Addressing the top and bottom of the box
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Background When talking about creativity and looking for creative solutions to the problems we face, one can often hears a comment similar to there being the need to "get out of the box." To most, this comment refers to getting out of the limits and barriers of our own thinking that do not allow us to see or find the creative solutions we seek. However, it involves more than just getting past the limits and barriers of our own thinking. We also need to get past the habits and response patterns we developed in life. In essence we place our creativity in a box or a cage of our own making created by what we think and believe, how we make our choices, the response pattern we developed in life to protect our creative spirit. The habits we create as a result of these three forms of limits and barriers imposed on the free expression of our creative spirit. To escape the cage we created is not about opening the cage door. Rather the cage is a six sided box and escaping the cage or box more like punching out all six sides of the box. All six sides need to be addressed because we needed to be free to move freely in any direction. When we change what we think and believe relative to the situation we face and any associated response patterns habits, we get ourselves out of the box. Most creativity techniques and approach seek to find a way to change our perspective to find a creative solution to the problem we face. Using these methods, when we think of breaking out of a box or a cage, we think that if we have a door to the cage or break out one or more of the sides we are free. To change what our current mind thinks and believes to find the creative solution it seeks is the equivalent of punching a hole in the box or to even punch out a side of the box. Relative to accessing and freeing our creative spirit, our creativity and our creative ability and creative power, nothing can be farther from the truth if we attempt to do for these situations what we do to find a creative solution to a problem. Finding a creative solution is not same as recreating oneself and/or accessing the depth and breadth of our creativity. To find a creative solution, all we are really doing is expanding the box. We are not dismantling or destroying the box. Truly getting out of the box requires more than just punching out a side of the box and moving laterally in life. We need to address all six side of the cage or box. The question is, "What exactly does it mean to breakout all sides of the box?" Alternatively, we can also ask, "What is the effect if we don’t break out of all sides of the box, especially the top or the bottom?" To be truly out of the box and out of the cage of our own making which confines our creativity is to access the infinity of our being and to experientially know we have unlimited creativity. It is to know we have limited our creativity for the purposes of having a particular experience of creation/Creation. It is to know we can choose to recreate any aspect of our life whenever we choose and to know how to go about doing it. In looking to explore the depth and breadth of our creativity, accessing our truth, or any other effect that causes us to move toward releasing our creative spirit from the cage of our own making, we will find our biggest problems are addressing the top and the bottom of the cage. Truly getting out of the box is about addressing the top and bottom of the box and taking an inner journey. The reason for this is it is the top and bottom of the box that are most related to giving away our creative power for several different reason. As we address the top and bottom of the box we begin to move toward the infinity of our being and being to access our unlimited creativity. The top and bottom of the box We have placed our creativity in a cage of our own making by how and what we think and believe and how we have learned to respond to life. The sides of the box address our freedom and mobility in life. They are about how we are free or not to free to move horizontally in Physical Creation. We move from place to place, job to job, spouse to spouse almost as if we change our clothes. Lateral movement is easy and people do it every day and think they are escaping the box. However the top and bottom of the box are which really controls our the freedom of our creative spirit to do what it needs to do and to find Heaven, The Kingdom of God or Nirvana here and now. The top of the box is about the depth and breadth of what we think. The bottom of the box ix about the depth and breadth of what we feel. The loop we get caught in and which really controls the box is what we think about what we feel and what we feel about what we think. We never pay attention to how the two are connected and confines us in a cage. The loop is controlled by the mind for it can mask the heart and what we feel by determining what it does and does not give us permission to feel and/or how it interprets and judges what we feel. Hence the need for mind to give permission in some way for our creative spirit to come out or be released by the mind and its thinking to freely express itself. Relative to the top of the box and what we think, the most powerful beliefs we have that controls our creative ability and creative power are our concept of God and/or the concepts we hold as to were we see the creative power/Creative Power of creation/Creation lie. The top of the box is about how we "plug’ into the unseen world of Creation. It is about what we believe, think and perceive most all that lies in the unseen realms. As with any aspect of our creativity, we need to free to explore all options and