Caution About Meditation- Meditation As An Addiction


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Something that is rarely discussed but is a real phenomenon is that meditation can be an addiction as powerful as any addiction you can have. One goal of meditation can be to access inner joy and bliss. Although one can learn to create such a state through meditation, no matter what the individual does, many find they can only access this state when they remove themselves from the world, deny the senses, and go deeply inward. In general there is nothing wrong with doing this. However, if we use this process in any way to escape the world or use meditation as an excuse to not to be in the world we are laying the foundation to use meditation as an addiction.

When we continually rely on a medication or diversion of any type to keep us away from facing our pain whether that pain is internal or external, we will form an addiction of some type. For example, thinking and preoccupation with the mind is actually a form of addiction, a thinking addiction, so as not to feel. If we are constantly thinking and denying what we feel and acting out of duty and obligation, we have only succumbed to another form of addiction. Similarly, using meditation to escape an aspect of our internal or external world is also a from of addiction. When you are able to create a state of internal bliss through meditation, that state becomes an addiction as powerful as any other if you use it to escape the world.

Meditation is a tool that can be to understand our true nature. Through meditation we can learn how they create our experiences. In learning to create our experiences we can learn to create the experience of bliss and joy no matter what we are doing in life or what is happening in our external world. We do not have to withdraw from the world . We can learn to be in the world but not of it. Meditation should only be teaching us about our true nature and we then use our natural creative ability wherever we are to create any state we desire. If we need to retreat and withdraw to meditation, we have not learned how to use our true creative nature and face the possibility of becoming addicted to the meditative state.

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