Things we need to review and understand to access the intention for our life


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Things we need to review and understand to access the intention for our life
The story we tell

Reframing the story

Exploring how we plug into the world we experience

Identify how we plug into the unseen realms
Identify how we plug into the physical world
Exploring the story our body tells
Reviewing and exploring health and related experiences and issues

Background (Top)

Accessing the intention for our life is about shifting our life to live more in line with the experiences we incarnated to have embedded in fulfilling the intention for our life. Many of the experience we have in life are related to the intention for our life and the experiences we incarnated to have. In this regard, many of the experiences we have had in life fulfill the intention for our life. However, what we have come to believe because of the experiences we have had and our enculturation tends to cause us to live other than the intention for our life.

Rather than surrendering to the flow of the energy within our being as we do as a young child we being to allow our mind to dictate what we do in life. In time, we being to spend our time doing things other than what what we incarnated to do. These "other things" may be pleasurable or painful and may seem very worthwhile from a societal perspective and standards.

However, that does not necessarily mean these experiences serve us and the purposes of our incarnation. We then wonder why we have pain and dissatisfaction with our life. Some of may even be driven to addictions or addictive behavior so as to numb, suppress or otherwise not feel the pain and dissatisfaction we experience in not being able to fulfill the intention for our life. Many of the areas that have been identified to access and address how and where we have been pulled off our life path are discussed below. They can be used to identify where we may need to focus our attention and awareness to deal with past that keeps us from doing what we incarnated to do.

We need to go back through our life taking the perspective of a detached witness and filter our out our enculturation and what we have come think about believe about what we have experienced. In essence we need to recycle our past in a way that better serves what we incarnated to do.

In many ways we need to see our life as a puzzle. The experiences we have in life are the pieces. The pieces are given to us separately and not all of the related pieces come together in life. Some related pieces are given to us years apart in events that seem totally unrelated. Yet, when view from the perspective of the intention for our life we see how they fit. We need stand back to look at the experiences we have to see how the whole puzzle fits together.

In terms of understanding the pieces of the puzzle and the puzzle itself, we need to see our life is much like a honey bee gathering pollen in a flower. If we ask the honey bee, "What are you doing?" It will say I am gathering pollen to take back to the hive to make honey. However, the bee does not see how it is fertilizing the plant to make fruit and subsequently the seed for a new generation. So too our life. Our enculturated mind looks at what we are doing in the moment as what is important. However, only when we stand back from the perspective of the detached witness and look at the whole picture can we being to see with our mind what it is we are here to do.

The story we tell (Top)

We need to become aware of the story we tell abut ourselves and the life we have lived. We need to become especially aware of were we seem to be the victim. There are a variety of way to become aware of our story. Something like the life map exercise and the story telling exercise and probably the way to become aware of the events in our life. However, something like a metatheater to see how we respond to life and pulling the string on why we response the way we do probably provides us more information about the events in life that have really impacts how we approach and interpret our life. Mind tends to hide the truth. It is in the moment of responding to an event in life that we really see what we think and believe and/or reveal the programming in our life. This is why metatheater can be so powerful at revealing the illusion of mind.

Reframing the story (Top): We need to retell our story from a position of power. In particular from the perspective that we are brilliant creators. We need to explore and answer the question, "Assuming I am the creator of the experiences I have, why would I create such a life - what is there to be gain or had in the life as it unfolded - what deeper reasons are there that my mind cannot see?"

Exploring how we plug into the world we experience (Top)

A flow of energy will flow from a place of high potential to lower potential. It flow much like how water flows from the mountains to the sea as discussed in the topic, "The rain-river analogy for the creative/creation process" or like the current which flows between the positive and negative terminals of a batter. Without a connection between the positive terminal and the negative terminal of the battery, no current flows. A connection must be made at both terminals. Additionally, the way the connection is made is important. The connection must be sufficient to carry the flow of energy.

Similarly there is a flow of energy within our being that sustains our being. The flow is from the Source of Creation and the unseen realms through us and into dissipation in a physical experiences. Much like the battery, there is a connection we make with the unseen realms and there is a connection we make to Physical Creation. Our connection with the unseen realms must be sufficient to carry the magnitude of the flow of energy we need to create what we desire. Otherwise we will be unable to manifest our creation. Quite simply, there will be insufficient energy. Similarly, there is the connection with physical Creation. Our connection with physical Creation must be such that the flow of energy within our being flowing to manifestation must be free to fully dissipate. Otherwise the energy become bound and blocks the flow we need to manifest and animate our creation.

