Issues inherent in communicating information
about our unlimited creativity and the Source of Creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Issues inherent in communicating information
about our unlimited creativity and the Source of Creation

The infinite nature of our unlimited creativity and the Source of Creation
The uniqueness of our perception

In discussing and attempting to described the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity and/or the Source of Creation there are three issues have been observed. One centers on the infinite nature of both our unlimited creativity and the Source of Creation. In essence, words are being used to described something that is infinite in finite terms. It is like trying to put infinity into a box. As second involves the uniqueness of our perception. These two issue are discussed below. The third issue involves the nature of mind and is discussed in the topic, “The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind.” The topic “How to use any of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material,” provides some thought for consideration on how use the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material given the above issues in communication

The infinite nature of our unlimited creativity and the Source of Creation (Top)

Any discussion which tries to communicate a description about the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity and/or the source/Source that lies within our being and/or the Source of Creation is to use finite words and concepts to describe, explain or otherwise try and communicate something that is infinite. The best we can do is given a approximation.

For any experience we have, until mind obtains a sufficiently minimum set of experiences (if it ever does) to describe what we experience, the best mind can give is an approximation. To try and adequately described something that is infinite, we need a very large set of experience that can encompass the infinite of what we are trying to describe. Or, analogies, metaphors and the like can be used to describe something that is infinite. But they too will be inaccurate in one way or another to one degree or another. But then every now and then we run across something that is finite that has an infinite aspect that can be understood such as the propagation of energy in wave form.  But, even these cases the true nature of the infinite aspects of our unlimited creativity and the source/Source of creation/Creation cannot be adequately communicated. We can become very creative with what is communicate but what the communication described will be inaccurate. What is communicated will point to the correct direction but the description will be inaccurate to one degree or another.

Our unlimited creativity, the source of our being and the Source of Creation can only be experienced. But we cannot create an experience of any of these through our mind because our mind is finite. Mind by its very nature does not have the depth and breadth to fully experience and/or comprehend the infinite. To experience our unlimited creativity, the source of our being and/or the Source of Creation we must step out of mind. The easiest way to step out of mind is to become lost in what we feel and/or lose ourselves in a state of creative play. We can create conditions with our mind to increase the possibility of stumbling into an experience of any of these three but cannot and will not be able to create the experience or communicate what it does experience if and when we do stumble into one of these three. It is why an experience of any one of these three is so illusive.

The uniqueness of our perception (Top)

Each of us are very unique. No two individuals are the same. Who and what I am, is not who and what you are. My experiences are not yours and yours are not mine. They may be similar, but we each are unique and perceive differently. Our experiences will be different even if we are at the same place at the same time experiencing what we think is the same thing. Similarly, what will work for me will not necessarily work for you. But this difference in experience and perception goes even deeper and influences each of us at a more fundamental level. The issue is each word we use may or may not convey what we are trying to communicate effectively and precisely simply because my understanding and definition of the word may be slightly different than yours - or greatly different as the case may be.

Each word, or sometimes a phrase, we use has at least four meanings. One is a dictionary definition and it sometimes depends on which dictionary we use. For example, the word “God.” or the phrase, “the God of Abraham.”

A second is the colloquial use of the word and that of course can vary from society to society. For example, it is probably obvious a Christian has a different view of God than say does a Buddhist or Taoist. However, does a Christian have the same understanding of the God of Abraham as does a Moslem or Jew although they all pray to the same God of Abraham?

The third is our personal use of the word colored or filtered by our experiences. Is my understanding of God or the God of Abraham correspond to yours even if we subscribe to the same spiritual tradition and can be said to practice the same faith?

The fourth is our conscious and subconscious definitions of the word. For example, what does God really mean to me or you both consciously and subconsciously? Are we aware of the feelings we have when we talk about God? Are we aware of how we will respond when our concept of God requires action on our part?

If our concept and understanding of God are really precisely the same, we should have the same response. After all, if I put my finger and your finger on the same very hot stove, we both have pretty much the same response but yet our experience of the pain will be different. The issue is what are we are really communicating by the words we use.

Some words cause feelings to arise in us that go well beyond what we consciously understand about the word or how the world is used. These four meanings may or may not align. Sometimes times they can even oppose each other. What is important is realizing any one of these four definitions will influence a conversation when a particular word is used. So, the task is to create a common ground between us. However, you or I do not know what the other knows and/or understands about the words we use. To become a conscious creator we need to become aware of the words we use and why. It is to look to see if the words we use really convey what we desire to say to ourselves and to another.

The beauty of a website technology and their hyperlinks is we can individualize our approach to any information if that information is presented in the correct format. It can provide a flexibility that is not readily available in a book with footnotes or references. Hyperlinks or words that we can click on” allows us to further explore the concept or be informed of amplifying information not previously available. But even this if often insufficient to communicate what really needs to be said.

It needs to be noted there is one problem in using hyperlinks that parallels what we face in any creative effort. It is the issue of distraction. The hyperlink on which we click will go to a discussion that will most probably have additional hyperlinks. Those new hyperlinks will of course lead to other discussions that have hyperlinks within them and the process will go on and on. In following the hyperlinks, we may find ourselves quickly getting far removed from the original discussion. But that is okay. We are encouraged to do it our way and explore what we wish.

Exactly the same type of thing occurs when creating. The parallel phenomenon occurs when we create something. We can become so distracted that we fail to create what we desire. In creativity, we set an intention to create and then we start out to create what we intend. In the process, we become distracted because we need to face and deal with one or more issues or obstacles that arise on our creative path.

In dealing with the issue or obstacle we often lose focus. We usually lose focus in one of two ways. One way is we become so distract we forget what we set out to do or, because our path is difficult. Or, maybe there is something we don’t like or even frightening. We change our intention whether or not we realize we change it. To avoid becoming lost, or we unknowingly change our intention as we respond to events, we need to learn to allow our intention to become a single point focus. We need to look to see if the decision we are about to make leads us towards what we desire, leads us away or is simply neutral only postponing action.

Related topics
The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind

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