The dance of energy consciousness - an overview of the creation process

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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If we synthesize and study the information that is available about Creation and the creative process of Creation, creativity, and the human role in the creative process that we experience every day as a human being, we will come to find there are two views or perspectives from which to experience Creation. The two perceptions from which to live life and view Creation are through what one feels, symbolized by the heart, and what one thinks and believes as represented by the mind. These two views are related to experiencing the creative process and a flow of energy into and out of form, the energy perspective, or as consciousness perceiving itself as living a life, the consciousness perspective.

These two ways to view Creation cause the human to seemingly bridges two dissimilar worlds. These two world appear totally separate from each other. But, in reality, they are connected like the flip sides of a coin. At the center and throughout the coin the essences is the same but as you move outward to the face of the coin the faces of the coin are different. Because the how the coin molds itself based on the impression the environment makes or stamps on to the coin the two faces of the coin appear different.

In understanding these two views and how they function one will discover the human being is that can best be described as an exquisite “creativity machine.” The human being is described as an exquisite “creativity machine” because as you will come to see, the human cannot not create. Most of what we do create is automatic. It is much the way a robotic machine, once build and programmed, will continually run until it exhausts it energy source, utilizes all its available input materials or breaks down in some way.

The fundamental creativity principle of reality used in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding is that conscious and energy are one and the same. They exists in a duality and are different perceptions of the material of Creation. They exist together simultaneously and creation/Creation is a dance between energy and consciousness. There are several different ways this dance of energy and consciousness can be seen and/or experienced. It can be seen as a dance between the masculine and feminine creative aspects of creation/Creation. It can be seen as a dance between what we think and what we feel. It can be seen as a dance between what is symbolized in the heart and the mind and of course, a dance between energy and consciousness.

The fundamental creativity principle of reality is that conscious and energy exists in a duality. In the same way energy lies within the essence of all matter, consciousness similarly lies within all matter. Reality can mold itself to the form and/or an experience of that on which consciousness focuses it awareness and attention. In the same way energy can exist as a wave or a particle, so does consciousness. Consciousness can become localized into specific forms as in the traditional concept of spirit within a physical body and/or the ego. Or, it can permeate all of reality as in the traditional concept of the spirit free and unbounded by a body or as some like to say, a spirit that has transcended the body and/or the physical plane. However, the fact a spirit does not have a body does not mean it is not localized in an ego. Mind is a property of consciousness and ego is only a construct of the mind.

The way conscious creates is by how it chooses to focus the attention and awareness it has and how it choose to localized its energy and consciousness into a given form. It does so by how and what it choose to think and believe and then surrendering to the flow of energy it creates to fulfill the experience of that on which it focuses

Without a flow of energy to animate creation/Creation nothing moves and there is nothing to experience. In this regard we feel creation/Creation for we experience the flow of energy that is animate our lives and the world around us. What is in feeling lies the power to create. If we feel nothing, there is no flow of energy for which to create. It is in what we feel that gives us movement and allows us to create. We access both the inner and outer creative power/Creative Power through feeling.

We can be awake to what we feel but without the awareness of what we feel, we cannot and will respond to what we feel. If our awareness is subconscious, we will respond based on moving toward a “warm fuzzy feeling” as discussed in the topic “The Nature of Our Being.” If we are consciously aware, we can choose how we will respond. Conscious awareness is what allows us to become the cause of what we experience rather than only responding to what we feel. In becoming the cause of what we experience, we become the creator of our experience. Becoming the creator of our experiences opens the door to becoming the creator of the reality we experience.

What needs to be understood is that in the same way energy lies within the essence of all matter, consciousness similarly lies within all matter. In the same way energy has a wave particle nature and can exist as a wave or a particle, so does consciousness. Consciousness can become localized into specific forms as in the traditional concept of spirit with a transcendent ego and/or a sprit within a physical body and/or the enculturate ego. Or, it can permeate all of reality unbounded by a body or an ego.

An important understanding needs to be reiterated here from the various discussion on consciousness. Unbounded conscious is not a spirit without a body as presented in many schools of thought. A traditional concept of spirit of any form (spirit guide, angles, devils, disembodied spirit, or whatever is consciousness localized in a ego. It may be an ego that transcend physical Creation or any other reality but it nevertheless still an ego. That is, the consciousness perceives itself to have an identity separate from the seen or unseen Creation. Unbounded consciousness does not perceive it self as separate from anything. If it is aware of itself it is aware of its existence in everything and is not localized in any one aspect of Creation. Unbounded consciousness does not perceive itself separate from anything or anyone.

