Learning to Dance

Taking the next step to meet your creative spirit

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Learning to creatively dance
Taking the next step to meet your creative spirit

Getting started
Essential understanding
Free will
Clear intention/clarity of intention
True freedom
Death and transformation

Overview of a multi-step process
Learning to creatively walk - working with the two views of creation
Exploring mind
Exploring what is symbolized in the heart

The pivot point of breaking with the past to create - a new way to think about thinking
Understanding what the mind presents
The pivot point
Origin of our thoughts
Expanding our experiences

Creating a single point focus for what we desire
Exploring our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions
Learning to creatively dance
Deciding what creative dance to learn
Dance of energy and consciousness
Dance between mind and heart
Dance between the enculturated mind and the truth of our being
Dance of identity
Dance of the inner masculine and inner feminine
Dance of the mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine
The inner creative power
The outer creative power
The outer dances - the outer dance and the dance of the Creation with Creation
The offspring of the encultutated mind
Our charisma
Ultimate dance

The next step

Creation/creation is a dance. It is a dance arising from the relationship between energy and consciousness. Conscious creating is about learning to dance. It is about learning to consciously work with our creative spirit and learn to dance with it in the world in which we find ourselves. It is a dance in several ways at several levels. Becoming a conscious creator of our experiences and the reality of those experiences ultimate bring us to the point of learning one or more of the dances of Creation/creation as discussed below under the topic “Deciding what creative dance to learn” and in the file "Dances of Creation/creation."

What dance we need to learn to do depends on what we wish to create. But no matter what way we creatively dance, and at what level we creatively dance, the starting point is the same. We need to learn creatively walk and then choose the dance that is most appropriate for what we desire to create. As such, this file is accessed from a variety of applications for each application requires us to learn to creative walk. This file is designed to help you become a conscious creator to consciously create whatever you desire to experience in any given area or aspect of your life. In understanding the different creative aspects and roles of the masculine and feminine within our being and learning their dance allows us: to heal the wounds of the past; become free from the burden of the uncertainty of the future; to live in the present; and to create what one desires to have - even relationships. The question here is, “What exactly is the masculine and feminine dance and how do we learn to do it?” Yet this dance is only one of many and may not be the one most appropriate for our creative endeavor.

This discussion and its subsequent sequential hyperlinks are directed to providing: (1) some guidance to understand what dance you may need to learn to do that is appropriate for what you desire to create; and (2) some guidance as to how to do the dance that is appropriate. What is provided here on any one topic is only a starting point. You will have to ultimately learn to access and follow your own internal guidance as to what you need to do to create what you desire. This material is designed to assist you in developing that internal guidance for use in your creative endeavors.

Getting started (Top)

The approach used here is to step through what is considered necessary based on the creativity perspective and energy consciousness model to learn the dances of Creation/creation. For each step refer is made to the appropriate hyperlinked discussion along with some thoughts as to how you may act on that understanding to make it experientially real for you.

It needs to be understood, there are two part to any knowledge. There is the classroom portion and an experiential portion. To have a creative working knowledge of any subject or topic, we need to have both. For example, the classroom portion is reflected in the fact there are thing you know but can’t seem to do anything with the knowledge you have to make something happen. The experiential portion is reflected in the fact that there are things that you do but you have no idea as to why you do them. These two part as discussed in the topic, “Two types, or aspects, of knowledge, understanding, awareness and knowing

Creation/creation is experiential. There are many things we can create without the classroom portion of creativity and knowledge of how we create. In fact, we all create the experiences we have and we do it all the time. It is just that most create at an unconscious level. To become a conscious creator we need to make the appropriate aspects of our subconscious/unconscious conscious. To do this we have to have both some conceptual understanding of what we are trying to do and do our own experiments and gain our own experience of the principles discussed. The material provided here is designed to help you to do this.

As a first step, it recommended you review the discussion on the topic of “Two types, or aspects, of knowledge, understanding, awareness and knowing

Essential understanding (Top)

In learning to creatively dance, there are some concepts, ideas and understanding that are essential. These concept continually arise in our creative endeavors and haunt our creative actions unless we face their real implications as early as possible in any attempted creation. It is recommended you explore each of these to some degree and realize you will most probably have to occasionally revisit their real meaning and implication as you pursue your creative endeavors.

Free will
(Top): The issue with free will is that we are infinite creative beings with an unlimited creativity. We are free to create whatever we desire. We have only chosen to limit our creative power and creative ability for the purpose of having a physical experience as a human being in this time and place. There are no judgements on what we create other than what we, ourselves, impose on what we do. However, there are consequences to our choices and actions. We only need to be willing to accept the consequences and surrender to the flow of energy we create by our choices. Otherwise we bind and fix our creative life energy rather than allowing it to flow freely.

The recommendation is to explore the hyperlinks associate with the topic “Free Will” and contemplate what free will really means to you and what are its implications if you have a free will. Of course, one of the decisions you will have to make is to decided if your really have a free will or not.

Clear intention/clarity of intention
(Top): What needs to be noted here at this point is that to consciously create we need to create a conscious clear intention for what we desire to create. We need to hold that intention as a single point focus and surrender to the flow of energy created by that intention. To do so requires us to be open to feeling. We need to be able to feel more than we think. We need to be able to respond and honor the intuitive guidance that arises. Honoring the intuitive guidance is to create a suorephex based on that intuitive guidance. To become this conscious creator, we will have to become more feminine than masculine. The more we are in mind, the more we will be recreating the past. To create, to bring into existence that which has not been previously seen or experienced, we will have to be able to step out of mind to surrender to the flow of energy we create based on the intention we hold. Becoming a conscious creator is about learning how to live in, and become, the nurturing feminine creative energy. This is very difficult for both males and females who prefer, and have created the habit of, living from and within the mind. This is especially true of humanity today where both males and females are taught to be so much in our mind.

