The belief in the need to transcend the physical


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There is a idea, which exists with many variations, that is held and believed by many. It is that we need to learn to transcend the physical plane of existence, transcend the body, and/or particular experiences of the physical plane. This belief holds that the body and the physical somehow degrades the soul and does not allow us to fully participate in Creation. It does not allow freedom of our spirit and that heaven can only be had by escaping the physical.

The physical is seen as the source of pain and that to dwell in the physical one dwells in the middle if not the lower realms of Creation. Many even suggest that physical existence is close to the realms hell than it is the realms of heaven. It is belief that we must somehow learn to leave the physical and enter some other realm.

In the oneness of Creation, in the world of energy and the world of consciousness, nothing could be father from the truth. All of Creation is the same “stuff” of Creation. Nothing is any more sacred or any less sacred than anything else. Pain is not causes by the physical but our own attachments and refusal what needs to pass from our lives for new to energy. It exist in any realm of Creation. Creation and reality are not seen for the ever changing process that they are and the physical is just one of an any number of possible experiences.

What is not understood is that there is a need for transcendence. But transcendence is not about leaving any state of being or level of existence. It must be understood transcendence is not avoidance and what is described in the above few paragraphs is actually avoidance. Transcendence is about outgrowing thing such that we are no longer contained, limited or captured by them. It the same way a child outgrows their clothes, we can transcend something by outgrowing it.

As we expand our awareness and the depth of creative powers and ability, something just no longer serve who and what we are. It is much like a game we learn to master. Once the game is master and we can never lose, some of the fun and enjoyment is lost and we desire to move onto something a bit more challenging.

To out grow as state of being or realm of existence is to create a way of being such that the particular state of being or existence just no longer fits who and what we are. To outgrow what we are currently experiencing, we must take responsibility for having created it and recreate ourselves in such a way the we no longer fit or can be contained by what we desire to transcend.

On this topic it is to be noted that there are some aspects of physical existence we will not be able to transcend for they are part of what it means to be in the physical experience. For example, eating, drinking and breathing are inherent to the physical experience. Unless we desire to change what it means to be physical, we will have to participate in these things to some degree.

There are a few individual who are reported to have transcended the need for one or more of these. Most can slow the processes down tremendously and significantly reduce their activities if they so choose. But that is not necessarily the physical experience they desire to have. Some have incarnated to enjoy the pleasure of tasting and eating But before we can jump to the conclusion that they are some how special or they represent a preferred state to be emulated, we need see what their creative spirit desired to experience.

Often these individuals are seen as somehow saintly for they have transcended aspects of the physical. Yet, such a belief is based on the belief the physical is somehow a less desired aspect of Creation. It needs to be remembered all arises from the same stuff of Creation and all is sacred. There are no exceptions. So before we can judged anything as a preferred state of existence, we need to look at what we are really saying about Creation and the wisdom of the Creator.

If we are going to embrace the physical experience and desire to have the energy to create in the physical world, we will have to fully embrace eating, drinking and breathing. Before we listen to some outside guidance, we should look to see if our own bodies say anything about what we need to eat and drink for the experience we desire to have.

But if in the end, you still want to transcend the physical, then you have to learn not to be attached to it. Transcended is not avoided. Avoidance is not transcendence. The way to do that is to create a life worth living. A life worth living is one such that one is so full of life one could spend eternity living it and not in any way find the desire to leave it. That, in turn, allow you to be fully happy with what is, as it is for there is nothing else to seek. You have it all. You have all the happiness you need. If you have all the happiness you need, there is nothing else and you are totally free and unattached. That is transcendence.

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