Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach

Overview and philosophy of the approach
Moving into the details

Releasing the creative spirit - accessing the creative passion
Moving into the world
Sustaining the passion
Five requirements for creating
With or without using the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity programs and services

Overview and philosophy of the approach (Top)

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach keeps faith with the proverb “Give an individual a fish, they eat for a day - teach them how to fish, and they eat for a life time.” Rather than the approach only focusing on helping obtain a specific desire, the approach seeks to use the desire we have as an example and as the occasion to learn how to release a sufficient portion of our creative spirit for any creative situation. It does so in a way that we can consciously access the necessary creative ability and creative power to create whatever we desire now and in the future. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach assists in becoming creatively self sufficient and creatively self empowered. It assists in developing the ability to create the ability we need to create what we desire.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach utilizes a creativity perspective and guides us to hold our creativity sacred and allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. The Approach seeks to first create the space or a way for us to develop an intimate relationship with our creative spirit. It then uses this relationship to assist us to develop the ability to allow this creative spirit to unfold true to itself. The creativity perspective is essential for the effort to both learn to hold our creativity sacred and develop and intimate relationship with our creative spirit. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provided free on the web will help provide this creativity perspective.

The Approach then seeks to call forth our creative spirit in the safe and secure space to supply the passion and creative life energy embodied in this creative spirit to create what we desire. The free unfoldment of this creative spirit can then access the creative insights we need to give us the creative solutions to make the change or given the conditions we face. Additionally, we can learn to make any transition as fast as possible by surrendering to the flow of the creative life energy flowing to manifest the creation and as gentle as possible.

It needs to be understood creation is ultimately making a thought manifested in the physical world either by creating an object or an experience. In any creative endeavor, much of our inner creative work is done with, and through, our mind and our thoughts. Mind and its belief structure is what determines where we place our focus - our attention and awareness- and how strong we hold that focus to create that object or experience we desire to have. Hence, to create anything, we need to have a shift in mind and its perspective. It needs to be clearly understood, the mind that created the problem we face is not the mind that will solve our problem. We will become different if we truly become creative.

As our internal world becomes different as we implement the creative solution we find to our problem, the approach then seeks to couple the inner creative power with the outer to create what is desired. Often the issue we face in this coupling is trust in the creative process. When things do not go the way our mind expects or desires, we being to lose trust that we are capable of creating what we desire. The issues of trust in creativity are: our ability to trust ourselves in what we do; our ability to trust ourselves what we think; and our ability to trust ourselves in how we respond to any given situation trusting; trusting Physical Creation; trusting the unseen realms of Creation which includes the unseen aspects of Physical Creation; and trusting those in world we experience. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach provides available information on the creative/creation process so trust can be replace by beliefs backed by experience and understanding such that we know we are capable of creating what we desire.

Moving into the details (Top)

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach to creativity used with an individual or organization incorporates the traditional creativity methodologies such as brainstorming, dialog, exploring diverse literature, conducting/attending workshops, experimentation, and other typical methods as appropriate.

However, this approach, as does creativity, encompasses much more than any of these methods. Where the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach is significantly different than other approaches is that it recognizes all the experiences we have are energy based. Or, alternatively said, each experience we have is a result of a flow of energy or movement of energy created by an intention. Without a flow or moment of energy, there is nothing to be experienced. Without a flow of energy all remains fixed and frozen. There is no life without some flow of energy.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach seeks to access the origin of the flow of energy giving rise to the existing creation and shifting the flow. It seek to access that intention that is giving rise to the flow of energy and changing it a way appropriate to create what is desired.

Since energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed, the entire creation process for any creative effort is seen as an energy balance and transformation. It is the transformation of an internal and external expression of energy in some existing form and/or flow of energy into what is desired. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach encourages us to move toward the source of our creative life energy which gives rise to the flow of energy we experience. As such, the approach focuses on the flow of energy that will give rise to what is desired and goes well beyond many traditional approaches to creativity.

To accomplish the task of viewing the entire creative process as an energy balance the Approach utilizes the creativity perspective. As stated, the creativity perspective is a perspective where our creativity and the creativity of the another is held sacred. It looks to understand what serves and does not serve our creativity and creative endeavors internally and externally.

