Follow her lead


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The feminine is what nurtures any creation which includes the experiences we have for each experience we have is a creation. There is a flow of energy which flow in response to the  intention and desire we hold at some level of our being that gives rise to the experience we have. Following her lead is about the need for us to learn to access and follow the lead of this flow of nurturing energy giving rise to the situation we experience. It is a bit more than following our own intuitive guidance and body wisdom.

As the creator of our experiences, any experience we have we, at some level of our being, we either desired the experience we have or we agreed to participate in the experience for whatever reason we may have. Although we are free to act and respond in whatever way we wish to the experience we have, when we follow the lead of our inner feminine with the intent of aligning with the experience as it present itself, we will fully dissipate all the energy directed into creating that experience. Otherwise, if the energy is not dissipated, we bind the free flow of our creative life energy by denying whatever aspect of our being which desired the experience which presents itself. Then at some time later, we either need go back and finish the experience we desired to have to release the energy or go to the level of being in which we hold the desire and release the desire and the bound energy.

Following the lead of the inner feminine with the intent of honoring the feminine giving rise to the experience we have, we will nurture any creative endeavor we undertake and fully dissipate the energy including our sexual relationships and the offspring, energetic or otherwise, that they may created. What is important here is that creation/Creation is not done alone. We need another or others to give us the experiences we have. To have these experiences, there is an energy shared between any two individuals who come together. If we deny what the other brings into our life, we deny as aspect of our being in some way.

Here again we are free to change the experience have. However, we need to change the experience in way that does not bind our creative life energy and deny the aspect of our being that give rise to the experience. The recommendation is to pull the string as to why we are having the experience we have. When we reach its root, we will then be able to know and understand what is giving rise to that experience. Surprisingly, we may come to see how the experience is really serving us in spite of the fact our mind judges the experience as something it does not like or want. In any case, once we access the root of the desire, we can change the desire and not bind our creative life energy and rob ourselves of our own creative ability and creative power.

Origins of the understanding

The origins of the understanding to "follow her lead" came as an intuitive insight near the beginning of the journey to find an alternative way, but not understood for quite a few years. It arose around the situation described in the topic, "A foolish thing." where the author held a piece of string between his heart and the heart of a female colleague who appeared a little confused as to what she really wanted to create. The idea was to try and create a focus to understand what lied in her heart as to what was really motivating her. The ideas was simply, "If I could understand what lied in her heart and was really motivating her, I could then better assist her in what she desired to create and not be distracted by her mind and what she thinks she wants."

After connecting the string as described as described, one of the things which occurred was an intuitive insight to, "follow her lead." Naturally the interpretation of "following her lead" was to follow what the female colleague wanted to do. After all, there was no other "her" around to follow - at least that is what the author’s mind thought at the time. As such, the authors’ mind interpreted "follow her lead" as to do whatever she wanted to do whether that want came from her mind or heart. However, in a short time, the author found that what she wanted to do kept pulling him away from what he felt needed to be done to create what he thought he saw in her heart or what he was being called to do with his own life. When the author tried to "follow her lead," his intuitive guidance kept going in another direction. So, he assumed to "follow her lead" referred to his own intuitive guidance and inner feminine. But, relying on his own intuitive guidance seem to make little difference. In time, he provided little benefit and his guidance become more of burden than help to her. The author was left with puzzlement as to what had gone wrong for he did try and "follow her lead" as he understood it. So he just assumed he was not up to the task for which we was asked to do.

Only in hindsight and in time did the author come to understand that the intuitive insight of "following her lead" was not about following what her mind wanted. Nor was it about following her heart. Nor was it about follow his mind or his heart. Rather, it was about following the flow of feminine nurturing energy which bought him into her life and created the space for the free unfoldment of the creative spirit of all parties involved. That is, it was not about following what her mind wanted or her heart wanted at the expense of his own. Nor was it about following what his mind wanted or what his heart wanted at the expense of hers. Rather it was about following the lead of the feminine energy which gave rise to the reasons for the two coming together and if followed, allowed for the free unfoldment of the creative spirit all involved.

