The sad result of the illusion of mind


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The illusion of mind in many ways is a wonderful thing. It allows for the experience of creation/Creation. One disappointment without the illusion, there would be no creation to experience. However, there is one noticeable sad result of the illusion of mind. It is the inability to see what lies in the heart of another and that the heart of any other is not different than our own heart. That is, we ultimately have the same need.

There is an erroneous and illusionary assumption that when a human being consciously accesses what resides in their heart and they learn to speak and act in their own truth and they see now they need the other to give them the experiences they desire to have, they will understand others are no different than themselves. That is, the other needs someone to give them the space to speak and act in their own truth. Puzzling as it may be, it is foolish to think someone who accesses and frees their creative spirit will be willing to help others gain what they themselves sought. This is why individuals who access the Source of Creation in some way tend to create followers and disciples rather than individual how become an independent light unto themselves. This issue is also discussed in a different way in the topic, "The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind."

It seems logical that an individual would realized that what they gained could not be obtained without the help of another and that others will need assistance in finding what they have found. It also appears logical that they would see another’s struggle in the same way they struggled and that each individual has a very unique path. But this is not the case. The illusion of mind, illusion of Creation and the nature of Physical Creation, keeps us from readily seeing such things for that is part of the design of the human physical experience and what it means to be human. We tend to think what we experience is common to another because we are in a shared creation. However, we fail to realize we are a world unto ourselves. We fail to see the trap of mind such that even if we have the Ultimate Accident and stumble into a conscious experience of the Source of Creation, we will not necessarily see the other as ourselves and having the need for the same type and kind of safe and secure space, nourishment and support. That is, a safe and secure space, nourishment and support that is unique to our being.

Disappointing as it may be, it is foolish to think that when an individual accesses their own truth they would have the compassion to create the space and help others access and become their personal truth. This is one reason why it is so difficult to have a mate and/or partner accompany us on our journey. Individuals will help others but only if that other meets certain criteria that the individual’s mind finds acceptable and meets their expectation. Quite simply, seeing and experiencing the truth of our being will not necessarily cause us to escaped the illusion of mind and see the truth of Creation. This is because what it current means to have a human physical experience. That is, we experience Physical Creation as a shared creation but as a separate journey or a journey of, or in, separation. To see how creation is not done alone and the other is needed to give us the experience we desire to have, we must be willing to step out of mind.

What needs to be realized is the key item that does not allow us to see through eyes of another to see the true oneness and interconnectedness of creation is pain - both our pain and the pain of the other. We need to be willing to face and step past our pain and accept and step past the pain of another to see through their eyes. But this includes the pain of this life and any other existence which causes us to perceive Creation in a separation. But the human physical experience is designed to avoid pain, numb pain and/or suppress pain even at the expense of developing a addiction that can destroy the body. The challenge then become in learning the gift of pain and how to use it, in doing ourselves we open the door to understand how creation is not done alone.

The illusion of mind is reinformed because we can explore and explain in excruciating detail any thing on which we focus. As such, we can become lost in the details of a particular thing or aspect of creation and think we are exploring the infinite. For any point at which we choose to start, there is an infinite number of details to explore within any give part and an infinite number of part to explore outward. Exploring outward will give the illusion of becoming lost. Exploring the details inward of any give part will give the illusion that we can understand the infinite with our finite mind. In either case, we remain in the illusion of mind. To escape the illusion of mind, we need to become a detached witness and surrenderto the flow of energy give us the experience we have. It is the awareness within the feeling which will allow us to see the truth of reality.

Related topics
The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind

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