To gain clarity of intention, we will need to become aware of why we desire to create what we do and the feelings we wish to create. We will also need to become aware of our subconscious intentions which may be competing for the energy we need to create what we desire. It needs to be remembered that mind is a switching station for our creative life energy. Our creative life energy we flow to create an experience of that on which we focus our attention and awareness. A subconscious or unconscious focus works just as well, if not better, than a conscious focus. We will need to become aware of the types and kinds of experiences what we are pulling into our life for they will give us some idea of how our subconscious and unconscious are focused.

The recommendation provided here is to explore and contemplate the meaning of clear intention and look into your own life as to how clear you really are about what you desire to create in and with your life. Some topics which may be of assistance in your exploration are Clarity of Intention, Your Eulogy and What You Wish to Manifest With Your Life, What Serves One’s Being, A life Worth Living - Something Worth Doing.

True freedom
(Top): True freedom is about becoming unattached to what we experience. In becoming unattached our creative life energy is free to flow into our next desired creation. If we are not free, our energy becomes bound in the past and we simply recreate the past in a new way.

The recommendation is to read and contemplate the discussion of True Freedom and what it means for your life.

Death and transformation
(Top): To learn to creatively dance and have the freedom to do the dance that is required to create what we desire, there is a transformation which we must undergo. That transformation requires a sacrifice of some type. The sacrifice is only part of the creation process we face to create what we desire. This transformation will most often be experienced as some type and kind of death. That, in turn, causes the fear of death to arise in many individuals. When we are not free to flow with the process we create what has been called the dark night of the soul at some level within our being. How intense the experience of the dark night of the soul we face and how much pain we create depends on what we desire to create and how much we hold onto that which must be sacrificed/transformed for the new creation. This subject is further discussed in the topic “Death and the Transformation Process.” Some thoughts as to how to make any transformation process faster, gentler and easier have been compiled under the topic of “The Possibility of Creating a Gentle Phoenix.”

It needs to be understood that death and transformation as some level within our being will always occur and be required for any creation. We face them every day but do not realize it for so much of our creativity is done subconsciously. Facing the death and transformation for any given creative endeavor is probably the biggest obstacle to becoming a conscious creator. They are topics that we each have to directly face as some point if we ever hope to gain conscious control over what we are creating in and with our lives. It also needs to be noted here that many of our beliefs about death and transformation lie in our subconscious and usually do not surface until we are faced with the prospect of death and/or transformation. It is here a metatheater or similar simulation may be useful in surfacing our subconscious beliefs.

The recommendation made here is to read the hyperlinked files related to death and transformation above and contemplate the subject. Become aware of what you think and feel about death and note if any fears, concerns or the like which arise around the topics of death, transformation and a required sacrifice for any creation.

Overview of a multi-step process (Top)

Learning to dance is a multi-step process. It starts with learning to creatively walk and discerning the view of the heart and the view of the mind from each other. Learning to creatively walk entails the need to explore our mind and explore what is symbolized in the heart. In exploring mind we look to see what we think and believe. Exploring what is symbolized in the heart is done by opening ourselves to our feelings at each and every level of our being and deal with the reasons as to why we may have shut our feelings down.

It is in understanding how mind presents what we feel that we can move to the second step of learning to creatively dance and create a single point focus for what we desire to create. When we create that single point focus with a clear intention we can begin the third step to explore our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions which may be influencing, if not competing with, what we desire to create.

When we have done some exploration of influences and competing intentions, we we can move into the fourth step to actually creatively dance and move between holding the intention we wish to manifest and surrendering to the flow of energy created in holding that intention and what life has to offer. It is about making our life a single point focus such that all our efforts are concentrated to create what we desire.

Learning to creatively walk - working with the two views of creation (Top)

To dance, we first need to learn to walk. The issue in learning to walk is the need to be able to go into and out of balance, first right (or left) and then left (or right), without falling. To walk is to alternately move between two directions. Two complementary directions, not opposite directions. Complementary directions take us in the same direction but in a different way. That is, they each have a component in the same direction as that which you desire to go.

To creatively walk is to understand there are two views to Creation and we need to be able to alternate going into one and then the other. One view is the view from the mind and the other is the view from the heart.

As discussed in the topic, “Learning to Walk - Going into and out of Balance,” to walk we need to go out of balance in one direction but catch ourselves before we fall down only to go out of balance in the opposite direction and similarly catching our ourselves. To walk, we need to continually alternate going out of balance in one direction and then the other. If we remain balanced, we never move but stay exactly where we are. If we move totally in one direction without movement in the other we either fall down or go around in circles. The key to walking is going into and out of balance in one direction and then the other.

To creatively walk, we need to be able to freely go into either the view of the heart or the view of the mind and remain there as long as necessary. We need to be able to move into the view of the mind and become unbalanced. Then move into the view of heart and become unbalanced only to return to the view of the mind and start the process all over again. How long we remain in one or the other and how unbalanced we need to become totally depends on what we desire to create. The greater the creation we desire to create and the greater its difference from what currently exists, the greater the unbalance necessary.

When we are aware of going into and out of balance, there is an uncomfortableness and/or uneasiness. We experience the sacrifice of creation and the chaos of creation. Often there is the fear we are going to fall. When we learn to dance that fear may be valid for we probably will fall. But unless we pick ourselves up again and try again, we will never learn to walk. When we create, many of us will fear the unbalance. Some of us will fear the unbalance of the mind where as others will fear the unbalance of the heart. Most of us have been trained to live in the mind so we will fear the unbalance of the heart rather than the unbalance of the mind. Alternatively said, we will feel we are going crazy when we experience our own heart but never realized that we have been living in the unbalance of the mind so long we are comfortable with it.

