Practical question about sexuality viewed from a creativity perspective


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following address practical questions that have arisen about sexuality and/or using sexuality from a creativity perspective based on the lesson learned and observations of sexual influences on our creativity.


Is not sex purely for procreation as many religious and spiritual traditions say?

Is it true holiness and enlightenment achieved through denial or transmutation of sexual energy?

Is it okay to have sex without love?

Is the desire for the physical sensations of sex a sufficient enough reason to have to engage in sex?

Is there some real story behind sex of which we are unaware?

What is the relationship between sex, marriage and companionship? Don’t they all go together?

Do I have to engage in sex to use it creatively?

What does it mean to move past the feelings of sex and sexuality?

Questions and answers

Is not sex purely for procreation as many religious and spiritual traditions say?  (Top)

Biologically speaking, sex is for procreation. Humanly speaking and as discussed in the topic, "Some observations from nature about sex" the human brain had evolved such that the joy of procreation and the joy in child rearing has taken on a significance much greater than biological reproduction. As such, enjoying sex and the other pleasure of life have become more of a human characteristic. However so has child rearing and creating and nurturing life.

From a creativity perspective, this evolution is not by chance. Rather, the creative spirit which lies within each individual is creative, desire to create and finds it joy in creating and experiencing its creation. Hence it has found a vehicle which can be used for the physical experience in which it can enjoy creating life. Whether we realize it or not, it is not so much sex is for biological procreation as much as it is the human body is the perfect vehicle for our creative spirit to experience and express its ability and desire to create and to create life.

The issue with sex is to learn to use it as the creative tool that it is. The real issue with sex is not to destroy the pleasure, the joy and the purity of the fun of creating and creating life by misusing sex. It is to engage in sex but not destroy our ability to creative play in, and with, sex. Sex should not be used for power over another or for some hidden purposes, for ego gratification, or for domination. It should not be used for any purpose other than for create life - life of the purest joy and the highest ecstasy. A life that is given and shared

Is it true holiness and enlightenment achieved through denial or transmutation of sexual energy?  (Top)

Enlightenment is not about denying what it. Enlightenment is about using what is in the way it was meant to be use. We gain nothing by denying what is. Denying what is is the illusion of mind. What is holy is a judgment from our mind and nothing more All arises from the same essence of Creation. All is sacred. It is only our mind which looks at one thing being holy and another not holy.

The issue is not to deny but learn to use what is, as it it. This includes our creative spirit and its desire to create and what it incarnated to experience. To deny what is, including the intention for our life, our body as the vehicle we use for the physical experience and/or its sexuality is to deny the creator/Creator.

In this regard it is essential that we learn to live and express the truth of our own being. There is a sacredness within us and that sacredness must be freely express. That is why the recommendation is made to hold our creativity sacred. Our creative power is of the same essence of the creative power which created Creation. In holding our creativity sacred, we hold the Creative Power of Creation sacred.

Energy is energy. There is only one energy although it may be expressed in an infinite number of ways. When we feel sexual there is an energy arising within us that many call a sexual energy. However, it is only an energy being expressed through our sexuality. We only need to pull the string and look to see what is giving rise to the energy we feel being expressed in our sexuality. In knowing what gives rise to the energy, we will know how to properly act on that energy or change the flow at its source to something which better serves us. That is what enlightenment is really all about - responsible conscious creating.

We need to remember, the experiences we have produce the concept of the self and who and what we are. The concept we have of ourselves gives rise to our ego. We then make decisions on what we experience based on that ego and concept of self. Those decisions and subsequent actions produce create and the experiences we have. Within us is a flow of energy arises from the Source of Creation channeled by how and what we think and believe that is being expressed and felt in our sexuality. We can go back and look to see how and why our mind is channeling the energy in the direction that it goes.

Is it okay to have sex without love?  (Top)

To ask, this question means that love is not understood for what it suppose to be. The bottom line on love in the creativity perspective is to give to a creation what it needs to be fully nourished and free to unfold true to itself not what our mind wants. Within this concept, to love another is to give to another in a way that they are fully nourished to unfold in the way their creative spirit desires to unfold for their creative spirit is what brought them into incarnation.

On this point it needs to be remembered, we cannot give what we do not have. If we cannot love ourselves and give to our true needed in the way we need to be nourished, we cannot love another. The real question is, "Does sex nourish our true need and the true need of the other?’ If not, nothing is gained and worse, one or the other is hurt.

If you wish to have sex without love, you are free to do so. If you choose to do so you will find you will do it until you don’t want to do it any more. You will only stop having sex without love when you look within to discover what it is you are truly seeking. If you pull the string when you first have the urge to engage in sex to see from where the energy arises, you will know whether or not you are served by sex. If you don’t look early then the pain of not finding what you seek will force you to look elsewhere. As long as you look externally for what it is you are seeking you will always find pain. The real issue we face is to nourish our true need. When our true needs are nourished, we can then engage in sex in a way both are nourished.

Is the desire for the physical sensations of sex a sufficient enough reason to have to engage in sex?  (Top)

Most individuals do not get along with others. Most males and females think quite differently. We look to someone who is similar if not the same. We look to someone how has the same likes and dislikes and we tend to avoid those who are different. If it wasn’t for the physical sensations of sex and the pleasure it brings, most males and most females would probably never get together. In many ways the feelings found within sex ensures males and females get together. Then in being together, there is the possibility of creating a physical offspring. But the male and female must first come together and the pleasures of sex is what does it.

Of course the physical sensations of sex is a sufficient enough reason to have to engage in sex. The issue is what do you wish to create as a result of choosing to engage in sex. We can create nonconsciously and just allow what we feel to rule. Or, we can pull the string to see what it is we are really seeking that is causing us to have the sexual feelings that we do.

Is there some real story behind sex of which we are unaware? (Top)

The story is sex is that it is the second most creative state that we can enter. For most, it is the most creative state they will ever enter as an adult. We use in consciously and nonconsciously all the time. The question is, "Do we choose to learn to understand its creative power and use it consciously and constructively in our life or do we allow it to cause us to create noncosncioulsy?"

What is the relationship between sex, marriage and companionship? Don’t they all go together?  (Top)

Sex, marriage and companionship do not go together, but they can. The recommendation is to consider some or all of the discussion found in the topic, "Discussion topics on creativity and sexuality," and the make your own decisions as to how sex, marriage and companionship are related. So thoughts on this issue is discussed in the topic, "Sex, marriage and companionship."

Do I have to engage in sex to use it creatively?  (Top)

We don’t have to physically have sex to use sex and sexuality creatively. However, engaging in sex opens the door for all the creative aspects of sexuality to come into play. (More on .... do I have to engage in sex?)

What does it mean to move past the feelings of sex and sexuality? (Top)

Moving past the feelings of sex and sexuality is not do deny the sexual feelings we have nor is it to deny the desire to have sex. Rather is it is to be free to move into what we feel and the desires we have but to look to see and understand what the feelings of sexuality are calling us to do.

As a minimum, they are calling us to create a new life within our being in some way. Because of how the inner is reflected in the outer, that new life will get reflected externally in some way. It may be through the desire to be with someone and/or it may be to engage with someone sexually. But it is to not get lost in the sex and continue to focus on where the flow of energy is leading. More on this topic is found in the topics, "Moving past the sex," "Exploring the feelings in sex" and "What moving past sexuality looks like."

Related topics
Seven chakra questionnaire on sexuality
Summary points on sexuality and creativity
The creativity perspective on the conscious and nonconscious aspect to sexuality

A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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