Things that can be done to help create a gentle phoenix


A Gentle Phoenix discussion topic

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Things that can be done to help create a gentle phoenix

 Establish clarity of intent

Calibrate and use the internal compass

Establish a  proper perspective

Look to understand the overall creative/creation process

Look to create compassion

Create a dissertation on our life

Find activities in life which server the creative spirit

Look to regain the ability to creatively play and returning to the most creative state

Find Creative freedom

Seek to make the inner changes first

Dying before we die

Creating with another

Seek the assistance of the outside world

Access, explore and/or utilize the depth and breadth of our creativity and creativity power

Create rituals and ceremonies

Become a pass through

Access and release what is contained in the body and/or utilize as the creative vehicle that it is

Facing sexuality


Creating a gentle phoenix arise from the feminine aspect of our being depends on our ability to surrender and follow the feelings that will carry us to our desired gentle phoenix. To be able to do this, mind will need to be occupied in some way so as to not preempt and/or divert our efforts to create that gentle phoenix. What is provided here are some thoughts and ideas on how to keep our mind occupied in a way that will make any transformation process faster, gentler and easier than what would otherwise be experienced. We may become diverted in doing these activities. Nevertheless,  the activities will take us deeper into feeling. That in turn, better makes us able to surrender to what we feel to create that gentle phoenix.


Establish clarity of intent  (Top)


Creating a gentle phoenix is very dependent on clarity of intent. First and foremost, creating a gentle phoenix starts with a very clear intention as to what we desire to create and the desire to make the transformation as fast, easy and quick as possible. Relative to clarity of intent there are two thing we can do. One is to pull the string to see exactly what it is we seek and why. The other is to set our intention and, as discussed in the topic, "To set an intention,@ create some type and kind of ritual or meta-theater to catalyze our efforts such that we can feel what we desire to do throughout our entire being.


Pulling the string on our intention: We must pull the string as to why we desire to recreate ourselves.  Are we seeking a gentle phoenix to avoid pain, in effect to run away from pain,  or do we seek a gentle phoenix to achieve what we incarnated to do regardless of how it will change our life. The more the transformation is done for ego the harder it will be to create a gentle phoenix. The ego tends to resist surrender. The more it is done to satisfy the mind even if it is for the most altruistic purposes, the harder it will be. Here again, mind tend to resist surrender. 


Creating a catalyzing memory: To create what we desire we need the passion a drowning person has for air.  We must feel what we desire throughout our entire being. We cannot hold these desires only in our mind. We must feel them within our being. We must know what we desire is really what we want to do and our life will be somehow incomplete without creating what we desire.


Creating a gentle phoenix is really about having the intention of surrendering to the intention for our life and what we are here to do. We do this to access the source of our creative power. Although, once accessed we can use our creative power for any intention, those individuals that hold intentions which align with the intention for our life will create a more optimum gentle phoenix. The reason for this is the intention for our life is really the source of our creative power in this life. The more we align with the source of our creative power, the more energy and power we have to address whatever changes need to occur and to deal with any obstacles that we face. The more we oppose the source of our creative power, the less creative power we make available to ourselves.


The recommendation for individuals is to at least know what it is that they incarnated to create by doing the work to get in touch with the intention for their life. Then in the awareness of that intention, decide what it is we really desire to create in, and with our life.  The reason for this is in becoming aware of the intention for our life, we know the direction in which our creative power lies. By then choosing to create what we desire, we have some idea of how much creative power we will have to create what we desire and whether we are trying to create in alignment with or against the direction of our creative power. Of course, there is the option of going a little deeper and changing the intention for our life so as to redirect our creative power in our life.


The catalyzing ritual we create can reflect this journey to access the intention for our life and to align with it. What we create is only an exercise in our own creativity and in doing so, we access a deeper part of our own creative ability and creative power to understand what we need to do create that gentle phoenix.


Calibrate and use the internal compass  (Top)


Calibrating and using the internal compass is about learning to know what serves and doesn't serve us. We must calibrate our internal compass and look to the feeling of what we desire to create to lead us. Here we must look to see what feeling we wish to experience if we achieve what we desire. We then must allow that feeling to guide our decisions and actions realizing, of course, the mundane world will continually impose its demands on us requiring us to do other that what we feel we need@  to do. The topics, "Issues we face in using our internal compass to guide us to create a gentle phoenix@ discusses some of the issues we face in this area.