To creatively learn to walk it is essential that we know there are these two views of creation and we need some experience with each. To say we know and understand each is only to have a classroom level of knowledge. To creatively walk we need both the classroom and experiential knowledge of each. We all will have to spend some time exploring the mind and coming to know what the unbalance of mind really feels like. Similarly, we each will have to spend some time exploring what is symbolized in the heart and coming to know what the unbalance of what is symbolized in the heart feels like. We need to know what each feels like be able to readily determine whether we are in heart or mind. The question we all face in any one moment is, “Are we going to surrender to the experience we have and feel our way through it or act from mind and respond based on what we think and believe?” The key is to conscious creating is to know when to remain in feeling and when to move to the mind.

Exploring mind
(Top): To learn and work with the view of the mind it is necessary to understand what we think and believe and why we think and believe what we do. We need to spend some time explore our mind and becoming totally lost in mind. We need to learn what it feels to step out of mind. We need to know what it feels to step past the limits and barriers of mind. We need to become aware, if not perceive a glimmer of, the different between the enculturated mind and the transcendental mind. We need to become aware of how some memories bind and fix our creative life energy where as other memories hold little or no energy. We need to become aware of how our mind and memories work to begin to understand how we cause our memories to bind our creative life energy and how we get them to release that energy.

The recommendation is that you being to explore your mind How you choose to explore your mind is your choice. The topic, “Exploring Our Mind,” can be used as a starting point if you wish. For those aspects of your past which carry trauma or great pain, you may wish to seek spiritual, psychological or medical assistance, as appropriate.

Exploring what is symbolized in the heart
(Top): To learn and work with the view of the heart is about creating an conscious awareness of the heart and what one feels to know exactly what flow of energy one is perceiving. Exploring what is symbolized in the heart requires regaining the ability to feel and addressing the reasons why we do not allow ourselves to feel at each and every level of our being. The rule of thumb here is that if we cannot freely enter spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration representative of the most creative state of being when we are in a safe and secure space then we will need to address the reasons why we shut down this ability. Alternatively if we don’t know what our spontaneous and innocent play feels like and looks like and know what we need to do to create it, then we have never consciously been there in this life and we will have to work through our pain to experience it.

To regain this ability to play, it is necessary to understand what we allow ourselves to feel and not feel and why we feel what we do. We need to spend some time explore what is symbolized in our heart and becoming totally lost in what we feel. We need to learn what it feels to step out of mind and fully into what we feel. We need to know what it feels to step past the limits and barriers of mind to feel creation and become totally lost in what we feel. For most, this can be frightening if not terrifying. We need to become aware of how some memories bind and fix the free flow of our creative life energy where we lost our ability to feel and spontaneously enter the state of creative play. The topics “Internal Compass” and “Calibrating Your Internal Compass” provide some guidance as to how to get back in touch with what you feel.

The recommendation made here is to calibrate your internal compass and begin to understand what truly serves you. The topics “Calibrating Your Internal Compass,” “What Serves Ones’ Being,“ and "Exploring Feelings" have been provided to assist you in these areas.

The pivot point of breaking with the past to create - a new way to think about thinking  (Top)

Understanding what the mind presents (Top): There is an important note what needs to be added here about what the mind presents that is essential to our creative efforts and learning to creatively dance. Mind only knows the past. To act on what we think we need to do is to act totally from the past. To act on what intuition presents and mind interprets is still to act on the past for we cannot escape the mind. However, there is a different. What is different here is that which mind presents that is from our intuitive guidance is only interpreted by mind as to what we sense. Although the interpretation by mind may be inaccurate and based on the past, the direction to which it points is correct. By honoring our intuitive guidance no matter how bizarre or strange it looks, we move in the direction as perceive by our intuitive guidance. Although it may take several iterations and/or refinements, as we gain the minimum set or requisite experience to properly characterize what we sense, we move toward a more and more accurate interpretation. In time, as we gain the minimum set of requisite experience, our mind will know exactly what we need to do or have to act to create what we desire.

The pivot point
(Top): The pivot point to break with past, become a conscious creator and learn to creatively dance is to be able to distinguish the thoughts that arise from an energy perceived to lie with the span of mind and our localized body and the thoughts that arise from an energy perceived outside the span of mind and what our intuitive guidance perceives with our non-localized body and our non-localized being. The energy which will give rise to our creations, whatever those creations may be will be, will be perceived as lying outside the limits and boundaries of our enculturated mind. Creation, but it very definition, will be perceived as arising from thoughts that originate from outside the experiences we have had. The experiences we have had are what create the limits and boundaries of our enculaturated mind. In becoming mindful and aware of our thought and what we feel we can being to distinguish what thoughts seem to be arising from within our mind and those that seem to arise from without.

Origin of our thoughts
(Top): What needs to be understood here is that all thought arises from an energy that is characterized by our mind. However, we sense energy one of two ways. We can sense the energy within the realm of our localized energy which is expresses by our body and our mind Or, we can sense an energy that lies outside of localized energy. In essence we sense an energy through the non-localized aspects of our being.

If the energy is perceived to exist within our localized energy it will appear to arise from our mind and falls within the realm of what mind thinks and believes. Mind will generate a thought based on that energy as it knows and understand it. In this case essence the energy is perceived as existing within the realm of the body and mind.

However, if we sense energy with our the non localized aspects of our being, mind does not recognized that energy. It is outside the experience of the limits and boundaries of the enculturated mind and what mind has experienced. However, it perceives our body and our being has detected something. If it recognizes how the body and/or our being reacts to what is sensed in some way, it will provide some type and kind of characterization based on the experiences it has had that appears to correspond what the body senses.