Identify how we plug into the unseen realms (Top): We need to explore our connection with the unseen. We need to look at such questions as, "What is my concept of the unseen and how do I seen the unseen realms interacting with me and the Creation I experience?" In this exploration we need to become very clear as to what we believe. We need to become aware if we believe because we have been taught to believe it or lead to believe it in one way or another or we believe it because we have personally experience it If we truly have no idea and/or personal experience of how the unseen operates, then we need to be willing to admit it. We need to understand that we don’t know and whatever belief or experience of an other we think is right is only a thought we have and it does not necessarily have anything to do with the truth that is.

Our goal is to access the highest levels of our being and of Creation for internal guidance about the intention for our life that is unfettered and unbiased by the past and/or erroneous beliefs. We need to come to understand the what we understand about the"higher" powers of Creation whether it be God or other entities. It is to get past who and what we think is the creator/Creator of our world and our experiences to find out who the creator/Creator really is. We need to pull the string on what we believe and why all that we understand about the unseen realms.

Identify how we plug into the physical world (Top): The creative life energy which flow through our being animating our life and sustaining us must be free to flow to dissipation in the experience that we have. Often what keeps the energy from freely dissipating is how we are relating to Physical Creation and the experiences we have. What we need to address and faced is what is the physical experience as a human being really all about. Here again, we must look to what we have directly experienced. We need to become aware of how and where we are using the beliefs of others rather than our own experience. We need to know what we have, and have not, experienced and where we do not have any experience to really make a judgement about the physical experience.

Many say that we are a spirit having a physical experience. This may be true but is this idea our personal experience or simply the idea and/or the experience of another. The question is, "Have we had experiences in life that lead us to believe that we are a spirit having a physical experience - or have we had experiences that could be explained as a spirit having a physical experience but that explanation is not necessarily true?" We need to come to understand what we know and don’t know and what we understand and don’t’ understand about the role of the body, why we are here, what does it mean to be male and female, what is the role and function of sex and the like. Some of the answers, we may have personally experienced. Other may be based sole on what others tell us. Still other answers we may have no idea whatsoever as to what is correct. The bottom line is to know if our answers to these questions are what we have personally experienced for ourselves or are they based on what we have been lead to believe based on our society and enculturation. We need to pull the string on what we believe and why.

The most significant issue we face relative to how we plug into Physical Creation is that the awareness as to the intention for our life lies deep within a feeling that goes will past the types and kinds of feelings we have in sex. Quite simply, sex is related to creating life. The intention for our life is about creating the life we live. It is only natural there are deep feeling of each which overlap. Unless we understand who and what we are and how we perceive ourselves relative to the world in which we live, our bodies and the role of the body we will have difficulty getting past the feeling of sexuality to access the intention for our life.

Exploring the story our body tells (Top): Our bodies hold memories. In the same way we tell a story with our mind, our bodies tell a story. The story our body tells is more related to the pains, discomforts, tensions in the body, sleeplessness, irregularities, and the like. In reviewing our life, consideration should be given to awakening our body memories. In engaging the body in feeling, consideration should be given to doing body work with the specific intention of awakening body memories to release the creative life energy bound in those memories. In engaging in such activities, we need to become very mindful and aware of what is realized. It may be pain, feelings, thoughts, images and the like. We then need to pull the string on what is release to see the source of its origins to address and release whatever may be binding our creative life energy.

Reviewing and exploring health and related experiences and issues (Top): Within the understanding of how the inner world reflects the outer and the need for our creative life energy to be fully dissipated in the experience we have or otherwise we bind our energy. Our health issues can be viewed from a new perspective. In particular they can be viewed as energy which has been directed for whatever reason into experiences which do not appear to serve us or the health experience we have is in some way serving us by dissipating energy that would otherwise become bound. Relative to accessing and understanding our creative power and creative ability, both of these view can be seen a valid and need to be explored.

It is appropriate to review both family and personal health issues. We especially need to look at where our body has been injured and especially, where it has been scarred. We need to ask our intuitive guidance what was happening internally within our being to result in being outwardly reflected as an accident illness, disease or other health type issue. In this process we will be accessing body memories and we need to be aware if anything arises as we review these topics. We also need to ask our intuitive guidance if any residual energy still exist and if some action on our part should be pursed. It is appropriate to engage in some body work in the areas related to our accident, illnesses and disease with the specific intention of demonstrating the body is appreciated for the vehicle of experience that it is and to release the energy which may be bound in the body memories.

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