Establish a  proper perspective   (Top)


Probably the single great assent one has in creating any aspect of a gentle phoenix is to holds a perspective which allow for a gentle phoenix.  That is, it is a perspective which allow us to become the cause and the creator of the process we will experience rather than a victim of circumstances and/or otherwise powerless over what we experience. A creativity perspective where we hold our creativity sacred is one perspective which goes a long way to achieving this end. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material provide such a perspective. However, there is no reason why you cannot develop your own and one that exactly fits your truth.


Begin to develop a perspective of Creation and as to how and what you are where you are able to hold your creativity sacred. The topic "Concepts and ideas to explore to create the conditions for a gentle phoenix,@ provides some concepts and ideas that you may with to contemplate to being to develop a creativity perspective.


Look to understand the overall creative/creation process  (Top)


It is possible to develop a perspective of Creation and of who and what we are that allows for a gentle phoenix but does not address the creative process. It is highly recommend that whatever perspective we develop and use it has some understanding of the creative process. It is recommended that observations of  nature be made as to how creations manifest in the world and how we as individuals go about creating and manifesting a desire or intention. Then, in understanding whatever we create will follow such a process, we can begin to see many ways as to how to make the process faster, easier and gentler.  The topic, "The creative/creation process.@ can be used as a guide and reference in your observations. But it is recommended you do your own experiments to verify what you see and come to understand. In doing your own experiments, whatever perspective you develop will by your perspective and not one borrowed from another.


Look to create compassion  (Top)


To develop a gentle phoenix, we need to move toward become like the wind and become free from our attachment. It has been found a particular type of compassion greatly assist us in dropping many of our attachments about life. The compassion is to understand that each of us are doing the best we can with what we have been given. We have not been given the understanding or the tools to do any better. In that compassion we are willing to let go of all that we think others have cause us for we see they too have been doing the best they can


To say that we and others are doing the best we can but we have not been given what would cause us to do others is difficult for many to believe. But if you contemplate the fact that we always do the best we can based on what we truly believe. We may have knowledge about another way and we may even espouse a different way. But we do what we know and understand. That fact that we know something  is wrong but we do it any ways only reflect that we did not believe what we did was wrong at each and every level of our being.  If we truly understand what is wrong in acting a certain way, we would not that way. Some say we act out of weakness and we just need a stronger or more discipline approach. However, that is an excuse.. If we truly understood we would act differently. We only have to burn our hand once on a hot stove and we will be forever vigilant around hot stoves after that experience.  So too with each of us. We act in the way we truly believe regardless of what our conscious mind tell us.


We each need to being to look to see if our actions much our words and whether or not our words and actions match our thoughts. If we truly believe something we will act accordingly.


Create a dissertation on our life  (Top)


A dissertation is something that is create to get an advanced college or university degree to graduate. A dissertation is some type and kind of presentation on a subject of which we are to become an authority and then we defend that document to a set of teachers or peers to demonstrate our knowledge.


In creating a gentle phoenix, it is important to understand the attachments in our life and where we have given away our creative power.. We can do this by performing some type of review of our life. We need to begin to look to see where we have denied and/or given our creative power away in any way and where we have denied our creative ability. It may be to create a life map, telling our story, or writing about our life and then sharing what we find with another or others. In some ways it is like creating a creative dissertation on our life.


Reviewing our life should be like a dissertation that in that we critically evaluate our life and our decisions - either defending why we did what we did or simply to be open to see and find the reason why we did what we did. It is about understanding how we have, or are choosing, to live life.  In the awareness of how and what we think and why we think the way we do, we gain, or rather call back, a creative power. We gain the power to make decision in life that truly serve us. It is to become true to ourselves and our truth. What we get for reviewing our life is our own creative  freedom and to create the life we choose to live, not the one we were programmed to live and where we gave away our creative power.


We can start this process by reviewing our life and looking for those experiences we perceive ourselves to be a victim and/or powerless to change what we experienced. When then need to ask ourselves, "If I were the creator of this experience, what possible reason or reasons would I have for creating such an experience?@ Then allow our intuitive guidance or body wisdom respond with the reason. Many are surprised as to what arises. If we do this for a sufficient number of experiences we can being to see a pattern if not some plan for our life and an intelligence guiding what happens to us. This intelligence lies within us. The more we learn to communicate with it the faster, easier and gentler process we can create.


