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 Tithing - Focusing time and energy 


Considerations for a personal practice

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Tithing - focusing time and energy
Daily practice
Internal time Do what we understand needs to be done


Tithing is about devoting both time and/or effort and energy to an activity. If we hope to develop our personal power, we have to tithe both our time and energy in an ongoing, routine basis. How much time and energy we will need to tithe depends entirely on our starting point and what we desire to create.

Any practice we create to call back our creative power, develop and/or maintain our personal power, conscious actions we take to create what we desire, and/or action we take to hold our creativity sacred would be a form of tithing in a personal practice. Tithing is discussed in the topics, "Tithing and sacrifice to our creation - introductory discussion," "Tithing our time and energy," and "Tithing - an on going sacrifice."

Daily practice

Our daily practice is about tithing our time and creative life energy to what you wish to create on a daily basis. If we wish, look at a daily practice as building and maintaining a pathway or roadway to the source of our being and the source/Source of our creative power/Creative Power. Our daily practice is discussed in the topic, "Daily practice" and sample are provided in "Sample format - original daily practice," and "Sample format - daily practice."

Internal Time

Internal time is about going within and exploring our inner world and doing the appropriate inner work for what arises. Inner work can be reading, reflecting, contemplating, recording a journal, pulling the string on our beliefs or events which arise in our life, meditation and the like. However, whatever is done it is about exploring and looking to go deeper within our being. Anything which hold the status quo is not an appropriate inner time. In this regard, mediation, prayers, mantras and/or anything done repetitively or looking to calm oneself would not be considered inner work and internal time. Internal time is more about going within and finding out the source of what does not allow us to be always calm.

Actually, keeping an journal and using a stream of consciousness to record what we think and feel about what we are experiencing for any situation is been found very effective for beginning such an inner exploration. Then, once we completed the stream of consciousness writing as to what we think and the feelings we have, we then pull the string on why do we feel the way we do and/or why do we think about what we experienced the way we do.

It has been also helpful to record flashes of insight in our inner exploration. It is not uncommon to be thinking about something, reading or the like and have a flash of insight about ourselves, creation, an issue we have been thinking about, our past, our future and the like. The more we go inward and downward, the greater perception we experience outward and upward.

Here again, the inner work should change. For example, near the start of the exploration into creativity in the workplace, the author’s inner work focused on reading, reflecting, making a journal, and making notes after a period of meditation. The overall tithing effort and inner work started with a simple initially perceived tithing of about fifteen minutes to the inner journey before leaving work. It started as reading effort then moved into a combination of reading and a free flow journaling. The journaling was eventually abandoning in favor of reading and slowly the reading expanded until it grew to about one and a half hours each morning.

Although the author was always reading ever since high school, there was never the type and kind of focus to the reading as evolved out of the journaling. There were now very specific things for which the author began to look and explore based on what was uncovered in the journaling. However, it is to be noted, that when the author began to write about the observations from the exploration of creativity in the workplace and the deep exploration of our inherent creativity, the reading time basically went to zero. All his time when into writing because the writing itself became the internal time practice.

Here the writing became the tool and the ladder to go even deeper into the nature of our creativity. That is, the exploration of our inherent creativity could only be studied so much by observation in others. To truly explore our inherent creativity, there needed to be a very deep inner exploration of that inherent creativity to see where it lead and what fruits it revealed that only could be revealed by becoming deeply creative. In essence the author had to totally surrender to what he desired to create - that is, the exploration of our inherent creativity required the author to become both the creator and the creation.

So, too each of us in our creative endeavors. There will come a time that we must go inward and surrender to what we desire to create and become the creation in some way. We need to go inward to make those inner changes which can then be reflected in our external world. We need to fully understand our inner world is reflected in the outer. Unless we go deep enough to make the necessary inner changes, we cannot and will not be able to create what we desire. Here again, exactly what is required depends on what we desire to create.

Do what we understand needs to be done

Our personal practice is about discovering and acting on the truth of our being. To learn the truth of our being we need to learn to act on what we know and understand. We need to act based on what we understand as to what is true for us to date and how we understand we need to go about acting. In doing so, one of three things will occur. One is we will find what we know and understand is true for us. Or, we will understand what we know is true for us but we do not understand how to act on what we know. Or, we will come to see what we think is true for us is not our truth but only what we had come to believe was true.

The key issue in acting on what we understand needs to be done is to "burn off" the mind. That is, there are things which we have come to think and believe are true as a result of the programming we have had in life. Only in stepping out in acting on what we think is true will we come to understand if what we think is true is actually true. Additionally, intellectually knowing something is different that experientially knowing. In acting on what we understand we make what we intellectually know experientially known.

Acting on what we understand is especially true for visions and other insights we may have. Visions are of worlds we have not yet experienced. As such, mind will be ill equipped to manifest the vision we have. But we need to act on what we know in the best way we can to find out what we don’t know about what is needed. We only need to take one step at a time and realize that all is require for any given moment. No matter how big the vision may be or how daunting the task of manifesting it may appear, any journey, no matter how long or short, starts one step at a time. We only need to act in the way we understand and try to live what we understand so that our thoughts, words and actions are consistent. In attempting to do so we will identify where we are inconsistent in what we do.

Related considerations for personal practice topics
The body as vehicle for the physical experience
What we believe
Strength of will
Becoming our truth
Learning focus
Create the space
Dealing with the mind
Thoughts for taking action
The practice in the long term

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Sacrifice of creation

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