possibilities. Whether we do so is another question. The bottom of the box about our physical body and how we "plug" our awareness into it and Physical Creation. Our body and the world it experiences is literally how our creative spirit/creative life energy plugs itself into Physical Creation. Our body is what holds us accountable to the rules of Physical Creation. How we "plug" into the Physical Creation is through our body and how we do and don’t use the body and how we see the purpose of the body. Associated with the bottom of the box is how we use or don’t use our body and how we relate to being male or female and the rules we play whether we are a male or female. Relative to the bottom of the box and what we feel, the most powerful belief we have that controls our creative ability and creative power are those that center around the strongest feelings we have. The strongest feelings we usually have are around sexuality. Second most strongest are probably those that deal with anger - that is energy that is blocked and buildup pressure until it is released as anger or in some type and kind of accident, illness or disease. Some would say love is a stronger feeling but if one looks closely at love, very few really love another. To love a creation is to give the creation what it truly needs not what mind wants to give What many have and think is love is really something else, often masked possessiveness and ego gratification or control. We cannot give what we do not have. To truly love is to give what a creation needs, and not what we want to give it. That includes ourselves. If we cannot love ourselves to give to our true needs, then we cannot and do not love another. Our concept of God and sexuality hold our creative spirit captive as the top and bottom of the box. What has been found is that our concept of God, our concepts and understanding about sexuality, pain, and fear, in particular, fear of pain, seem to be the greatest obstacles in preventing us from seeing and experiencing the depth and breadth of our true creative ability and creative power that is available to us. It has been observed that each of us will have to explore and understand to some extent the creative power inherent in sexuality and how sexuality does and doesn’t function in our life. Of course, we will also have to face our concept God to see if it holds our creativity captive and allow us to face our face our pain and our fear. Theses items are key to holding our creativity captive and we need to look to see how and where our creativity is held captive regardless of what holds it captive. Alternatively said, accessing the depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power is about the free unfoldment of our creative spirit. If we want to get our creative spirit out of the cage of our own making, we will have to face the top and bottom of the cage. The top is reflective of our concept of God and how what we think and believe about the creative powers/Creative Powers of creation/Creation. How and what we think about believe about the unseen aspects of Creation has a great influences on how we keep our creativity captive and bound. The bottom of the box is how we plug into Physical Creation to ground the energy to freely flow to create life and create a life and way of being to manifest our creation. Sexuality is reflected in how and what we think about creating life within and without and allowing passion to arise in our life. How and what we believe and how we act or don’t act on our sexuality is key to both creating life and how we ground our energy. We each need to find a concept of God and a way of being sexually and in body movement that allows our creative spirit to freely express itself in creative play and that creative play allows one to move into the most creative state of play This is a key understanding. To access our unlimited creativity we must be able to play with God and play with sexuality and the free movement of the body as we would creatively play with anything. The reason for this is to know exactly who and what we are and the depth and breadth of our of creative power and creative ability accessible through each. We must be allowed to explore the depth and breadth of our being and sexuality is a part of our being as any other part. Exactly what this means and what it looks like for any particular individual is unique for that individual. What works for one will not necessarily work for another. Here we need to be very aware as a detached witness and what we are being drawn to create and why. What is said here is not about free sexuality and/or promiscuity. Rather, it is abut exploring the range of feelings to come to understand what best serves us. The recommendation is that we become intimate with our body and create an intimate relationship with our creative spirit to learn what gives us a fullness of being, a passion for life, a passion for living and what allows us to create a life worth living before we engage in any form of sexuality. Unfortunately, most who read this will be at adult and they will have probably experiences and made sexuality choices long before they returned to a state of creative play as recommended here. So most now need to work through the baggage they created around sexuality. Addressing the top of the box The key to the top of the box is to realize we create our experiences by how and what we think and believe including creating the reality we experience. But we are participating in a shared creation. As such, it appears we lack control over many aspects of what we experience when in reality. However, we have only given away part of our creative power for the sake of that shared experience. The issue is not to