Find activities in life which server the creative spirit  (Top)


Having calibrated our internal compass, we can use it to find creative activities that serve our creative spirit. That is, activities which allow the free unfoldment of our creative spirit and the associated feelings of expansion that we knows we are expanding beyond our limits and barriers. It is much like a tree. As a tree grows, it grows past what it was. So to our being. We are served when what we do allows us to grow past ourselves. If we look carefully, we know when we are being served or not served by something. It doesn't matter what creative activities we do. But whatever we do should be such that we can feel the expansion within our being.


Look to regain the ability to creatively play and returning to the most creative state  (Top)


Creative play is essential to accessing our creative ability and creative power and is characteristic of both the most creative state of being and the Source of Creation. It is recommended that action be take to return to a state of creative play and to work through any and all the obstructions, pains and/or fears of the path, any thing else which may surface. Play relative to creating a gentle phoenix is discussed in the topic, "Creating a gentle phoenix and creative play.@ The topics, AA way to return to a state of childlike play and becoming opening to feeling without addressing the issue of our sexuality@ and "Accessing our creative play@ can be used to help to return to a state of creative play.


Find Creative freedom  (Top)


The essence of a gentle phoenix lies in our ability to explore possibilities in our creative imagination . The first thing we will need to address is to look to see if we are creatively  free in our creative imagination and work any and all the reasons why we can=t have creative  freedom. We need to seek to eliminate the limits and barriers we place on our ability to explore any and all options.


If we cannot find freedom here, we will be unable to create the condition that will result in a gentle phoenix for our creative endeavor. Quite simply, we will be unable to explore all the options that can make for an optimum gentle phoenix. We may create aspects of our transformation that are faster, safer and gentler, but will not come close to optimizing what we can experience


Additionally, we then need to look to how it could be possible to bring what we find in our creative imagination  into a physical experience of some type either literally, symbolically or in some type and kind of surrogate experience. In essence we must experiment and prototype what we desire to experience to see if we can manifest what we desire. In allowing ourselves to experiment to see what does and doesn't work in the world in which we find ourselves, we can always go back and look for a solution that does work. Often what we find is that it is not that our solution will not work but, rather, we have not done the necessary inner changes to allow it to work.


Seek to make the inner changes first  (Top)


Although our inner world is reflected in the outer, it would seem we would need to work the inner and out changes simultaneously.  For some creations this is true. However, Physical Creation is a shared creation and is a creation that grows things from seed conditions. The easiest way to understand what this means is that we cannot always get any one group of people to all agree to do what we want them to do. It takes time. To create a gentle phoenix, we create the seed condition within our being and create a fertile space with our being for it to grow and unfold. Then as our creation grows within us, we being to act and respond differently in the world. That, in turn, causes the world to respond differently to us.  As we continue to keep a single point focus and use our internal compass to make the decisions  in our life in the direction we wish to create, we will move step by step toward manifesting our desired creation. In time we find ourselves living the life we desire to manifest. What inner changes do we need to make and how long will it take? Here again, it all depends on what we desire to create and how big a transformation it requires for our life. The  recommendations here is to ask your intuitive guidance, "what do I need to do, what do I need to become to create the conditions for what I desire to grow into the world?@ Then honor the intuitive guidance received.


Dying before we die  (Top)


Dying before we die is about being willing to release our mental attachments that binds our creative life energy to the creation we have or are experiencing. To transform any aspect of our life, it needs to be understood a part of us must die. What must die is our mind as we know it and understand it. If our current mind could give us what we desire, we would already have it.  The mind that created our problem is not the mind that will solve our problem. It can=t. Our current mind is the problem.


One of the fastest ways to create a gentle phoenix is to allow ourselves to die before we die. That is, create a way to allow what we think and what we know to die so that we can make room for the new understanding that will manifest what we desire.


