Sample Format- Daily Conditioning Prayer


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following daily conditioning prayer was develop and used by the author about four years before he started his conscious journey to explore creativity to focus his attention and awareness. At the time of its use, the author had not explore creativity in sufficient detail to separate the concept of God from the concept of the Creative Power of Creation. The prayer was compiled and refined over time. The methodology was to simply to recite the prayer in a slowly contemplative manor allowing the works, thoughts and concepts to permeate his being. The goal was to condition himself into a way of thinking and being reflected in the prayer. Hence the name, the Daily Conditioning Prayer.

It is provided for your reference. You can use it if you wish but it is recommended you develop a practice based on your understanding. The reader is encouraged to use this technique or any techniques they find personally satisfying. It is highly recommended the reader experiment and develop their own technique and not use that of another. A technique personally chosen by the individual, especially one modified with some unique personal preferences, allows the emotional ownership of the technique to be utilized in the process to assist in the manifest. The emotional expression behind the request is essential in manifesting the desire. A request without emotion contains very little energy. The more emotional “charge” you can put into your request, the more likely it will work.

It should be noted that this technique, although very successful for the author, is no longer used by the author. The reason is that as one begins to manage and direct their life with clear intentionality the way one emotionally charges their intention will change. In fact, it is suggested if you technique does not change and evolve as you become more aware and more practiced you are not growing and expanding your understanding of how to manifest. The follow is recommended only as a starting point.

Daily conditioning prayer

God is
His eternal love surrounds and shields me
His divine love go before me making straight my way
Where ever I go, I can not be removed from His presence

His presence flows through me
I am his instrument in the world
I radiate his love
Through me others will learn of His unending love

He grants me wisdom and understanding
In His time He provides answers to all
He reveals my hidden talents
The path I travel is His will for me in the world

I surrender my life to Him
Adversity is but a way He teaches
He provides all that is needed
One need not be restless in His care

When I am still and quite, He speaks
His words are clear
Struggle and strain reflect my inattention
I am divinely guided in all ways

Each individual is His child
Through them I see His goodness and unending love
They speak to me of Him in way they do not understand
I will love them as He loves them

God is my essence
God is their essence
As I hurt them, I hurt myself
As I advance their interest, I advance myself

As I think, I am
As I choose, I am
He loves me enough to allow me to fail
His love is unbounded

God is the source of all strength
He heals the physical, He heals the spiritual
Through Him, I radiate His healing love
Through Him, I mend that which is torn

Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help (PS 121:1)
God provides
God is

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