The creativity perspective used in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach views the world differently than how most of us have be taught to believe the way the world works. At the most fundamental levels the world does not work as our mind perceive. The approach integrates the most radical discoveries of modern physics about the nature of the universe and the time honor traditional mystical understandings handed down in the myriad of spiritual traditions that populate human thinking. This blend gives rise to the interdisciplinary nature of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and understanding.

Most important to the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach is that who and what I am, is not who and what you are. My experiences are not yours. They may be similar, but we each are unique. Our experiences will be different even if we are at the same place at the same time. What will work for me will not necessarily work for you. However, it can be said, for any experience we have, there is a creative process governing what we experience. For each experience we have, there is an inner and outer experience. How we experience the inner and outer reality is colored or filtered by the experiences we have had. Those experience are also colored by the culture in which we were raised, the religion we were taught and the environment in which we grew up. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach encourages us to embrace the uniqueness of our being and to sort through all that we think and believe to find what is our truth and the truth of our being. It encourages us to explore and understand this uniqueness, honor it, and utilizes the differences to embrace and learn to live the truth of our being, unbiased by past perceptions of our own mind and/or the mind of another.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach encourages us to allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. If what we think and believe, and what we choose to do, is effective in helping us create a life worth living and what we desire to create, then use it. If not, the approach encourages us to give ourselves permission to experiment and find something that is effective. Then use it.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach is based on the understanding that we each possess within us a creative ability and creative power which can be experienced as an infinitely playful creative spirit and/or as a flow of creative life giving energy. This flow of energy is often experienced as a creative passion or a passion to create. This creative spirit and/or flow of energy is the source of our creative ability and creative power This spirit only needs to be “called forth” and given a safe space to express itself to create a sufficient flow of energy to create what we desire.

The creative spirit can be called forth from an internal or external call. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach looks to find a way that this creative spirit is called forth from within our being rather than from an outside source. When our creative spirit is called forth within our being we become a creative power unto ourselves. We become creatively self sufficient. To call forth this creative spirit to a sufficient degree, the Approach is directed toward focusing on the flow of creative life energy that flows within our being from the source of our being that gives rise to any creation we experience from start to finish. The Approach looks to see where the flow is currently directed and what needs to be done to redirect the flow into the desired creation.

In following the flow of energy, there are three stages or three aspects that need to be addressed. The first is the flow of energy that gives rise to the thought and catalyzes our actions. The second is the flow of energy that flows within our being as a result of that thought and catalyze our decisions to act on that thought to manifest it in the world. The third addresses the flow of energy that sustains what is created or what is released to unfold into the world.

The first step can be seen as releasing the creative spirit and/or finding the creative passion. The second step is about finding the most effective way to take that passion into the world to create what is desired. The third step is to look at what is needed to sustain that passion and/or re-energize that passion through the entire creative effort. 

Releasing the creative spirit - accessing the creative passion (Top)

In looking at the flow of energy which gives rises to the thoughts we have and the origins of our thoughts we need to consider whether or not the energy giving rise to the thought is free to flow and catalyze our actions. Many of us have creative thoughts but they go no where. There is no energy in the thought to catalyze our actions. How we characterize the energy we experience into a thought and whether or not the energy giving rise to a thought catalyzes us into action is best addressed by exploring our belief structure and how that belief structure characterizes the energy we experience.

Both the thoughts we have and whether or not a thought catalyzes us into actions is determined by our belief structure. The belief structure is the composite of how and what we think and believe and why we think and believe what we do based on the experiences we have had. The energy which gives rise to the thought is fully present to fully catalyze us into action. Otherwise, we would not have the thought. The question is if our belief structure allows it to freely flow.

The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach starts with exploring our belief structure and moves outward from there to release our creative spirit from the cage created by mind to access the appropriate level of energy and creativity to bring what we desire into manifestation as an object or physical experience. The level at which the belief structure is explored can be at a conscious level, nonconscious level, or an integration of the two. The level is determined by what we desire to create, the starting environment and how far we have to go back into the past where we lost our ability to creatively play to release or adjust memories that may be preventing the free flow of our creative life energy.

In regards to the belief structure, the understanding utilized in Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach is that the creative power we need to catalyze us into action to create what we desire is currently raveled, entwined and/or otherwise entangled in creating the life and world we currently experience. In essence the energy we need to catalyze our actions is being channeled into or away from catalyzing our action by our belief structure. We have all the energy we need to catalyze us to create anything we desire. But the energy we have available to us we have is scattered into a variety of activities and/or thoughts determined by how and what we think and believe rather than focused into a single point focus to create what we desire.