How we go about dying before we dies is our choice. "Not doing@ exercises are always a good way to proceed and the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material does talk to this issue in the third step of becoming our truth in the topic "Becoming our truth 03 - dying before we die,@ and in the topic on "Creating rituals - emptying and death ritual.@  Similarly, one can always look to try and create the conditions to stumble into the Ultimate Accident as discussed in the topic, "Setting the stage for the Ultimate Accident.@ However, whatever we do should be our choice and not directed by another. We can take their recommendations but it must be something we wholeheartedly want to do. If we do not wholeheartedly want to do it, it will not work. Rather, our mind will remain in control and make our journey more difficult.


Remember, the gentle phoenix is about surrendering to the process that we ourselves set in motion. We cannot surrender if our mind remains in control.


The idea of facing a death is troubling to most individuals. It is often troubling because we think physical death and/or the loss of everything. In terms of what we may lose, we do have to be prepared to lose everything. Such a thought can be terrifying to  many individuals. The prospect of facing death in any part of our world can be frightening.  However, the death and transformation is essential and only part of the creative process.  But it is something we must just accept and go throw it. Many are pleasantly surprised to find out it isn't really that big a thing for the work we will do after facing death will more than make up for it in providing personal satisfaction. Although we have to be prepared to lose everything, much of our world only becomes transformed. We live with what is currently in our world in a different way.


As for facing the death in any part of ourselves, no one can tell us what to do or how to do it.  If we believe another can give us the answer we will only create more pain or put yourself in a deeper trap.  We have to learn to follow our own path.  Probably the easiest, fastest, and gentlest way to die before we die is to ask our intuition the following. "What can I do or how do I go about dying before I die in the easiest, fastest and gentlest way to manifest what I desire?@ Then honor your intuitive guidance. Follow it no matter how bizarre it looks. If it is bizarre create a ritual or meta-theater to act it out in safety. Know that the images we get are probably wrong but the direction of travel is correct. That is why the intuitive guidance must be honored. It will give us the fastest, easiest and gentlest way. That does not necessarily mean without pain. But it will be less pain that we would normally have to face. The amount of pain we face is determined by how hard we hold onto our thinking, beliefs and past programming and enculturation. But in any case, we are in the driver=s seat as to what we will experience.  But we must learn to use the tools we have been given and our greatest tool is our intuitive guidance.


Creating with another  (Top)


Creation/creation is not done alone. We each need another or others to give us the experiences we desire to have. Consciousness awakens consciousness and it is through others that we can awaken long dormant aspects of our being. Additionally, Physical Creation is a shared reality. Creating with another on a mutually agreed upon effort can be quite enlightening if we are observant. We can come to understand how much we share and don=t share. But, more importantly, we can being to see an understand how each is a world unto ourselves. These types and kind of insights go a long way in assisting us to understand how to create a gentle phoenix and to develop the compassion we need for ourselves and another.


Before we seek to create with another, we should become aware of what we are seeking in life and, in particular, we should become a aware of what gives us life and makes us feel alive with a fullness of being within the external world. In that awareness we can engage with another and know if the relations is giving life or taking it away.  It will also help us not look to what we do with another to fulfill something that must come from inside ourselves.


Seek the assistance of the outside world  (Top)


Although our inner world is reflected in the outer world, the realm in which we currently exist, Physical Creation, is a shared creation.  We have agreed to abide by the rules of Physical Creation when we incarnated into a human body and we share experiences with others. The presence of another or others who support our transformation can go a long way in helping us to create a gentle phoenix. Although there is much we can do ourselves, our journey can be made tremendously easier through the assistance of another or others. 


However, the other or others must be willing to create a safe and secure space for us and nurture our unfolding creation in the way it needs to be nourished and not how their mind thinks it needs to be nourished or their mind want to nourish it. They too must be willing to surrender to the process at hand. Additionally we cannot give what we do not have. The deeper they have gone into their own being and the more playful they can be, they share those same gifts and the easier our journey becomes.


The ideal situation would be to use another or others who have created a gentle phoenix themselves and have been through the issues and problems encountered for they know what can be expected and can capitalize on the lesson they have learned.  However, such individuals are not always available.  The recommendation is to tell the universe of the desire to have a gentle phoenix and ask to be lead to that individual or those individual who can help create as fast, easy and gentle a process as possible. Here again, we need to honor the intuitive guidance we receive if we expect to create that gentle phoenix.


