must not seek to bind or hold anyone or onto anything. We need to look hard at how we bind people and try to control what others do or don’t do. On this point, we can look to see what we desire to control and hold onto externally to know where to look within to see how and why we have bound ourselves. We can pull the string on anything to which we are attached or bound and free ourselves. We only have to choose to do so and then do it.

Related consideration for personal practice topics
Tithing - Focusing time and energy
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Create the space
Dealing with the mind
The practice in the long term

Related topics
What serves one's being
A life worth living - something worth doing
Feeling of freedom

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