Creating an alternative way to live life


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creating an alternative way to live life
Getting started
Bottom line
Exploring our awareness through mind
Exploring our awareness through feeling
Learning to dance
Exercises and guidance
Recommended action

The alternative way to live life is to become aware there is an awareness in, or behind what we feel. It is to dance between the awareness available through the mind and what we have experienced and the awareness available through what lies in feeling to consciously create our life. It is to not recreate the past in a new way as most of us do. Rather, it is to consciously step out of mind to bring into existence something not previously seen or experienced by ourselves or even another. It is to live a truly creative life. This is often easier said than done.

Exactly what this means, how to understand it, how to use it and its implications are different for each of us. We are all a unique creation with different life experiences and different reasons for being incarnated. There is tremendous variation in what individual’s need to do because of the programming we received in life, the experiences we have had, and how we have shut down our ability to creatively play and to feel because of how the free expression of our creative spirit was thwarted. In this regard, the following overviews the salient types and kinds of action we will need to take to live this alternative way. Because of the tremendous variation of what needs to be done between individuals, what is discussed is only a starting point to create the alternative way.

In some ways what is provided here will be a disappointment. It will be a disappointment because it does not have the details many of us would like to have to guide us on such a journey. However, the key to the alternative way, and what the alternative way is all about, is learning how to use our own internal guidance and the awareness which lies in feeling. Then it is to learn to creatively walk and then dance between the awareness of mind and the awareness within what we feel.

No one can so this for us. All another can do is: (1) provides some guidance; (2) hold us accountable to opening ourselves to feeling to learn how to access the awareness in what we feel; (3) provides us the safe and secure space to experience the opportunities to explore what we feel and how we feel and (4) hold us accountable to the awareness in what we feel to guide our life. What is provided here and in the associated Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity web pages is the written information that can help us achieve these ends. Unfortunately, the experiential and experimental portion cannot be provided in written form. We will need the assistance of another or others in some way.

What exactly we need to do, how we go about doing it and who we use to hold us accountable is our choice. To help achieve this end, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Programs and Services were created to provide what cannot be obtained in a written format. However, such programs and services are not available to everyone. Nor do such programs and services address our unique needs. Hence, the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines were developed. The only requirement for using the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines are two individuals who are willing to hold each other accountable and provide a safe and secure space for each other to do whatever needs to be done. Then, of course, we are free to create our own unique path. A recommendation as to how to proceed is provided at the end of this web page.

The approach utilized in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Programs and Services, the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines, and recommended is to get each of us to follow our own internal guidance acting from an inner knowing and internal compass to become a light unto ourselves. Creation is not done alone and we will always need another to give us the experiences we desire to have. When we become a light unto ourselves we do not need any another in any way to experience completeness and wholeness. Rather we share experiences with another as complements each giving the desired experience to the other in a way each experiences true freedom.

The approach encouraged here is to understand that we are the creator of the experiences we have. We have either created them and/or agreed to participate in them at some level of our being. In acknowledging this fact, we need to begin to actively and consciously create what we experience the way we want it. To do this, we need to flush out, remove, and/or reprogram all that is not of our truth and allows us to fully expand and grow into the depth and breadth of our true creative ability and creative power A majority of the work in any truly creative endeavor is digging deep enough to flush out, remove and/or reprogram at the appropriate level to create what we desire. To live the alternative way it is to go deep enough to learn to creatively walk and then to dance between the awareness of mind and the awareness within what we feel.

Getting started (Top)

To live this alternative way, we need to understand there are two ways or two perceptions to view Creation. The two perceptions from which to live life and view Creation are through what we sense or feel, symbolized by the heart, and what we think and believe, symbolized by the mind. In understanding these two views and how they function we will discover that the human being is what can best be described as an exquisite “creativity machine” because as we can come to see, the human cannot not create. Our very existence causes us to create. Our life is a creative endeavor.

However, by design, most of what we do create is automatic and based on the programming of mind at the subconscious if not the unconscious level. It is much the way a machine, once built and programmed, will continually run until it exhausts it energy source, utilizes all its available input materials, or breaks down in some way. Similarly, we will continually create a life based on the programming within our nonconscious mind until it is changed, we exhaust the energy which we put into the life we are experiencing or we break down in some way. We exhaust the energy by dissipating it in the desired experience, diverting it into some other experience through the intervention of mind, or binding our creative life energy in some way by our preferences and attachments. We cause breakdowns simply by over extending or diverting too much of our creative life energy in ways that do not serve us.

The alternative way causes us to become consciously aware of the awareness of mind and what mind wants and desires and the awareness in what we feel and/or behind what we feel, to make more of what we do nonconsciously conscious. To live this alternative way, we need to spend some time exploring each of these two perceptions independently to understand how we are, or are not, perceiving Creation through each view. We will need to do our own experiments with each to know what is and is not provided by each view and what type and kind of limits and barriers that perception places on how we experience Creation. We then need to learn to dance between each view and between what each view can provide.

Bottom line (Top)

Creative power lies in feeling and what we feel and can access in feeling. It is to understand what is symbolized by the heart and use the energy aspect of energy consciousness. Creative ability is about being able to use and direct what we feeling to create what we desire. It is to understand the mind and use the consciousness aspect of energy consciousness.

Feeling and sensing are about the body. Directing what we feel is about the mind. We come into life based on a feeling to guide us to have certain types and kinds of experiences. Mind interjects itself and begins to control what we feel based on our enculturation and the experience we have in life. In time, we allow mind to dominate our actions and decisions about life rather than checking the awareness available through feeling as to how we should proceed.

