Possibility of creating a gentle phoenix


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The possibility of creating a gentle phoenix for any creative endeavor


Why the need for a the possibility of a gentle phoenix for any creative endeavor

Possibility of a faster and easier way

Possibility of a gentler way

Possibility of a gentle phoenix


Background  (Top)


The conscious journey of exploration into creativity eventually lead to looking for an alternative way to live life. An alternative way that could provide a greater inner satisfaction and satisfaction in life than what most seemed to be experiencing.  Such a way was found. It is reflected in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and its applications.


One of the more profound findings as a result of this Alternative Way was the possibility of creating a "gentle@ phoenix in, and for, any creative endeavor we undertake. The phoenix is an ancient myth describing the human ability to transform ourselves. The gentle phoenix is about a way that a human consciousness can recreate itself and the world it inhabits in a relatively fastest, easiest and gentlest way that is otherwise possible.


Although the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix is applicable to whatever we desire to create, it is most applicable when we desire to transform our life to live more in tune with the intention for our life.  This  includes the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix in recreating our lives, and/or accessing Nirvana without the need to transcend Physical Creation and doing so in one life time, and/or accessing Heaven, that Kingdom of God, here and now without the need for dying. To create such a gentle phoenix, it all reduces to what exactly do we wish to experience in life and what price are we willing to pay to achieve it.


Why the need for a the possibility of a gentle phoenix for any creative endeavor  (Top)


There are two primary reasons as to why a gentle phoenix for any creative endeavor could be beneficial.  They are the nature of mind relative to a creative endeavor and the sacrifice of creation in the creative process.


To create is to bring into existence something not previously seen or experience or significantly different than what currently exists. To bring that creation into existence, we and our world must somehow become different. Becoming different requires a transformation of some type.


If our current mind could support what we desire to create, we wouldn't have to create it. We would already know how to get it. The issue we face with our mind is that the mind that created our current situation is not the mind that will solve the problem we face. We must somehow transform our mind and what we think and believe


Similarly, if our current world could support what we desire to create, it would already be in our world. Rather it supports our current mind and what it desires. Our world will need to transform in some way to support our new mind and new way of thinking and believing to manifest what we desire. 


Additionally, what needs to be understood, is the creative process for any creative endeavor will require some type and kind of sacrifice. Since energy and consciousness within an existing creation can neither be created or destroyed there will always be the need of some sacrifice, the sacrifice of creation, of the existing form in any creative endeavor.  Some percentage of both the existing forms of energy and the existing forms of consciousness will need to be transformed to manifest the new creation. Because of how the inner is reflected in the outer, there will always be the need of some internal transformation that accompanies and external change and vice versa.  How much of the sacrifice and transformation all depends on the type and kind of creation required.


Possibility of a faster and easier way  (Top)


Faster and easier is created by following the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance is reflected in aligning with the flow path of the energy for energy always flows the path of least resistance. Accessing this path requires surrender to our own internal compass and internal guidance.  However, the fastest and easiest path is not always the gentlest path. The fastest and easiest path for water to flow down a mountain is over a waterfall the height of the mountain. Of course the would not be the gentlest path possible.


Possibility of a gentler way  (Top)


Gentler comes through understanding. It  is to use the lessons learned of others how experienced similar journeys or similar experiences and the wisdom within ourselves.  To utilize our own internal wisdom we need to hold our creativity sacred and allows effectiveness to be our measure of truth. In many ways it can be said that gentle phoenix is the compilation of the lessons learned of others as to how to make that transformation of our life faster, easier and gentler.  But then, that would deny the importance of learning to use our own intuitive guidance. Nevertheless, the lessons learned of others will go a long way in creating a gentle phoenix.


However, it needs to be understood, each of us are unique. We each have created who and what we think we are, our experiences and the reality of those experiences in our own unique way. As a result, what the phoenix and the gentle phoenix look like for a particular individual will be unique to that individual. As a result, all that can be offered in the lessons learned of others is  a general view of the process and its many aspects and types and kinds of issues one may face.


Possibility of a gentle phoenix (Top)


The Alternative View, the Alternative Way and the Gentle Phoenix Creative Guidelines provided by the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material were developed to capture these lessons learned and assist individuals in creating a gentle phoenix for any creative endeavor they face. Learning how to use our internal compass to align with the flow of energy and understanding the creative process and application of these lessons learned can help create a gentle phoenix for whatever we face even though our journey is very unique.


Additional discussion on the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix is found in the topic, "Choosing to become the phoenix.@ To purse a gentle phoenix, the recommended starting point is the topic, "Gentle Phoenix Creative Guidelines.@


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