Since what is being sensed lies outside mind, mind’s characterization will be incorrect in some way. How incorrect the characterization is depends on whether or not we are capable of stepping outside of our enculturated mind and use what is available in either our transcendental mind and its experiences or the interconnectedness of all things, but the energy that is sensed may also be outside the experience of the transcendental mind.

In either case, the mind characterizes the energy it receives based on the experiences it has had. The more the energy looks like what has been previously experienced in the past, the more accurate the characterization mind will provide. The more the energy is unlike what it experienced in the past, the less accurate the characterization. Often mind will fit a characterization to an energy that is unlike anything it has experienced and be totally inaccurate. For example, something is read in a book. Mind then has an experience of something and says for one reason or another, “This must be what I read about.” It then labels that experience and described it based on what it read. It then beings to think it has experienced what it read. Yet it is totally inaccurate. This is why it is said at the beginning of this discussion there is a mental and experiential aspect to any knowing. Until we have both, we really don’t know something.

When it comes to creativity and creating something not previously experienced, mind is of questionable and marginal value. When it comes to something not previously experienced, as in a creative endeavor, mind is at a loss to provide and accurate description of what is. This is why it is said that when mind presents an intuitive insight, the image is probably wrong but the direction of travel is correct. That is, the energy that is experienced as compared to all the experience mind has had, the best fit of what mind has experienced in the past is in the direction of the image presented. Hence, if we honor the image presented, we move in toward and into the energy which is experienced by our intuitive guidance.

With a little experience and practice, we can being to recognized what thoughts arise from within our mind or are a characterization by mind of something sensed within our intuitive guidance. It is as though each thought comes with a little flag that tells us something about it origins. In fact, we may be able to see what thoughts we have that originate as a result of the beliefs we hold that have been given to us by another and actually say “this though is not my though.” Similarly we can recognize alien thoughts that we know arise from something foreign to our being.

Creation lies in the unknown. It is to bring into existence that which has not previously been experienced or is significantly different from the past. In being able to distinguish whether or not a thought arise from our mind or our intuitive guidance, we being to step out of the past and look to what we feel more and more to create something new. It is when we start selecting our intuitive guidance over the thoughts that arise from our mind that we begin to become that conscious creator.

Mind will always play an important role and it is inescapable. Becoming a conscious creator is to be able to separate our intuitive thoughts which is the energy we sense characterized by mind from what our mind thinks and the thoughts it generates. It is to make as many decisions as possible based on our intuitive guidance for our intuitive guidance is what leads us into the unknown to create. Mind only allows us to repeat the past. This is the first creative dance that we need to learn to do. This is the essence of the dance between heart and mind.

Expanding our experiences
(Top): It realizing our thoughts arise by how mind characterizes the energy we experience based on our past experiences, the more varied the experiences we have the greater our ability to more accurately characterize what we sense. What needs to be realized whatever we do in life. We live in a new experience each moment or we simply repeat the past by overlaying our past experience onto what we experience. This is the based of entering each moment with a beginners mind such that we do not bias what we experience with the past. Rather, we are open to fully experiencing the moment as it unfolds. People often are heard saying, “I have “x” years of experience at such and such.” The question is, “Do they have “x” years of experience or one year of experience repeated “x” times. There is a very significant difference between the two. Most people have one year of experience repeated “x” times for we all tend to live in our past and project that past through expectation into the future. All the experiences of life do not give us new experiences. Many are just repeat experiences of the past in a little different way. The more we can step out into new and varied experiences the greater we expand our creative ability.

The recommendation is to create something like a “not doing” practice routinely in your life. That is, do something that is different than the way you define yourself with the specific intention of acquiring different experiences to define yourself differently. The more we can become comfortable with stepping out of our perceived identity, the greater the creative capability we access. Additionally, the greater the volume of different experiences we have the great the volume of experience we have to call upon to characterize what we experience in the unknown. This is the basis of the statement that wisdom comes with age. But that is only true if that age has brought a wide selection of experience. Many do not become wise when they age simply because the do not have the depth and breadth of experience to become wise.

Creating a single point focus for what we desire (Top)

 As stated in the overview above it is necessary to understand how mind presents what we feel such that we can move to create a single point focus for what we desire to create. That is, to have mind hold an wavering focus on the feeling of what we desire to create.

Within the energy consciousness model, our energy goes were we focus our attention and awareness. By holding focus on an intention we generate a flow of energy which will unfold in the experience of what we desire. Alternatively said, there is a feeling which goes with the intention we hold. We can use that feeling as an internal compass to guide our actions in the world to create what we desire. Until we create that single point focus with a clear intention we can’t really begin the next step to learn to creatively dance. Creating a single point focus on feeling is about creating a fuller experience of life such that we are capable of choosing to focus our attention through the feeling and the flow of energy as opposed to mind. To do this, we will have to develop a strong internal sense of identity and strength of will reflected in our mature inner masculine. Here we needs to develop and use our internal guidance to guide us. It is what allows us to hold focus and not be frightened or intimated wherever the flow of energy leads or what it causes to occur externally. We need to learn to feel what we desire and let those feelings drive our creative actions more than what we create with mind and what we think.

Additional discussion and guidance on these topics are found in the following topics: “Intention and a Flow of Energy,"  “Clarity of Intention,” and “Single Point Focus,”

Exploring our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions (Top)

Until we create that single point focus with a clear intention we cannot effectively begin to explore our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions which may be influencing, if not competing with, what we desire to create. The reason for this is quite simple. The number of issues, beliefs, and other distractions that can arise will cause us to become totally distracted. Additionally, as our creative energy begins to freely flow it reminds us of the past. Rather than facing the pain of the past where our creativity was thwarted, we tend to keep it suppressed and enter the “Valley of Contentment” on our creative journey. That is, rather than facing the pain of the past to continue forward, we become satisfied with were we are. Creating a single point focus on our feeling for what we desire to create keeps our energy grounded and focused on what we desire to create so as to not become distracted. With this focus, we can begin to explore our nonconscious world and not become lost.