We need to get give ourselves permission to explore the depth and breadth of what we feel and become aware of all the judgement mind makes about what we feel and how we go about becoming aware of what we feel. We look for those feeling that give a fulness of being, an inner satisfaction, full of life and a desire to engage life. Since we will be accessing body memories through our feelings this exploration of feeling needs to be done in conjunction with exploring our believes for the judgements about what we feel that arise when we feel or just prior to feeling.

As we uncover beliefs which do not allow us to hold our creativity sacred and/or allow us to expand into the infinity of our being, we then need to reprogram ourselves. We need to program ourselves in such as was as to find a perspective, a set of beliefs and a way of thinking which allow us to continually expand and grow into those feelings and the awareness revealed in those feelings.

Exploring our awareness through mind (Top)

To explore the awareness available through the mind is to learn and understand how to use the role of consciousness in the creative process. We will need to both explore the perception we currently hold and develop a creativity perspective where we learn to hold our creativity sacred. Exploring our current perception is to explore what we think and believe and to pull the string on why we think and believe what we do and why. In looking to develop a creativity perception, we change and evolve how and what we think and believe not because we are told to do so. Rather, we do our own experiments to see what is effective in our life. We adopt those concepts and beliefs that allow us to continually move past our limits and barriers and allow us to expand into the fulness of being and the infinity of our being.

To explore our mind, something like the “Belief and thinking inventory” can be used as a starting point to being to probe what we think and believe about ourselves and Creation. Whatever technique and/or approach we use, we need to be willing to explore all our beliefs, especially those that represent how we connect to the unseen realms of Creation and how we connect to Physical Creation and in, and through, the body.

From the perspective of holding our creativity sacred, we can imagine that we have place our creative ability and creative power in a cage of our own making by how and what we think and believe. Punching out the sides of the cage is relative easy and represent those beliefs that allow, or don’t allow, us to move laterally in life. Individuals punch out of the sided of the cage all the time changing what they believe. But they are puzzled as to why the lateral moves do not give them the freedom and/or satisfaction they seek. More often than not, the issue is the beliefs related to the top and/or bottom of the cage.

The top and bottom of the cage, are a little harder to address than the beliefs that allow us to move laterally in life. We must look carefully and thoroughly as to how we view the unseen realms of Creation and whether or not we have given away our creative ability and creative power and our responsibility to create some type and kind of victim consciousness with the unseen. Similarly we must look at how we connect to Physical Creation and how we view the role and purpose of our body. Here again, we must look to see if we have given away our creative ability and creative power to one or more types of authority figures and/or created a victim consciousness.

Exploring our awareness through feeling (Top)

To explore the awareness available through feeling we need to open ourselves to feeling. We need to explore the limits and boundaries of what we feel to understand where and how what we feel is limited by our past experiences. As a human being, we intentionally limit what we feel for the purpose of having a human physical experience and experiencing creation from within our body. The question we need to pursue is, “How did our mind further limit the depth and breadth of what we are capable of feeling by both our belief structure, what we think and believe, for whatever reason and by the experience we have had in the past where our free expression was thwarted in some way.

Similarly, we need to explore the types and kinds of feeling we have and why we have the feelings we do. We need to explore what memories arise in the feelings we have and/or what judgments or thoughts of mind arise in what we feel.

To do this exploration, we need to use the body, its awareness and its ability to sense energy and to feel to access the awareness. Most choose to do some type and kind of body work or body movement that either increases the range of feeling and sensations to which we are exposed and/or the types and kinds of feeling and sensations we experience. Metatheater can be uses to access feelings about situations, beliefs, or surface our opinions and the like. Most important is the need to allow ourselves to return to a state of creative play in our experimentation and exploration and remove the obstacles as to why we lost the ability to creative play in that childlike state of play.

In learning to open ourselves to feeling, we often are faced with releasing our body memories and facing the pain of the past. In looking to live this alternative way and to use the awareness in what we feel there is one note of caution when we open ourselves to feeling. It is addressed in the topic, “A note of caution in using an alternative way and the awareness which lies in feelings.”

To safely travel through the unknown to either explore the unknown and/or to enter a truly creative endeavor, an alternative way to navigate is also needed if we are going to achieve what we desire. The answer as to how to navigate also lies in an awareness of what we feel and learning how to use the awareness and the body as an energy detector to attune to feeling of the flow of energy that will manifest our creation. It is to learn to navigate from the heart. We can start this process by calibrating our internal compass and using it to guide us in life.

Learning to dance (Top)

After exploring the awareness available through the mind and the awareness available in what we feel separately, we then need to learn to creatively walk and to creatively dance between the mind and the heart. We need to become very clear about what we desire to create and experience. We then need to discern and surrender to the flow of energy that will manifest our desire.

Exercises and guidance (Top)

Exercises and guidance for exploring the awareness through mind and the awareness in what we feel tend to be designed uniquely to the individual. Generic exercises and guidance that have need used are provided as they are formatted for the web and are normally provided in or through the topic of interest. What is currently available is also provided through the List of Topics.

Recommended action (Top)

The recommended action is to set a clear intention for what you desire to create which would include living the alternative way. Or, simply set the intention to live the alternative way. Ask your intuitive guidance as to how you should begin to proceed to create the alternative way in your life and honor the intuitive guidance you get. Eat and digest the material you find on this and related web sites for it will help you to develop a creativity perspective and provide additional insights for your intuitive guidance.

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