It needs to be understood, all that we every have been and experienced is reflected in whom we are now and what we are experiencing. All of our past experiences are determining how we are responding to life and how our creative spirit is being called forth to respond to life. The question is whether or not that past is serving us in a way that supports our current creative efforts.

The Approach is to release or untangle a sufficient amount of our creative power from our existing world and our past to create the new experiences we desire. The Approach is to proverbially “pull the string” as you would a string to unknit a knitted sweater. It can be said the Approach is to “undo” the creative steps we have taken to create our existing experiences to free the energy and ability to create the desired experiences. In that freedom, we are then free to create whatever we desire. Our creative power and the release of our creative spirit is initiated though the spontaneous and innocent playful exploration of our belief structure. If we are not free to play with what we believe, rearranging it and trying new beliefs as we would rearrange building blocks, we will be unable to change the past and access the energy we need to create something new and different from the past.

Moving into the world (Top)

The second aspect of the Approach addressed accessing and releasing within our being a sufficient portion of our creative spirit, our creative passion and ability to create a flow of energy, to create what we desire for the environment in which we find ourselves. Most look to change themselves to fit the environment in which they finds themselves. As necessary, the Approach includes looking at accessing the understanding, the motivation and energy to change the environment. Once we access the energy to catalyze our actions, we have to act in the world. This aspects can be seen as addressing what needs to be done to sustain the creative spirit once it is released. The aspect looks to see what is or is not supporting our creative needs. Most end up compromising their creative needs to fit into the world and hence compromise what they desire to create. This aspect addresses creating a safe and secure spaced such that it is safe to continue to be spontaneous and innocent in exploring the options which need to be explored to find the creative solution we seek. 

Sustaining the passion (Top)

The third aspect address accessing the energy necessary to actually manifest our creation and sustain it in the physical world. This aspect addresses how we actually manifests our creative idea and creative solution in the external world. It is about learning how to protect the creative spirit and hold our creativity sacred while actively engaging in the world to manifest what we desire to create.

Five requirements for creating (Top)

In studying the creation process, it can be seen there are five requirements or essential elements that must be met to manifest any creation. The five requirements are not so much a mental approach or steps we need to take in our creative efforts. Rather, they are about an awareness and understanding of the creative process and the ability to flow with the process and act as the process demands because we understand what the process entails. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Approach seeks to help the individual to do what is necessary to meet these for essential elements or requirements. The five requirements are: the passion to pay the price, the right perspective, a willingness to enter the unknown, the willingness to act and the ability to hold focus. Each of these are discussed in the topic, “Five requirements to manifest an intention or desire.”

In realizing the existence of these five requirements for any creative effort, the Approach addresses six key components found in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology in one way or another. They are: (1) provide a creativity perspective; (2) provide an understanding of energy and how we create the flow of energy (the passion) and transform the existing form; (3) provide a way to enter the unknown and safety step out of mind; (4) provide guidance as to how to act from intuitive guidance and create a balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of our being; (5) provide for the inner journey of exploration; and (6) provide an understanding as to how and why we sabotage our own creative efforts.

With or without using the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Programs and Services  (Top)

One goal of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology is to provide a way for individuals to become creatively self empowered. To be creatively self empowered means we do not need another to tell us or direct us as to what we need to do in, or with, our life and/or what we should or shouldn’t being creating with, and in, our life. Rather, we know what we need to do based on our own internal connection with the Source of Creation. Although creation is not done alone and we will always need the assistance of another or others to give us the experiences we desire to have, we do not need another to know what we need to do. We do have all that we need within.

However, since most of us have never been taught how to access and work with what lies within, often we need some assistance to get us started much the way a nanny helps a small child grow into the world. In this regard, it is not possible to work directly with each individual who may desire to become creative self empowered. There for a way, the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines, was developed so that an individual or organizations could benefit from the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology without the need of direct assistance.

The Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines provide one way, but not the only way, to translate the approach discussed above, addressing five requirements for manifesting a creation, exploring our believe structure and moving into world while holding our creativity sacred into practical and doable action Although it does need to be noted the actual approach taken with any individual or group by the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Programs and Gentle Phoenix Services will be unique to what the client desires to create and the environment in which the client start, the Approach will (1) explore their belief structure and how it does or does not hold their creativity sacred and (2) loosely follow and/or address these Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines. So, in essence, many aspects of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity programs and services are available through using the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines with another.

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