To explore what diverts our creative energy from our desired creation, we need to become consciously aware of what conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions we hold including the intention for our life. Here we realizes that there are many things mind wants and desire because of the experience it has had and what it has been programmed to believe about itself and life. Many of them us have no conscious awareness of the existence of our competing intentions. We begin to understand the numerous intentions we carry and discard those that don’t really serve what we desire to create. Otherwise, we will be unable to focus and concentrate our energy to create what we desire. We will be unable to surrender to the flow of energy as necessary as we act to honor the intuitive guidance as above.

Exploring our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions and beliefs is the creative dance for they are what is keeping us from having what we desire now. It is a dance between the truth of what is and what we desire and think and believe. Remember, within the equivalency of energy and consciousness, our energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness. If nothing is blocking the free flow of our energy, we would create what we desire instantaneously. But to have the experience of creation/Creation we need to forget and step out of the awareness of exactly how we create what we create or we would not experience the creation. This last sentence is very important to understand if we wish to understand how consciousness creates an experience of Creation. If it is not clear how we create by binding the free flow of our creative life energy it is suggest you review the topic, “Binding the Free Flow of Energy to Create.” If it is not clear why we need to forget that we are the creator of our experiences and how we create them, it is recommend you review the topic “Creation Is About Forgetting” and “The Need To Become Lost.”

In our situation as a human three things normally block the instantaneous fulfillment of our desires. Two are by design. The third is about us learning conscious creativity. The first is the nature of creation at any level of Creation is such that we must bind or block the free flow of our creative life energy to experience creation/Creation and then we forget how we did it. The second is the nature of the Physical Creation which is designed to grow and evolve our experiences. In essence Physical Creation slows down the rate at which we create and increases the time it takes to manifest our desire. It can be said Physical Creation is teaching us how to learn to control our thoughts and learn to develop the conscious awareness of what we create and hold a single point focus for what we desire to create. The third is we carry intention and beliefs which conflict, restrict, influence, rob and/or impede our ability to create. In essence, we have not “cleaned up our creative house” to have everything in proper order to create in the fastest way possible given the conditions of the environment we face.

Learning to creatively dance (Top)

Learning to creatively dance is about becoming very clear in our intentions and beliefs, including learning to surface our subconscious and unconscious intentions and beliefs, and to know what feeling we desire to experience in holding that intention. It is to learn how to feel the needed movement, the dance, to dance with the experience presented to us. We need to move into what is symbolized in the heart and feel the flow of energy generated by the intention we hold. We need to become fully present with the experience to fulfill and honor the intention that created it. Then allow our intuitive guidance to arise and step into mind honoring our intuitive guidance and choose to act in a way to create the next experience that leads us to manifest what we desire to create.

What this process of following our intuitive guidance looks like is discussed in the topic “What does navigating from the heart and/or following our internal guidance look like?

Exploration of influences and competing intentions is the creative dance. Creation is “step up” or designed to causes us to forget what we set out to do. We move to creatively between holding the intention we wish to manifest and surrendering to the flow of energy created in holding that intention and what life has to offer. The process is actually simple if it were not our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions competing and the mundane of the world diverting our creative life energy away from what we have chosen to create.

In essence, a dance is a form of walking (going into and out of balance) done in conjunction with a tune or melody. The movement of the dance and the pace or rate of going into and out of balance are determined by the melody. The direction of travel is determined by what dance we choose to do with that melody. For any given melody, we can often choose to do different dances. In our creative endeavors the dance we choose to do will be determined by what we desire to create. Any one intention held by mind can be manifested a variety of different ways. What determines the dance we do is the feeling we wish to create.

Most dances we do are some form of a social event or done with another so they are contained within the given space of a social gathering. The social gathering provides the safety for the dance. However, the actual space can be quite large. For example, the movement of a hunter and its prey as the prey is stalked is a form of a dance. There is the alternating movement of the hunter and the prey. One moves in response to the other. This hunting dance is not contained within a limited space or a predetermined direction and can be as vast as the prey can roam. One of the goals of the hunter is to figure out how to contain the prey so as to eventually capture or kill it. When the prey is captured or killed, the dance ends and the creation is had. It is at this time the we return to the conceptual formation step of the creative/creation process.

The hunter stalking its prey is a very good analogy for our creativity. Our creative power and creative ability are actually unlimited. They are free to roam in an unlimited space. The ultimate desire of our creative spirit is to experience the infinity of creation and the freedom of its own unfoldment. Mind is like the hunter. It seeks to contain or corral our creativity into what it desire to create. It does so by the intention it holds.

There is a ongoing tension and dance between these two efforts in the ongoing dance between mind and heart. The dance is to move between going out of balance by what is symbolized by the heart then alternate with going out of balance by what is presented by mind.

What mind presents in any one moment is all that it has amassed consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously about the energy in that moment. All that you have every been and experienced, both in the transcendental mind and enculturated mind, is present in each moment. What is called up to be used in that moment is another issue. The most energetic is what bubbles to the surface. How we choose to respond and what we allow to choose our response is our choice.

Most do not realize we usually allow our subconscious or unconscious to choose the majority of our responses. How long a duration one needs to be in mind or heart and what is the ratio between being in one as compared to the other totally depends on the creation we wish to manifest and how well we intimately we know our mind and intimately know our heart. We may need to be out of mind a long time to intimately know our heart. It may take some time to work through freely experiencing the heart and return to a state of creative play. There may be many subconscious and unconscious issue preventing the free express and unfoldment of our creative spirit. Similarly, it may take some time to intimately explore our mind.

