The catalyst for the journey - dissatisfaction


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In may ways, the real journey into the creative unknown starts with dissatisfaction. It starts when we decide we are no longer satisfied with what we find in our life and we decide we are going to find something different. We are going to either find a more suitable environment or we are going to create one. In reality both those approaches end up being the same. We seek to change our external environment to something more suitable to our liking. Most of us do not look to change our internal environment to something more suitable that allows us to become happy with is.

Ultimately, since the inner is reflected by the outer, there is ultimately no real different if we look outward or inward. The only difference is if the focus is directed outward or inward. Neither an internal journey or an external journey is better than they other, each is just very different. The main difference is whether or not we choose to become the cause, and cause our creative life energy to flow outward to change our world. Or, do we react to the world and allow the outer world to be the cause and we change our inner world to reflect the outer. What is best for us depends on what is effective in our life for what we incarnated to do.

What is different about the inward journey and outward journey is whom do we see as responsible for creating the conditions we face. If we look inward we have no one to blame but ourselves. However, if we look outward, we tend to fix the responsibility on someone other than ourselves. That in turn causes us to miss the root cause of our dissatisfaction. The source of what we experience arises from within our own being. We must look inward and make the inner change first and allow them to ripple outward.

To act on the dissatisfaction of our current environment externally without addressing why we are dissatisfied we limit and rob ourselves of our creative power. The problem is we are looking to fulfill a need that we see in the current external environment as not fulfilling but the need is ultimately internal. That is, we are looking in the wrong direction. More importantly, if we are trying to avoid something externally, such as pain, we are not open to all the possibilities that we have before us. We then begin to think the external world is the cause of our pain but we do not look inside to see why we may have created it.

The issue is rather than go inside and understand from where the need and desire is coming and to try and satisfy the inner need and desire, we never access the real root of the issue that is causing our dissatisfaction. It needs to be understood, there is nothing wrong with our desires, needs and wants. They are in fact what propel us through life and desire are part of the raw material of creation. We seek things, people or understandings to satisfy these desires, needs and wants. Sometimes they are as as simple as “I am hungry,” so we desire food.

The difficulties we face do not stem from the desires themselves. Rather they arise from the reason for the desires and whether the real need is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.. Attempting to satisfy a spiritual desire will not be alleviated by giving something physical to the body. For example, feeling separation from the source/Source of our being/Being cannot be alleviated by an physical lover no matter how powerful a physical experience it may be. Similarly, the need for a physical companion with whom to share life will not be alleviated by looking and finding God such as have a profound mystical experience. The issue is not what we do but whether or not what we do addresses the origins of the desire. The question is, “What is the real reason why we seek anything - what is giving rise to our dissatisfaction?” Unless we pull the string and truly understand what gives rise to our desires, we will not find a lasting inner satisfaction with life. But, in looking to understand what gives rise to our desires, we will create the occasion to explore the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity. Additionally, in exploring our desires and pulling the string on why we have the desires we do, we will access the truth of our being at its deepest levels. The question then becomes, “Can we live our truth in the world in which we find ourselves or do we need to recreate the world we experience to live our truth?’

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