We also need to understand that the individuals to whom we are lead will not necessary look like, be or act in the way our mind expects. Here we must learn to trust the creative process and our intuitive guidance that those to whom we are lead will help make our journey faster, easier and gentler in some way. Usually it will to be clear exactly how they have helped except in hindsight. 


In any case, before we accept the assistance of any other, the same advice as given for creating with another applies. We should become aware of what we are seeking in life and, in particular, we should become a aware of what gives us life and makes us feel alive with a fullness of being within the external world. In that awareness we can engage with another and know if what is being provided is giving life or taking it away. It will also help us not look to what we do with another to fulfill something that must come from inside ourselves.


Access, explore and/or utilize the depth and breadth of our creativity and creativity power (Top)


There is a wisdom and understanding within each of us that is only accessible and comes out in our creativity. The topic "Creating a gentle phoenix and our inherent creativity@ provides some thoughts and ideas in this area. The recommendation is to engage is creative activities, especially activities that go past the experiences of the past. Additionally, whatever activities we pursue should be pursed in such a way that they are playful and move us toward becoming lost in the play.


Create rituals and ceremonies  (Top)


Rituals, ceremonies, meta-theater and the like are excellent ways to exercising our creativity and they can  function as an  initiation into our own power. But they can also be a profound way to create memories to catalyze our efforts. Creating rituals, ceremonies, meta-theaters and the like  based on  what has been revealed in and through our creative activities, what is revealed in the dialog with the creator/Creator, and/or the understanding of our own mind, can be quite powerful to both catalyze our actions and/or to explore the feelings about what we understand to see how effectively they serve our creativity. Here another level of understanding and awareness is possible if we choose to use and engage the body and what our intuitive guidance provides as what we need to do or create in the ritual.


The rituals, ceremonies or meta-theater can be literal or symbolic of how we think we should live our life or what we should do in, or with, our life. In creating these, we need to pay attention to what we feel in creating the ritual, ceremony or meta-theater and performing them. That is, what we do should feel freeing and move us toward a fullness of being and a passion for life. If what we do doesn't feel correct, we either change the ritual, ceremony or meta-theater until it feels correct or we revisit the premise as to why we do the ritual, ceremony or meta-theater or the understanding behind what we do. We an iterate the process as necessary to move to what feels correct and not force or performed without enthusiasm and passion.


Become a pass through  (Top)


There is a price to pay for any creative effort. Because of the nature of the creative process and what it means to create, there is a sacrifice and what needs to be sacrifice cannot be known before hand.  It is here whatever we create should somehow be offered to others. Either what we create is for others and not ourselves or we give to others what we have found and/or created. It doing for others, we do not become attached to what we do for we know it will being away. It is in giving we open ourselves to the flow from the Source and we become a pass through for the Source. We cannot hold what comes from the Source or control it with our mind or we will restrict the flow from the Source for we are thwarting its free flow.


The Source is infinite and we are finite. If we try and hold what we access, we will destroy ourselves in some way and keep ourselves in separation. However, we can be a pass through. If we allow what is in us that is coming out of us in the form of our creativity and somehow direct it to another or others without expectations, we become a pass through. We can experience the Source within and sustain what we find. We kill it when we try and hold it in some way or control it. This is one of the reasons why this understanding is free on the web. The more the creativity is given away, the more that is available to give away. In giving what we create away, we are free to move from creative endeavor to creative endeavor.  When we hold our, our energy goes into maintenance of what we have rather than going into accessing more.


Access and release what is contained in the body and/or utilize as the creative vehicle that it is  (Top) 


There is a wisdom and understanding within the body, a body wisdom. There is a awareness within the body and in what it feels. The body is the perfect vehicle for the experiences we incarnated to have.  In becoming intimate with our body, we open our intuitive guidance and body wisdom to a larger field of awareness. In many ways our body functions as an antenna which receives and transmits energy.  Becoming intimate with our body we become more aware of what we sense and what we transmit.