It needs to be noted here that being in balance with the heart is to be fully aligned with the flow of energy allowing it to lead. Being unbalanced out of balance with the heart is to allow mind to lead and the heart, the flow of our energy, follow the lead of mind. To be out of balance with the mind it to step out of mind allowing the flow of energy and what we feel to lead. To be in balance with the mind is for mind to be in control, including force our creative life energy to flow into a direction that does not feel correct.

The intention we hold is the equivalent of the melody of the dance. Once the melody is chosen, the pace of the dance is set. Once our intention is chosen, a flow of energy arise that determines the pace and unfoldment of the creation for the environment in which we find ourselves. The flow of the energy is determined by the intention. The environment in which the energy will flow is determined by our conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions and beliefs. They form a mental landscape across which the flow of our creative life energy as determined by the intention we hold must flow to manifest what we desire.

It is much like the terrain of a continent determines the rate and pattern of flow of a river traveling across that terrain. Just as we need to surrender to the movement and tempo of the melody of the dance, we need to surrender to the flow of energy created by the intention mind holds as it flows through the environment. As we change our conscious, subconscious and unconscious beliefs and intentions, we change the terrain or landscape across which the flow of energy created by our intention must flow. Hence, we can change the rate at which what we desire can manifest if we do the correct mental work.

The main issue with creativity is that the flow of our creative life energy, our creative spirit, will flow into the unknown to find and create what it desires. However, our mind lives in the past. All is knows is what it has experiences. It continually pulls us to the past and toward what we know and understand. It does this by rather than being open to what is as it is, mind continues the past by projecting its expectations such that the past is creating, or rather overlaying the real terrain. Overlaying the past on the real terrain creates a new terrain which is reflective of what mind thinks it must flow through but masks the real issues that must be faced. So there is an ongoing, never ending tensions between the pull of our creative spirit to freely unfold in the unknown and the mind which seek what it knows in the known.

There is paradox here that few ever realized. We seek life and freedom. Few desired to be controlled. Mind thinks that what it seeks will free it from the past. Yet in mind seeking what it thinks it needs is only living in, and confining itself to, the past. Surrendering to the flow of our creative life energy that takes us into the unknown appears to mind as though we lose control and lose our freedom. We feel at the mercy of unknown forces which seem to control our life. Yet it is in the unknown that we move out of the past into the new and previously not experienced. But in moving into the unknown we are at the mercy of the unknown for we have no idea as to what to expect.

All we can really do is know the feeling we desire to create and hold focus on that feeling. In holding focus on that feeling with our mind as a single point focus we move into the unknown. In moving into the unknown holding that feeling, we allow the energy to flow with the terrain of the unknown. We only ask our intuitive guidance to give our mind an understanding so that mind can direct us into that flow. Mind needs something to do. If it is not actively working to direct us toward the flow of energy based on some idea, image or concept it has, it will distract us. In consulting our intuitive guidance as to what we need to do to align with the flow of energy we allow mind to accumulate the minimum set of requisite experience it needs to understand what it needs to know to create the feeling we desire to create which lies within our intention. Eventually mind will know what it needs to do to create what we desire. To do the dance between holding the feeling and what mind thinks it needs to do next we need to continual consult our internal guidance so as to keep the mind focused on the feeling.

Deciding what creative dance to learn (Top)

Our starting point for consciously doing the dance is to understand what dance we will need learn to do to create what we desire. In essence, it is the same dance but at different levels of awareness within our being. The question is, “What level of our consciousness do we need to go to create what we desire?” As such, each dance deals with a different set of conscious, subconscious and unconscious intentions and beliefs appropriate to what we desire to create. There is no need to learn any dance other than the one most appropriate for the intention we hold.

A diagram of the possible dances we can do is provided in the figure entitled “Dances of Creation” provided below. What dance we think we do is determined by the perspective we hold as determined by the focus of our attention and awareness and determined by what we desire to create. What we need to do is to be aware of is what dance is being called forth for us to do. But we will not know what dance we are asking to do until the issues surface from our subconscious and unconscious to show us the level. However, what often happens is that our dance is iterative. That is, there are layers and layers of issues that need to be address to create what we desire. We start at a shallow level moving deeper and deeper, seemingly to spiral around iterating the process as we move deeper and deeper.


Each dance listed in the figure is briefly discussed below. Appropriate hyperlinks are provided for each for further discussions.

Dance of energy and consciousness
(Top): The first dance indicated by circle 1 is the dance of  energy and consciousness. All the dances are ultimately a dance between energy and consciousness and the observer and the observed. All that differs is the perspective we hold.

Our energy flows where we focus our attention and awareness. Our awareness awakens and is changed by the flow of energy it experiences. There is a constant and endless awakening and going to sleep of awareness within an endless experience of creation as our consciousness awakens and goes to sleep. As stated above, the dance between energy and consciousness can be experienced as the dance of creation/Creation, the dance of duality, a dance between the observer - observed pair, the dance of the ebb and flow of creation into and out of form and creating something from nothing as the dance between form and no-form.

The dance of energy consciousness is the starting point of on the diagram. It is the dance between what we feel and what we think.

Dance between mind and heart
(Top): The second dance, circle 2, is the dance between mind and heart. Here we must alternate, not necessarily equally, between the masculine aspect and feminine aspect of Creation. The masculine aspect is reflected in our thinking and symbolized by the mind and what mind wants. The feminine aspect of Creation is the flow of energy within our being and what we feel, symbolized in the heart. When we localize our awareness in the body we can feel through our body and our being. When we localize our awareness in what we think and believe, we experience the mind. When we focus on the experiences of this life, we enter the enculturated mind. If we focus on all the experiences we have ever had, we experience the transcendental mind. Most never become aware of their transcendental mind and remain in their enculturated mind. We need to move from the view and perspective of the enculturated mind to be open to feeling what we are feeling in our bodies.

