The Primary Issue of Creative Spirituality


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Relative Creative Spirituality and to our creative ability and creative power, the primary issue we face in life is when our creative play and the free expression of our creative spirit/creative life energy is thwarted. When the free expression of our creative spirit is thwarted in any way for any reason, we will feel a discomfort or pain of some type and some kind at some level of our being.

This is the primary issue relative to our creative ability and creative power because the natural response as a human being is to move, without really thinking about how we move, to protect ourselves so as to not experience the pain or discomfort again. However we move with the mind that we have and, more often than not, it is to move with the mind of a child early in life since it is early in life where our creative spirit is most often thwarted. In doing so, we create a cage of our own making which keeps our creative spirit captive rather than allowing for it to be protected.

This is the primary issue relative to Creative Spirituality in that when we create this cage of our own making, we separate ourselves, or cut ourselves off, from our own creative ability and creative power and wholeness within our being though our mind and what we think and believe. Since our inner world is reflected in the outer, we experience this inner separation as being separate from the Creative Powers of Creation which give rise to Creation. We experience ourselves as being separate from the unseen realms of Creation and that which we have come to call God. This separation then gives rise to the illusion of mind that there is a spiritual realm separate from the physical realm. Yet, nothing is farther from the truth.

Overcoming this illusion and finding the wholeness within our being requires is to face the pain and the response pattern we seemingly used to protect our creative spirit when its free expression was somehow thwarted. There are four ways we can go about responding to the pain/discomfort we feel.

The first way we respond to the pain/discomfort when the free expression of our creativity is thwarted is fear and/or placing our creative spirit in a cage of our own making. It is the way most commonly developed as a child and is normally a somewhat childish response. It needs to be understood, early in life all we have at this time in our life is the mind of a child to develop our response. Here our typical response is we learn to run away from what causes the pain/discomfort in life so as to avoid experiencing the types and kinds of situations which give rise to our pain and discomfort. Or, we put our creative spirit behind some type and kind of defensive barrier to it but it ends up being a cage of our own making. Here we develop fears around those situations which give rise to pain and begin to live our life in fear. Here we move through life in a way that does not holding our creativity sacred and serve us and what we desire to create in the long run. We may find temporary relief but we are not served in the long run for we give our creative power away to the fears we have and the response patterns we develop.

Our problem is we carry these fears and response patterns through our entire life. To change them to something which better serves our creativity and creative spirit we need to go back to their cause and occasions which gave first to fear/response pattern. In doing so, we need to face the pain and discomfort in a new way and a way which better serves us. However, because the fear and response patterns develop so early in life, we do not always have clear memories of exactly what the issue was that we faced. Often all we have is the feeling of the experience imprinted in our being and our body and we have to use the our feelings to guide us. To do this we need to be open to feeling and learn to use the awareness which lies in feeling and the awareness which lies in the body. This is, of course, difficult for we need to face the pain which caused us to shut down our ability to feel which we need to get at the memories.

The second way we respond to the pain/discomfort when the free expression of our creativity is thwarted is to find some pleasurable or even neutral activity which numbs or suppresses the pain. Thinking and residing in our mind is one of the more common neutral activities many do to avoid the pain/discomfort they feel. Here we develop a thinking addiction without realize it. Drug, sex, alcohol, smoking, food, and the like are the more pleasurable activities that have been used to numb and/or suppress the pain/discomfort. These activities can lead to more damaging addictions. A thinking addiction keeps us away from what we feel and can make us cold and without compassion but these other addiction can actually lead to the destruction of the body and/or our life.

The third way we respond to the pain/discomfort when the free expression of our creativity is thwarted is that we simply suppress what we feel in a particular way. Here we "bottle" the energy rather than attempt to numb it. However, without out some way or processing and dissipating the energy it will emerge as frustration, anger and/or some type and kind of accident, illness or disease.

How the energy is release would be through the weakest point in our being or our place of vulnerability. If one is permitted to become angry, mad and the like, often this energy is simply vented as an anger. When the anger is released, more often than not, the situation which seems to cause the release of the anger is really the occasion and not the cause. In this situation, looking at the situation we face to find the root of our anger will not lead us to the cause. We must pull the string and dig deeper as to what is really giving rise to our anger. Ultimately, the true cause of the anger is all the denied and bottled up energy blocked in denying the free expression of our creative spirit/creative life energy.

An alternative to anger, if we are permitted, is to cry. Often an situation is experienced and we just cry uncontrollably and we have no idea as to why we are crying. Here again, the situation which seem to be the cause of crying is really only the occasion for its release of the energy. Again, looking to the situation as to the cause of our cry will not address the real cause.

If we are unable vent the energy as in anger or crying the energy is often released in some kind of undesired body condition - an accident, illness or disease. In this case, there may be a physical situation or cause to which we can point and say is the cause of the body condition and what we are feeling in the body. However, the body condition is only the occasion for the release of the energy and again, the occasion for the release of the energy may be diverting our attention form the real cause of the undesired body condition. The root cause of what we face resides in how the creative spirit/creative life energy is unable to freely flow and dissipate. Here again, although the bottled up energy may be released in the accident, illness or disease we face, the cause will lie dormant until we face another experience in life that will reenergized the root cause in some way.

This last statement is important to understand. Often when we have accident, illness and/or diseases, especially if they are serious, we change our life in some way. It may be a small way, but there are things we do a little different because of what we have faced. Or, the accident, illness and/or disease shifts us into a different pattern. Simply missing a few days from work may cause us to be moved from one job assignment to another and we are diverted from a pattern that was being developed that was not serving us. These seemingly simply changes may be significant enough so as to not reenergize the patterns which gave rise to the accident, illness or disease. But, when we move back into a similar pattern, we are again faced with a similar or different accident, illness or disease arising from that pattern.

Another aspect of creating an accident, illness or disease in response to not being able to live our truth is that often having an accident, illness or disease is the only acceptable reason we can give other people to not perform the way they want us to perform or withdrawing from a situation. Consequently, getting certain physical conditions provides a way to withdraw to a more protected space. Although having the ability to withdraw from a situation as a result of an accident, illness or disease may not serve the free expression of our creative spirit, it can allow our creative spirit to be in a space that does not further harm and thwart our creativity .

The fourth way we can respond to the pain/discomfort when the free expression of our creativity is thwarted is in awareness. Here we are aware of how the free expression of our creative spirit/creative life energy is being thwarted. If we are aware, we can create a response that both protects our creative spirit but have also retain the free expression of our creative spirit. That is, we don’t place our creative spirit in a cage of our own making thinking we are protect it. Or, if we are not aware, we are aware enough to pull the string on the pain we experience and explore the pain as to what is giving rise to the pain we feel to get at the root cause.

If we are going to be aware, we need to be open to feeling and be willing to feel the pain/discomfort we experience so as to follow it back to its source. For most, to use this fourth method, they will have to open themselves to what they feel and deal with many of the reasons and response patterns they have developed in life to numb or suppress what they feel. Here one is often faced with opening old wounds of the past to (1) see how exactly how and why we developed the response pattern we have and (2) to develop a response pattern that protects our creative spirit and the free flow of our creative life energy that enables us to follow the pain/discomfort back to its source. Here we look to develop a response pattern that allows us to both face what is experienced yet holds our creativity sacred so as to not deny the free expression of our creative spirit/creative life energy. We may choose to not freely respond because of the situation yet we do not suppress or deny what we feel. In this case, we often will endure the pain until the situation changes yet always looking for that opportunity to break free constructively in a way that ultimate serves us and what we desire to create.

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