To know if anything we create was
worth the effort, there is a simple test. We simply need to stand
back and look what we created and ask, “Is, or was, it good?”
If the answer is “No,” then it is rather obvious that we may wish to
look at the
lessons learned so as to not repeat the past. We may need to
look exactly at the decisions and choices we made that lead us to
create what we did . We need to see which caused us to create
something that we do not judge as “good.” We may need to explore the
root as to why we made the decisions in the way we made them. By
addressing their root we can prevent ourselves from making a similar
decision in the future.
If our answer is “Yes,” then we need to ask ourselves another
question. This question is, “Is what we did something we wish to do
again?” Whether are answer is yes or no, we will again have to look
at the lessons learned. If our answer is yes, we need to see what we
did that will allow us to repeat the past and have more of the same.
If the answer is no, we have to look to see what we did so that we
don’t repeat the past.
Something worth doing
Any creative effort we undertake
will take our time and our creative life energy. In essence we give
our life to create what we desire. To know whether or not something
is worth doing, you need to ask yourself if you are willing to give
your life to doing or creating it. In reality, that is what you will
do. In essence, from a
creativity perspective and
holding your creativity sacred, you should be willing to die for
what you do for a part of you does die in everything you do.
Your life, your time and its energy, should be of value to you,
especially your creativity. If you are not willing to die for what
you do, then it is not something worth doing. You may say that is
ridiculous. We all have jobs to earn an income to live and the jobs
we do are not dying for. However, a part of us does die whenever we
do something that is not embraced and endorsed by our life giving
creative spirit. If our creative spirit withdraws because it is not
free to express itself, part of it does die. Or maybe better said,
become dormant, goes unconscious or goes to sleep. Whatever it does,
it is no longer available to us to give us life. The absence of life
is death. If there is no life in something it is dead.
Our creative spirit is what gives us enthusiasm and energy. It is
what gives us passion. It is what allows us to be alive. When the
passion and enthusiasm is gone we, creatively, become a walking
zombie. It time, living life as that creative zombie takes it toll
on our physical life.
Something worth doing is something to which is worth give our life.
It is to give our time, our energy, our passion. It is to give our
life itself. It is something for which it is worth dying.
A life worth living
To determine if anything you do is
helping to create a life worth living there are two test that you
can perform. One is a feeling test. The other is a mental test. You
can apply these test to anything you do in life.
The feeling test: If what you read, learn and/or what
you do in life give you feeling of a fullness in your being, a
calmness, a feeling of expansion, a lightness of being, you appear
to become more awake and/or aware, your curiosity is awakened, or
you experience any other feelings of freedom and/or that you are
being encouraged to become more than you perceive yourself to be,
then what you do is probably in some way for you. If however, you
feel there is a constriction, a confinement, or any other feeling
that your freedom is being restricted or you are being pushed to
become less than you are or becoming bound, then what you do is not
for you and will not help you create a life worth living. Or at
least, not for you at this point in your life and you should look
else where for what you seek.
The mental test: In looking back over your life from
this moment, can you answer yes to each of these questions: The
first question is: “If I had to live my life over - all of it -
would I choose to live it more or less the same way - it has been a
good life and I created well?” Alternatively said, “The life I am
living is so rich and full that I cannot fully savor all that I
experience in the time that is available.” The second question is,
“If I had to spend eternity living the life I have lived - all of it
- I find my current life to be a very acceptable way to choose to
live eternity?”
If you can answer yes to these questions, it is recommended you
enjoy the life you have, make a toast and be grateful for the
experience of life and wonderment of the universe. You are living a
life worth living. If, however, you answered “No” to these
questions, whole or in part, at some level you may be feeling life
can be better and you are invited to consider what you are doing in
life for whole or in part, you are not creating a life worth living.
Creating a life worth living
Creating a life worth living is
unique to your truth. Only you know what will help you to create a
life worth living. You will have to look inward to see what really
makes you feel alive at each and every level of your being. There
are four recommendations that can assist you to create a life worth
Explore your own truth: Learn to focus on and explore
your own truth. Become aware of what is you and what arises from
deep within your own being as opposed to what you think and believe.
Much of what we think and believe is based on enculturation, the
early programming by our early care givers and society. Look to see
what is your truth that you know and can feel is your truth
Use your internal compass: Learn to use your
internal compass.
Calibrate your internal compass and learn what thoughts, words,
actions and memories serves and don’t serve your truth.
Write your eulogy: One’s death is probably the
clearest end point we each are capable of contemplating one way or
another. It is the end point for all that we do in our current life.
All of our efforts are brought to an end at this point. The question
that can then be asked is, “At the time of my death, whenever that
may be, will I have completed all that I desire, and will I be
remembered in a way that I would like to be remembered?” This
question, of course, raises the issue that we normally don’t know
when we will die and begs to ask the question, “Am I living my life
such that I am moving closer and closer each day to what I wish to
create in my life such that if I die today, I will have gotten as
far as I possible could?” Write your eulogy and life your life every
day in a way that it is fulfill no matter what the moment is when
you die. Some thoughts on writing your eulogy are provided at “Your
Eulogy and What You Wish To Manifest With Your Life.”
Creating a future: One of the more intriguing
questions we can ask about life is, “How long do we need to live in
the present before we arrive at the future?” What needs to be
realized we are creating the future every moment we live by the
choices we make. What we know about the future is that is will most
probably be a combination of the past and what which is unknown. The
unknown we have no way of knowing as to what to expect. As for the
past, if we don’t change the way we made , and make, our decisions
we will recreate the past in a new way. You may wish to consider
some of the exercises in the topic “Looking
to the future” and incorporate your response into your eulogy.
Although you may not know what the future holds, looking to the
future will cause you to create a future more to your liking than
one controlled without your input.
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