Dance between the enculturated mind and the truth of our being
(Top): The third dance, circle 3, we face is the dance between the enculturated mind and the truth of our own being. We are an infinite creative being whose energy and consciousness permeates and spans the infinity of Creation. This is the truth of our being and all is open to us if we know how to access it. However, the experiences of life and our enculturation and lack of teachers, have caused us to believe we are something much less and other than an infinite creative being as described here. The dance here is to learn what arises from our enculturated mind and what arises nature to our being and to know which is which. It is to learn to know which we need to use to create what we desire. What we chose in this dance determines how our inner masculine does or doesn’t create the space for the inner feminine to mature.

Dance of identity
(Top). Circle 4 is the realization of the identity of the Source and Its Creation and the source and its creation. Any creative endeavor ultimately takes us back to the Source of Creation for all creation/Creation arises out of the same material of Creation. When the inner feminine is free to nurture true to itself there is a direct unobstructed, unbiased, awareness of the Source of Creation even if that awareness is subconscious or unconscious. It is that conscious, subconscious or unconscious awareness of the Source of Creation which provides an inner satisfaction that never runs dry and a feeling of wholeness and oneness with all of Creation. When the inner feminine is not fee to be true to itself, we experience the source and we seem to live in separation from the Source. This is the illusion of mind and actually one of the functions of mind. Mind will create an experience of whatever on which mind chooses to focus and allows us to experience that on which it focuses as a separate entity experiencing Creation. Mind exist to provide an experience of creation yet creates the perceived separation from the Source by causing us to lose the awareness that we are the creator of the experience we have.

As can be seen in the flow diagram above, our ability to access the Source of Creation is ultimately determined by our mind. The dance is between living true to ourselves or living our enculturation. Living true to ourselves is what creates the space for an awareness of the source/Source of creation/Creation. The more we live true to ourselves the more we nurture the inner feminine the more we move from the source to the Source. If the inner feminine is sufficiently nurtured and protected by the inner masculine to live true to itself, the probably of experiencing the Ultimate Accident is significantly increased.

It needs to be noted that as long as we see and experience ourselves as a separated individuated consciousness, we will not have a conscious experience of the Source of Creation. The two are mutually opposed. We may be fully aware of our connection with the Source and operate from that level with an inner satisfaction and feeling of wholeness, but we will not consciously experience it except in brief moments through the Ultimate Accident when we step out of mind in conscious awareness. To think otherwise is only to be trapped in mind and the reason for this is discussed in the topic “The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind.” The goal, if there is one of this dance, is to be able to dance at the doorway stepping into and out of the Ultimate Accident and a conscious experience of the Source of Creation.

Dance of the inner masculine and inner feminine
(Top): Circle 5 is the dance of the inner masculine and inner feminine. It is the marriage or merging of the inner masculine and inner feminine to create an offspring that we present to the world that meets some desire of the world. It needs to be noted here that this offspring is created as a result of less than a mature inner masculine. This means that our enculturated programming and experiences in life have a significant influence on how we are responding to the world. This means we are meeting the world on its terms as a creation within a creation. It is the cause of what we experience. Here we tend to have more of victim consciousness where we are at the mercy of creation. In essence the world tells us, ‘This is who and what you am and this is what I want from you.” We, of course, believe what we see external to us and give the world what it demands of us.

Dance of the mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine
(Top): Circle 6 is the dance between the mature inner masculine and the mature inner feminine. It is a marriage that results in our charisma which is our gift to the world and meets a need of the world. Here we do not listen to the world. Rather we operate from internal guidance. Rather than the external world being the cause, we become the cause. Here we move into the reason for our incarnation and the forces which pulled us into incarnation. We become a cause to change the world in response to what we, as a unique individualized consciousness, has to offer Creation. Here we move into the realm of becoming the Creator of Creation as that cause of Creation.

The inner creative power
(Top): All the dances above the line separating our inner creative power from the outer creative power is about us accessing the creative power within our being. We access our creative power through our feelings and direct that creative power through what we think and believe. We merge our inner masculine and inner feminine in some way and present the offspring of the relationship to the world.

Our creative ability lies in what we think and believe and how we choose or don’t choose to access our creative power and then direct it. Our creative power lies in what we feel and how much passion we access. All is available to us through the Source of Creation and is reflected in the fact our energy and consciousness permeate all of creation. The fact that all is available to us through the Source of Creation is what lies behind the importance of inner masculine being able to mature and properly provide the space for the inner feminine to mature. It is the mature inner feminine that opens the door for accessing the Source of Creation. With the mature inner feminine, we may not consciously experience the Source of Creation as in the Ultimate Accident. But we can be in a direct and open communication with the Source of Creation. We access the Source through learning to work with our intuitive guidance and how our subconscious and unconscious presents the information our intuitive guidance provides to us.

As we being to see how our intuitive guidance works and where is it is accurate and inaccurate, we can begin to learn how to consciously use our subconscious/unconscious connection to the Source of Creation. Most importantly, we can use that connection when we return to the Source in a creative endeavor and when we enter the most creative state of being or the second most creative state.

The outer creative power
(Top): Our outer creative power is determined by the dance we do with the world. It is determined by the offspring we present to the world. The most important realization one can have about accessing the outer creative power is that what we access is determined by the inner state we create and the offspring we present to the world. It is here most have their difficulties and lose what creative power and ability that is available to them.

Most have been trained to castrate the inner masculine and live by our an enculturated programming. Many have obtained great success doing what the world desires and directs them to do. However, if we look at the results, only a few rise to the top and really achieve the success that is promised. Additionally many who are successful do not have an inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what is happening in the external world. The key is to understanding there is a great creative power that can be obtain in understanding how the both physical and social external world works and learning how to use them. However that is only part of creative power that is accessible.