Some schools of thought talk about the need to for the spirit to transcend the body and/or the physical plane. However, the fact a spirit does not have a body does not mean it is not localized in an ego. Mind is a property of consciousness and ego is only a construct of the mind as to what the mind thinks it is. The issue is not transcendence of body or physics Creation. The issue is to step out of mind and put our awareness totally in what we feel. In being totally present to what we feel and outside of any identification of with what we feel such as “I feel good or I feel bad,” we open the door to the awareness that permeates all of Creation. That can be done any where, any time and any place.

The way conscious creates is by how it chooses to focus the attention and awareness and localize that attention and awareness by identifying with what mind thinks and believes and the belief structure it creates. It is the identification with mind that localized consciousness. Consciousness then allows itself to forget who and what it is and how and why it localized itself in the mind it has. It then surrenders to the flow of energy it creates to fulfill the experience of that on which it focuses its attention and awareness. That is, it create an experience of what it hold in mind. In essence it can be said that reality can, and will, mold itself to the form and/or an experience of that on which consciousness focuses it awareness and attention.

If the awareness of consciousness stays localized in mind, it will never experience creation/Creation for it will have no experience to change what it thinks and believe. If the awareness surrenders to the flow and remains in the flow, it will experience a never ending experience of the same thing. Here again, there is no creation/Creation to experience for nothing changes. Creation can only be experienced with a changing flow of energy. It is how mind changes its focus that changes the flow. Look at it this way. For mind to remain fixed it what it thinks and believes and there is no change in the flow of energy it will always think the same thought. Similarly if the flow of energy remains unchanged, mind only perceives the same experience and will only think the same thought. Mind and body both are creative living processes that continually change in response to what they experience in some way. The key to creation is a dance between energy and consciousness.

To move in any direction there must be an imbalance. If something is balanced, in never changes and never moves - it remains the same. That is what it mean to be balanced. To be balanced means there is no change. To quote a classical law of physics, “an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” If you wish, you can invoke some quantum mechanics here but from a creativity perspective and where humans are starting relative to their creative power and ability, they will first have to learn “classical” creativity before they can move on to “quantum” creativity. Until we understand we must learn the essence of a dance between energy and consciousness one will be unable to move into the more magical effects of creativity that parallel what is best characterized by the quantum ideas of physics.

To dance between energy and consciousness and become a conscious creator, we must first learn to walk. As discussed in the topic “Learning to walk,” to learn to walk we must learn to go into and out of balance. To learn to go in and out of balance, we will have to learn to go in and out of mind and will have to learn to go in and out of what is symbolized in the heart. To learn to go in and out of what is symbolized in the heart, we will have to give our creative spirit permission to come and create a safe space for it to learn to freely express itself. Once we know what it means to be mind and what it feel like and we know what it means to be what is symbolized in the heart and what that feels like we can learn to move between the two.

In learning to move between our mind and what is symbolized in the heart, we can learn to walk and begin to consciously create our experiences. Walking is simply going into and out of balance - into and out of balance of the mind and into and out of balance of the heart. When we are balanced in the mind we will be unbalanced in the heart. When we are balanced in the heart, we will be unbalanced in the mind. If we stay in mind or in heart, we will fall. We must move back and forth between the two. It is about desiring with mind and then surrendering to the flow of energy which that desire creates. Then, moving back into mind as we determine if what we experience serves or doesn’t serve who and what we are. In mind we choose to stay with what is or to create something that serves us better or worse depending on what we desire. When then surrender to the new flow of energy we create to experience our creation only to have a judgement about what we experience and return to mind for the next cycle.

As we pick up the pace and engage the world, we enter a dance. The world in which we live sets a tone, a rhythm, a pace to which we must dance by moving our “two creative feet” of what is symbolized in the heart and mind. What exact dance we do and who we dance is our choice. But the music is set unless we access the power to change it.

The dance between energy and consciousness is to become the detached witness. It is to see mind and the body as the vehicles consciousness has created to experience Creation. It sees the flow of energy it created upon incarnating as the path that will carry it to the experiences it incarnated to have. The dance of energy consciousness is to realize the awareness that is you, is the creator of the experiences you have and the reality of those experiences. As you dance between mind and what is symbolized in the heart and to the rhythm set by the world in which you incarnated, the dance of energy consciousness is consciousness at play with itself.

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