Alternative said, working with the body increases our ability to see through time and space the nonlocalized aspects of energy and consciousness for how our body is constructed. That is, our body is like an antenna and our genes determine the construction of that antenna.  Our body open us to certain aspects of the unseen realms of energy that is unique to those genes. We each perceive a slightly different aspect of the unseen as a result of our unique genetic combination we will observe that some psychics abilities do seem to be past in family lines.  Because our gens are unique to our own being, this is why it is so important to learn to follow what is true for us rather and what we sense rather than following the truth of another for our truth is not theirs. Were inherently perceive reality differently. We perceive it in a very similar way but nevertheless in a different way.  This is also why it is so necessary that we do our own experiments to both (1) determine how and what we perceive and to what we are sensitive to perceiving and (2) to learn to understand the symbolism and imagery used by our mind.


The recommendation is to engage in some type and kind of body work that allows us to feel the depth and breadth of what we can feel and sense within the body.


Accessing and releasing what is in the body: There are three things held in the body. One is the intention for our life which gave rise to our body and for which our body is the perfect vehicle to meet that intention. The second thing held in the body are the rules of Physical Creation and holds our consciousness in a human physical experience. The third thing it holds are the memories of the experience we have in the body or body memories.


Of these three things held, one is experienced every day. The other two need to be release. That is, every day we have an experience of Physical Creation according to the rules of Physical Creation. The intention for our life normally only exist as an  undercurrent in our life in which we can align or opposed by how and what we think and believe. For it to be come a conscious influence in our life, we need to make it conscious. Body memories are much like the memories of the mind. They exist and hold energy but do not normally become relevant until we engage in a creative endeavor where an aspect of our creativity is bound in the memory. In these cases it is necessary to release the energy and deal with what thwarted our energy or otherwise our creation will not be as rich as it can possible be.


Accessing and releasing what is in the body is done at three levels. One level addresses the pains and memories stored in the body from this life. These can be addressed as they arise in our creative endeavors. Or, we can look for those physical activities that allow us to feel our whole being expanding into a fullness. Some find it running. Some find it skiing down a hill. Whatever we do should be freeing and cause an expansion within our being. Whatever arise that somehow thwarts or limits the feeling of expansion should be explored. Here we need to pull the string to find what lies at the root and not allowing us to fully expand into the fullness of being.


The second is pains and memories that were embodied and are now  stored in the body because of what individuals call our past lives. There are related to the intention for our life and why our transcendental mind choose the particular intention we have. However, it is not so much past lives as having lived previously lives on earth. Rather, they are only the past that our individuated consciousness, as and infinite and eternal awareness, carries into this life. These past experiences and memories are a key part of what gives rise for the intention for our life and what our creative spirit desires to experience. When we have experiences in our physical life that are significantly similar to our past experiences, a doorway open to remember the past well beyond the particular common experience we now have. Here we open ourselves to the past, the future and to the unseen realms of Creation. 


It needs to be noted that as we have the experiences we incarnated to have we should not be surprised to have experiences that cause us to remember past life and deal with issues of an existence before this current life. Energy is bound in the memories of our transcendental mind. That energy may be key to what we need to create in our current life. Unless we deal with the issue that bound that energy and release it, we will be unable to fulfill what we incarnated to do.


The third level is to access and release and sustain is what is can be call our charisma. It is, or are, unique and powerful gifts for which our body is the perfect vehicle for their expression for what we chose to experience in this life. It is only when we consciously or nonconsciously live and fulfill the intention for our life will our charisma be revealed. To access and release our charisma, we need to learn to follow the feeling that leads us to a fullness of being in all that we do in life. It is to learn to navigate from the heart based on the feeling of a fullness of being and what gives us a passion for life and for living. Here our life is not determined by our mind and what it wants and what we have been enculturated to believe. It is to surrender to a deep and profound feeling that will lead us in all areas of our life.


The recommendations is to start some type and kind of body work along with engaging in a playful  creative endeavor that allows us to creatively play that provides us a feeling of a fullness within our being and an expansion into our being. Then deal with what arises as it arises. Additionally, it is recommended to set the intention and to access and align with the intention for our life. Accessing the intention for our life is discussed in the topic, "The dream within the heart - an intention for our life - the business of our Father.@ Additional thoughts are discussed in the topic, "What needs to be understood to access the intention for our life@


Facing sexuality (Top)


Learning how to use and rely on our intuitive guidance and body wisdom to lead to lead our creative efforts we will find that an awareness of sexuality stands at the door way to the deep inner feelings that can create a gentle transformation at the deepest levels. Whether one chooses to engage in sex is a different issue and the topic, "Sexuality and Creativity - Creative Sexuality@ was created to address those issue. 