look to God to fix what we do not like in the world but take responsibility for the creation we have created and look to see what we need to do and become to change it. For most this is difficult to do. Addressing the bottom of the box and accessing and releasing the body awareness It needs to be understood, our body is the vehicle we chose to use to create our physical experience as a human being. Encoded in the body is what we came here to do and is what gives it life and makes us feel alive. Awakening the body awareness and body wisdom can, and will, lead us to the truth of our being. We awaken body awareness and body wisdom through what we feel. The body awareness appears to exist inside and behind what we feel. In focusing on what we feel and setting the intention to access what gives rise to what we feel, we will access and find what we seek. We will know what is giving rise to what we feel. In knowing what gives rise to what we feel, we can begin to see through time and space. To come to an understanding of the true depth and breadth of who and what we are and the depth and breadth of our creative power and creative ability, we need to be able to explore all aspects of our being. To access the wisdom in the body and what it has to offer, we will need to be free to move past sexuality and be totally free to engage in what it feels. All aspects of our being includes the creative power of sexuality and to move past sexuality into what the body itself can provide when it is not constrained by mind and its judgments and limitation on what is appropriate or not appropriate for our being sexually what we need in sexuality becomes clear . Additionally to access what the body has to offer we need to become intimate with our body, its true needs and its pleasures without the judgment of mind and its preferences. However, whatever we do we should be aware of what causes us have a fullness of being, fullness of life, a desire to engage life, create life within us and allow for an expansion of who and what we are and to do those thing in life that move us in that direction. The creative activities in which we engage should allow us to expand our being. As infinitely creative beings with an unlimited creativity what we do should allows us to continually expand our awareness of who and what are and of what we are capable of creating. Here it needs to be noted, in looking to use our creative passion we will most probably end up facing sexuality and/or our concepts and beliefs about sexuality in one way or another. The reason for this is quite simple. Sexuality is the second most creative state we can enter and it is one of the most powerful creative tools we can access. The body is the key to our creative passion for it is source of many if not most of our feelings and our creative power lies in what we feel. The feeling of sexuality stands at the gate. Sex provides one, if not the most, powerful pleasurable physical feelings. When coupled with an emotional, mental and spiritual aspect, with play, it becomes the most powerful creative state of being. In this regard it is important to be intimately familiar with the body and what it feels before we engage in sexuality related to our creativity. If we know the feelings of the body, we will not become encumbered by it and are free to move past sex and sexuality into the awareness of the body that arises in the feelings beyond sexuality. As with any creative state, when we engage in sexuality, we should be free to play and it should be an expansion of our being and not be limiting and constraining. If sexuality in any ways causes us to strengthen our ego at the expense of the other and/or cause our being to shrink, contract or otherwise becomes less that who and what we are and does not allow us to expand into the fullness of our being, the sexuality in which we engage does not serve us. How not to get trapped or diverted by sexuality To understand the true depth and breadth of our creativity, we need to experiment with life to know what creative actions allows for, or gives us a fullness of being, fullness of life, a desire to engage life, create life within our being and allows for an expansion of our being. This is the key to using our creative passion. We need to be given a playful way of understanding what provides for the above creative experiences within being. Then when we engage in using our body, including our sexuality, we look to see if the person with whom which we engage continues to create that space with, and for us or we dance with them alternating in creating the space for each other. This is the kind of person who can help lead the us into the body awareness beyond sexuality and not be trapped in the sexuality. In this case, we are then free to explore the true depth and breadth of our creative power. This includes the creative power of sexuality unbiased by mind, and the creative power that lies beyond sexuality that sexuality seems to stand as the guard or the dragon at the temple gate through which we must pass. What needs to be understood about the feelings related to sex and sexuality is the feelings are about the sexual energy of Creation and sexuality which permeates all of creation in some way. There is a creative tension in every creation which gives rise the tension between seeming opposites which be expressed as the dance between the masculine and feminine with overtones, if not explicit feelings of sexuality. Sexual energy is the energy of Creation. We can learn to work with it consciously or have it control us nonconsciously. The topic "Sexuality and Creativity - Creative Sexuality" provides additional discussions on sexuality. 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