Key areas
in what is presented that seem to make the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Material different


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Key areas
in what is presented that seem to make the
Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Material differen
An awareness of  a creative spirit
Hold our creativity sacred
The intention for our life
Trust and follow our own inner guidance and awareness
Create a life worth living

The following are the key areas that are presented in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material that seems to make it different than other existing philosophical, esoteric, religious, spiritual, psychological, scientific, secular and similar related views of Creation and creativity.

Awareness of a creative spirit (Top)

Within each of us is a creative spirit which can be experienced as a entity with an identity unto itself or as a flow of energy. It is not a spirit as traditionally discussed in most religious and spiritual traditions. Rather it is a creative spirit seeking to create and have a particular type and kind of physical experience. It is what gives us life and sustains. It is symbolically found in our heart but permeates all of our being. It is who and what we really are - a creative life energy, a creative force, a creative consciousness, of unlimited creativity capable of creating whatever it desires to experience. It is our direct connection to the Source of Creation and it is the Source manifest as, or in, Creation. It has chosen for one reason or another to have a physical experience as a human being in Physical Creation. Unless we become aware of what this creative spirit within us desires for our life and fulfill its desires in some way we will never find a internal satisfaction in life that never runs dry and/or we will feel something in life is missing.

Hold our creativity sacred (Top)

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, approach and understanding seeks to hold the creative spirit of each individual sacred such that the individual does not need to compromise the truth of their being and they are free to live and express their creative passion. It seeks to awaken the individual to know what serves and doesn’t sever them and live their life accordingly.

The intention for our life (Top)

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material embraces and is consistence with the concept that we create the experiences we have by what we think and believe. Much is said in today’s world about how we create with our thoughts and if we desire to manifest anything we should hold the thought of what we desire to experience and visualize it and the like. But there is one significant different from what most believe and/or are taught. Although many talk about holding a particular focus to create what we desire, few ever talk about the focus of consciousness that created our life. That is, there is a reason, desire or purpose for our incarnation. That is, there is an intention for our life. Unless we access and understand this intention, there will always seem to be an unseen influence on our creativity and in our life pushing us in some direction.

What consciousness/Consciousness held or holds the desire or intention for our life can be argued. But if we create with our thoughts, then there is a consciousness/Consciousness that created our life and our life is governed by an intention. People puzzle why some individuals seem to need to only think about something and it appears in their lives. Others do everything they can think of to manifest something and never get it. A big part of the issue is the intention that is governing our individual lives.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding about life is that we do create the experiences we have by how our consciousness consciously and nonconsciously focuses its attention and awareness. Within this understanding we can change our experience by how and what we think and believe and the intentions we set for our life. But, the ability of our consciousness to create the experiences does not start in this life. Rather its desires created an intention for our life or a purpose for us being here. Most of us run on the programming that was given to us early in life rather than learning to follow the intention for our life. This, in turn, gives rise to a tension within that can be experienced from almost nothing or a mild discomfort to an intense pain. The pain can be sufficiently intense that we are lead to some how numb or suppress it risking developing an addiction.

Yet, looking at, or for, the intention for our life is not something that can really be done by our current mind or enculturated mind. The intention for our life existed before our mind as we know it existed. The intention for our life is only something that can be felt and it can be understood in accessing the awareness that lies beyond what we feel or in what we feel. To access and understand the intention for our life we need to be open to feeling and how and what we feel for it is found in the feeling that gives a fulness of being or a deep inner satisfaction about life.

In this regard, the intention for our life has little meaning to an individual unless the intention they hold as to what they desire to create and experiences in life in some way aligns with the intention for our life. If what they want to do aligns with the intention for their life, they are already probably aware of the particular feeling which can give a fulness of being or a deep inner satisfaction with life. If what they do in life does not correspond to the intention for their life, then a way must be found to communicate information about the intention for their life and the particular type and kind of feeling it causes to arise within us for they will have no context to understand it.

To create that context to become open to the intention for our life we must ask certain types and kinds of questions. For example, “What are we doing with our life? What do we plan to do with our life? What do we desire to accomplish when all is said and we are being laid to rest in our grave?” Calibrating our internal compass and looking at the story we tell about our life and/or review our life as in a life map, we can begin to get a glimmer as to what direction the intention for our life points by looking at the types and kinds of feelings we have in the experiences of life.

Trust and follow our own inner guidance and awareness (Top)

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding works to create the space for the individual to learn to trust themselves, what arises from within, and trust the creative process of which we all are a part in a variety of different ways. The issues of trust in creativity are about: our ability to trust ourselves in what we do; our ability to trust ourselves what we think; and our ability to trust ourselves in how we respond to any given situation; trusting the creative process, trusting Physical Creation; trusting the unseen realms of Creation which includes the unseen aspects of Physical Creation; and trusting those in world we experience. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach provides information on the creative/creation process and how to test its effectiveness and allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. It is to help us trust the process we use in our creative endeavors and eventually replaces the trust by belief backed by knowledge, understanding and experience.

Create a life worth living (Top)

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach is based on creating a life worth living and directing and assisting the individual to create such a life. It is to live life in such a way with a fulness of life such that in the event we come to find we will be spending eternity doing what we do now, in this moment, we would have no issue with spending eternity doing it. A life worth living allows us to move through life in a freedom that is unavailable if we are creating a life trying to escape from something or someone or looking to find something or someone whether it be Heaven, Nirvana, God, the beloved/Beloved or a soul mate. Living a life worth living also causes us to perceive reality in a way quite different than otherwise possible.

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