The rules of Physical Creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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What are the rules of Physical Creation? The most obvious answer are the rule we find in Physics, Chemistry, the Natural Sciences and many of the things humanity has learned in the Biological Sciences as to how living organisms function. Although this is true, there are additional rules to Physical Creation of which most of humanity is not aware for they have been confused with what is called spiritual and appears to be of the unseen realms. Yet they are part of the rules of Physical Creation.

In reality there is no physical and no spiritual. There is a oneness to all of Creation. There is only the illusion of separation. As a result of the illusion of Creation, what is experienced is perceive to be separate from the environment of the experience. Yet the two are integrally connected. The rules of Physical Creation that we associate with the spiritual and unseen tend to be accessed by mystical and shamanic experiences. But it needs to be realized we can create any experience we desire while in a Physical Creation as long as we experience from within our body. It is simply a matter of how we focus our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe.

So how do we come to know the rules of Physical Creation? The answer is that it all depends on what we desire to create and the experience we desire to have. If we wish to build and fly an airplane, we need different principles that those of learning to control the body and become a martial arts expert. We may be able to do both but we will use a different set of principles and rules. Although some individual rules may be the same, overall, they will be different. If it were not true all those who can build and fly an airplane would also be martial arts experts and vice verse.

It needs to be understood, the all rules of Physical Creation as of yet are not fully known. We have a pretty good idea of some of them for they have give us the physics, chemistry, medical improvements, and the like. But we do not have all the answers and our mind may never have them all. After all, our mind is a product of Physical Creation and we will know what lies outside of Physical Creation unless we can get out of mind. What is important is not knowing them all. Rather, what is more important is knowing which ones influence our desired creation.

The general statement on the rules of Physical Creation is the more our desired creation is a manipulation of Physical Creation the more we need to know and understand the rules of Physical Creation that influence what we desire to create. The more our creative endeavor involves creating something within the realm of our consciousness, the less we need to know about the rules of Physical Creation.

Understanding the rules of Physical Creation: Based on the lessons learned by humanity, to understand the rules of Physical Creation, we must do three things. One is we must step out of what we think and believe and observe what is, as it is, without judgment. We do this by initially taking on the role of an observer. This step allows us to begin to see the cause effect chain in what we experience.

The second step is to realize this a cause - effect relationship to whatever we experience and/or observe gives rise to a flow of energy that creates the experience we have. Observing the cause effect chain has allowed humanity to develop science and engineering and all that has subsequently unfolded from those disciplines. This step is to see energy and consciousness as separate and seemingly unrelated phenomenon.

When we realize what we observer is an experience we have, we move from the perspective of an observer to that of the detached witness. It is to realize how we observe is influencing what we observe and what we experience is influencing what we observe. The true application of this realization is the new frontier for humanity. It takes us into the realm of energy consciousness and experiential knowing and working with the interconnectedness and oneness of Creation.

The third thing we need to do is step out of what it means to be a human being. We need to realize all our observations are made from the perspective of a human being and made from within a human body. Observing from within a human body inherently biases how we sense the energy of the experience we have. We have learned in the physical sciences, if we use properly designed and calibrated detection instruments in the correct way, we can expand the range of what our body can sense. However, we are still observing from the perspective of a human being and how and human being interacts and survives in Physical Creation. Our human perspective biases our observation more that we initially realize. To step out of what it means to be a human being is to step out of our localized energy and localized consciousness into the non localized aspects of our being. A properly calibrated body will help us begin to do this. We begin to calibrate the body by calibrating our internal compass.

To see Physical Creation for what is we need to step out of mind and the creation we created by what we think and believe about Physical Creation. We need to realize, at the most fundamental levels, Physical Creation does work as our mind perceives. What mind perceives tends to be an illusion because of the filter mind uses.

To step out of what it means to be a human being is much easier said than done. It can even be argued if it can be done. But it can. One way to do, which is the way it has been done here, is to assume the role of a creator. It is to come to some understanding as to how it is possible that each of us could both create our experiences and create the reality of those experiences. Then act on that understanding to see what it reveals.

The topics, "Origin of Creation," and "The observer observed pair and the nature of duality," coupled with the discussion on energy consciousness provide the foundation for such an understanding. These topics begin with the statement made by many mystics that Creation arises out of a "no-thing-ness" or a void. Acting on this in the realization and from this framework there are many observations can be made about Physical Creation and how it influences our creative ability. What is provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and understanding are the salient observations based on such observations.

Escaping the rules of physical creation: As a human being, we are experiencing a creation within a creation. Our consciousness has intentionally block certain aspects of our creativity so as to have an experience of Physical Creation and it will not readily let go of the desired experience of being human. Yet, in reality, we have an unlimited creativity and there is nothing we cannot create if we escape the rule of Creation. We can escape the rules of Creation if we access the proper level of creation. Otherwise we must stay within the confines of the collective and what it means to be human for this time and place. Most of us stay well within the confines of the collective and what it means to be human for this time and place so we never come to understand we can escape the collective let alone the rule of Physical Creation. Although difficult, escaping the rules of Physical Creation is not the real issue. The real issue we face is that our consciousness has intentionally block certain aspects of our creativity so as to have an experience of physical Creation and it will not readily let go of desired experience of being human.

In any case, trying to escape the human collective is like trying to escape the pull of gravity to go to the moon. Additionally it is like moving a balloon or dirigible tied down with a half dozen ropes. Each rope must be simultaneously released if the balloon or dirigible is going to be moved. Our difficult is we usually don’t cut all the attachments that hold us to the collective way of thinking. In general two thing are required to escape the collective. One is to break all the attachments and the other is to have sufficient energy to escape the pull of the collective as to what it means to be a human being

As to escaping the rules of Physical Creation it needs to be understood the awareness of our mind is as far removed from the basis which gives rise to the rules that govern physical Creation as plant earth lies within the Universe. That is, Earth lies within a solar system which lies within a galaxy. That galaxy lies within a cluster of galaxies which lies within the Universe. From the mind’s perspective, the awareness we need to access to change the rule of physical Creation is a buried as deep as Earth within this Universe. In a way analogous to trying escape the human collective is like an astronaut going to the moon, trying to change the rule of physical Creation is like starting at planet earth and trying to escape the pull of the Universe. Using conventional techniques it is very unlikely we will ever change the governing rules for Physical Creation. But there is an easier way.

Here we need to be able to use the wave particle nature of energy consciousness and focus our attention and awareness such that we localized in another part of Creation. However, this is easier said that done. As with moving a balloon or dirigible discussed above, all the attachments must be cut. The issue is not so much finding the energy we needs as releasing all the nonconscious attachments we have which give rise to the physical experience we have. End the end, what keeps us bound to the experiences we have is simply our attachments.

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