For centuries humans have tried to access the power in a external God in one way or another. All cultures have their gods or God and all have their prescribed ways of accessing the power inherit in God. However, if you look at the results, they are much less successful that those who access the physical and social external world. In fact, much of the success attributed to God in societies is not so much a result of the power of an external God as it is in the harnessing the social creative power under the mask of God. Mobilization of societies for “holy” wars is probably the best example of this. But then there are a handful of individuals who seemed to actually have access the power of God. There are great healers and individuals who seem to do wonderful, Godlike things. Here the key is how the individual has coupled the inner and outer creative powers.

Coupling the inner and outer creative powers is the key to accessing external creative power. Most have focused on harnessing the physical or social creative powers at the expense of what some would call their inner spiritual creative powers. Those who purse the external spiritual creative powers tend to neglect the external physical and social creative powers. What is not realized for most is the relationship of the environment and the creation and there is not spiritual or physical. There is just what is. Our energy and consciousness permeate all of Creation simultaneously through the wave-particle aspects of energy. What we experience entirely depends on where we localize our awareness.

What is key is to realize that our internal world is reflective of our external world. We are the creators of our experience and the reality of those experiences. What we create is usually done at a subconscious or unconscious level. More often than not it is done at a subconscious level based on enculturation and the experiences life has provided to us. Few go directly to the intention for our life. Most allow it to be a undercurrent influencing their life but not directing their life. In essence our creative power and ability is scattered and fragment much like a regular flashlight as compared to a laser.

The issue it to align our conscious, subconscious and unconscious beliefs and intention such that we create a laser like focus of our creative power and ability. What that means for each of us is a very unique path. Only we can do that alignment. We can use the assistance of others and we can use a guide to hold us accountable to our own truth. But we must do the work. No one can do it for us. The external creative power we access is sole determined by the marriage of our inner masculine and inner feminine and the offspring we present to the world.

In presenting our inner offspring to the world, we then need to decided how we are going to dance with the external world. Do we dance in a way that allows the offspring to freely grow and unfold in the world true to its own nature. Or, do we dance in a way that causes the offspring to wither and even die. Or, do we dance in a way that causes us to recreate the world we experience. The choice is ours.

The outer dances - the outer dance and the dance of the Creation with Creation
(Top): Circles 7 and 8 represent the outer dance. The outer dance is a spectrum of possible dances. There are two extreme versions of the outer dance. The outer dance is between the inner world and the outer world such that what appears before us is the experience we desired to have created by the marriage of the inner masculine and inner feminine.

The offspring of the encultutated mind
(Top): On one extreme there is circle 7, the dance between the outer world and the offspring of our inner masculine and inner feminine where the inner masculine is totally castrated. Here the inner dance is determined by our mind, outside programming and enculturation. This dance will provide a feeling of separation and even possibly isolation. We feel a separation and look externally for someone or something to fulfill it. It can look for a Beloved or a beloved but the issue is we are not giving what needs to be given internally. Only in maturing the inner masculine do we create the internal conditions such that we can give what we seek externally. Here we seek another to fulfill the self and our creations tend to be self serving in an attempt to fulfill externally what needs to come internally.

Our charisma
(Top): Then there is Circle 8, the opposite extreme where the dance is between the outer world and the marriage of the mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine. This extreme view (Circle 8) in conscious awareness is the dance of the creator/Creator with its creation/Creation. This dance provides a feeling of wholeness, oneness and fulfillment. We feel a wholeness and completeness unto ourselves. There is a deep inner satisfaction which come to us no matter what is happening in our external world when release our charisma. Life if not necessarily easy but there is a deep satisfaction and nothing is needed externally to fulfill us. It is from this space we can share life and give to another without demanding them to fulfill our need. Here we seek to create with another to create something that goes beyond the self.

Ultimate dance
(Top): There is the ultimate dance we face that is not listed in the figure but over shadows all of our dances. It is the dance between creation and true freedom. To create an experience and have an experience of Creation, we need to bind and limit the flow of our creative life energy. We need to “fix” our energy into a given form to create the environment we wish to experience. Yet we need to be able find true freedom to be free to create what we desire without any attachments. It is this dance around which all else is centered. The question is, “How free are you to be true to yourself and flow like the wind - coming with nothing and leaving with nothing - where each experience we have is truly savored and enjoyed no matter what it is and how mind judges it?”

The next step (Top)

The recommended next step is to choose what you wish to create and then go create it. All of what is provided to you here is intellectual information. You need to make it experiential to know its real truth and to really understand it. You can only do that by creating and becoming mindful and aware of what you experience in your creative endeavor.

It is recommended you discern what is true for you and allow effectiveness to be your measure of truth. If what you know and what you do is effective for what you wish to create and you create what serves you and/or create a life worth living, then use it. If what you do and use does not serve you and/or does not create a life worth living then keep what is useful and find something else. You will need to do your own experiments. No one can do this for you.

The only thing you need to remember is there are no judgements on what you create. You are truly free to create what you wish. You do have a free will. However, there are consequences to whatever you choose. You do need to become responsible and accept the consequences for what you choose to do. If you become mindful and aware and pay attention to what you are doing, and learn to use your past experiences and use the past experiences of others wisely, you can create a safe space for your creative endeavors. But again, this is something no one can do for you. You will have to do your own experiments and see what works for you.

Related topics
The outer dance
The third dance
Ultimate dance
Dance of creation/Creation
Dance between mind and heart
Inner masculine and inner feminine
Dance of energy and consciousness
Dance of the masculine and feminine
Dance of Duality - the essence of creativity
The observer - observed pair and the nature of duality
The ebb and flow of creation into and out of form
Something from nothing

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