Following her lead is about following the flow of the feminine nurturing energy giving rise to the situation. Doing so will ultimately provide for the free unfoldment of the creative spirit of all involved in the situation no matter how our mind perceives or judges the situation at hand. Attempting to follow our own inner feminine with honoring the energy giving rise to the experience causes us to live in separation and separates us from our own desires.

As discussed in the topic, "Our creative life energy is split," part of our creative life energy remains within ourselves under our total control. However, part is shared commonly or collectively with Physical Creation to give us our desired physical experience. In particular, the physical experience of a human being. It is this shared portion that gives rise to the experiences we have with another. To deny what the other brings into our life in any way and not honor it, denies a part of our own being. Similarly, not allowing the experience to fully dissipate in the experience bind our creative life energy for we do not give ourselves and the other the experience we each desired to have.

Hence, to fully process the energy of any experience, we need to "follow her lead." That is, surrender to the lead of the feminine nurturing energy giving rise to the experience. Or, go to the root of the experience and the desire/intention giving rise to the experience and change it.

An interesting side effect

Following her lead is not about following the female. It is not about only following our inner feminine and our intuitive guidance or the intuitive guidance of another. It is about following the flow of energy which gives rise to the reason for the situation at had that we access through our inner feminine. The more mature our inner feminine and inner masculine are, the better we can follow the lead of the feminine nurturing energy. It is about following the inner feminine and our intuitive guidance and body wisdom as to why we are in the situation as it presents itself. That is, we honor the situation as our own creation and know that it is only providing the experience we, at some level of our being, either desired to have or in which we agreed to participate.

It needs to be understood we can follow our inner feminine but yet deny the situation we experience. That is, we decouple ourselves from the responsibility for what we experience and the aspect of our being which created it. It is here we live in separation rather than wholeness. We move into a wholeness within our being when we honor all that we experience internally and externally as our own creation/Creation. Until then, we live in an inner separation.

Because surrendering to the flow of the nurturing feminine energy leads us into wholeness and to see how whatever we experience is our own creation, something else happens. There is a softening which occurs. That is the mind become soft and gentle. It begins to see all that it experiences as its own creation. It does not blame others for what happens and no longer sees the other as the one responsible for changing. The mind comes to know and understand it is the creator of what is experienced. As that creator there is a natural softening towards others and all of creation. It can be seen there is a deep and profound love that permeates all that one does for one now sees all of Creation as their own creation/Creation.

Of course the opposite is true if one continually thrusts our in the masculine By mind stepping into to change what it does not like or judge unacceptable without pull the string and going to the root causes, we harden our heart. We see our creative life energy under the control of our mind and lose our spontaneity and innocence about life. Here we tend to deny that part of our being that is tied up in the shared experience for it appears not under the control of our mind. We find we no longer have feelings for anything other than what our mind wants and desires. The free flow of our creative life energy becomes bound and fixed in unfinished experiences where the energy was not allow to fully dissipate because mind stepped in to redirect the flow. In time we find ourselves bound in a cage of our own making deeply and more strongly ever more difficult to break free.

Here the key to breaking free or unlocking the cage of our own making is our body and what it feels. The more we open ourselves to feeling and what our body feels, we open the door to sensing the flow of our creative life energy and follow its lead. When we can sense the energy flow within our being and where it is leading we are then open to sensing the flow of energy giving rise to the experience we have. The more we can sense the flow of energy giving rise to the experience we have, the more we can sense the flow of energy giving rise to Creation. Here the door is open to greatly increasing the possibility of the Ultimate Accident.

On the point of the body and it ability to feel as the key to escaping the cage of our own making, Sex under the correct conditions can be a great vehicle in obtaining the key. Because sex is such a powerful feeling experience, engaging in sex and following the lead of the feminine in what we feel to flow with the energy, we become open to powerful awakening, enlightening and transformative powers within our sexuality.

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