Here the issue of issue of sexuality is about how our thinking and beliefs about sexuality affect and influence our intuitive guidance and how a creative endeavor may give rise to sexuality feelings as a result of the sexuality inherent in the creative process.  In many ways, sexuality stands at the door way as a beast and guardian to the deep feelings within the body that can create the gentle transformation to access the Source of our being and the Source of Creation. On this point it is important for us to realize the creative powers that lie within sexuality and how it can divert us from what we are trying to create if we are unaware of the powerful creative tool that it is and that sexuality is the second most creative state and often the most creative state many will enter.


It had been observed that in working with our creativity, people will have to face their sexuality and move past sexuality  in a freeing way for one of several different reasons. Six areas identified requiring us to face our sexuality under our control are discussed in the topic "Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications.@ They can be summarized at to three which can be controlled by our choice.  However there is an additional area controlled by the creative process.


The three areas that can be controlled are: (1) to access, explore and/or utilize the depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power; (2) to explore, know, understand and/or experience our true nature and/or the depth and breadth of our being; and (3) to access and release what is contained in the body and/or utilize as the creative vehicle that it is. If one does not desire to any of these objectives in their life then there is, of course, no need to face sexuality. 


However, there is one area that is beyond our choice and control. Here  the sexuality is inherent in the creative process of what needs to be transformed in a particular creative endeavor. There are creative endeavors which gives rise to sexuality energy as a result of either the energy needed for the creative endeavor or because of what is being, or will be,  transformed.  To manifest any creative endeavor we have to surrender to the creative process. If we do not surrender to the creative process the creation will not manifest in a way nature to the creation and its environment. If sexuality arises as an issue to be faced, we must face it the way presented and not use it for some other purpose or in a way determined by our mind. We must surrender to the flow of energy as it presents itself or otherwise the creation is stifled.


Key to surrendering is to know exactly to what we need to surrender. It is not about doing what mind thinks it needs to do or follow. Rather it is about following a particular feeling that is unique to the creation we desire to manifest. To do this we need to be able to discern what we feel and learn to single out and align with, and follow, a unique feeling competing with everything else we feel.


Our problem with sexuality is varied. What we need to face will be unique to each of us. There will be similarities but ultimately what we face will be unique to us.  There are social and cultural issues one may have to face and there are health issues of which one needs to be aware. There is also the issue of physical children.  All of these issues can be effectively addressed in some way and still find a way to surrender to the flow of energy. But there will be non-physical child that are created for sexuality is literally and figuratively about creating life. They will have to be recognized and a way to address them will be needed.


The major issue of sexuality is that energetically, it is the meta-physical equivalent of nuclear energy. It  accesses a phenomenal creative energy and power. Some of it is seen, but much of it unseen  until the unseen gets turned into action.  It can be used is several ways and there will be inescapable consequences based on how one chooses to use it.


Spontaneous and innocent childlike play is the most creative state of being. Play is a way that we are free to explore options and explore moving past our own limits and barriers. In the freedom of play we can explore what serves and doesn't serve. That is the key. To know what serves and doesn't serve one=s being before entering sexuality. In many ways this is were society is getting it wrong. We teach child how they need to be in the world but not to understand what serves and doesn't serve their true nature. So, when the child become adolescent and puberty and faced with sexuality they end up entering it without knowing what will really sever their being.  By the time they become aware of looking to see what serves them, sexuality has already created enormous baggage.


The recommendation here is to first do the work to know what serves and does serve the deepest parts of your being. Then, read what you can find on the creative aspects of sexuality and observe and contemplate how being a male or female enable or hinders an individual to create what they desire. Do not default to what you have been enculturated or lead to believe. Look to see the truth of what is.  Look to see the difference in the masculine role in the creative process and the feminine role in the creative process and how those roles do or do not correspond to the role of a male and female biologically and socially. Compare the similarities and differences as to what different societies expect of the male and female and look to see why. Look to see how sexuality is used to control both individually and socially in different societies. Then ask yourself what is the true rule and nature of sex in creativity. Then, if it arises in your creative endeavors, in particular to create a gentle phoenix, you will be been armed and equipped as to how to address what arises.


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