Addressing Creative Step/Guideline #12

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Implementing Creative Step/Guideline #12

Creative Step/Guideline #12


A passionate single point focus

The need for someone to hold you accountable

Creative Step/Guideline #12 (Top): Without a passionate single point focus almost to the point of being blinded to create what you desire, you will need another. Ask your intuition to find someone who would help you hold the focus with unwavering faith and hold you accountable to your creative efforts and what you desire to create. Honor the intuitive guidance that you receive.

Background (Top)

As you work with the creative process you will see that most do not get what they desire because they continually get distracted from what they desire or they have to compromise what they desire to satisfy the world as they experience it. Ultimately, they lack of the necessary passion. The passion that is necessary is a passion so strong that one becomes singly pointed almost to the point of blindness and unable to see anything other than their creative efforts. Yet, with this single pointed focus they still remain acutely aware and awake to the hazards around them and what they need to do to create what they desire. The passion is only the fuel and energy one needs to create what they desire. Without a sufficient passion you cannot complete the journey. Without a single point focus almost to the point of blindness one will be continually distracted and that vital creative energy will be squandered in the mundane and that which is unsupportive of one’s creative needs.

Blinding passion is misunderstood. It is not anger. Although some interpret passion as anger, anger is creative energy that is not free to be flow and is more like a pressure relief valve going off to relieve the pressure that builds up in a gas tank. Although anger may be focused it is normally destructive. Similarly, passion may appear destructive but it is only to clear the way for a new creation. It is much like destroying and old building so a new one can be built. Anger would be to destroy the building with no intention of building anything.

There is the creative passion of the heart that seeks to create life and sustain life. If it lashes out, it is most probably experiencing pain because of its confinement. Yet, often the creative spirit is so bound that one needs to become angry to both get the energy flowing within one’s being and to break the binds that is holding it back. In any case, whether the creative spirit is free it will flow passionately and forcefully to create what it desires. Many are afraid of the magnitude of the passion that is released so they try and control their creative passion and stifle it in the process.

A passionate single point focus (Top)

Without a passionate single point focus almost to the point of being blinded to create what you desire, you will need another.

You need to be held accountable to what you desire to create. If you are not accountable, there is a good chance you will become diverted. If one is free to allow their creative spirit to flow in passion it is unlikely one will become constrained or restrained in any way. Without a blinding passion, it is very appropriate to find someone who is willing to hold you accountable to what you desire to create so that you do not become diverted and you continually refocus yourself in their presence.

The need for someone to hold you accountable (Top)

Ask your intuition to find someone who would help you hold the focus with unwavering faith and hold you accountable to your creative efforts and what you desire to create. Honor the intuitive guidance that you receive

You can ask someone you trust to hold you accountable and they may do so. However, they may or may not have an understanding or the experience of the creative process to keep you focused. Ask your intuitive guidance to lead you to the individual who will be able to help you hold the focus for what you desire to create and hold you accountable to implementing these principles. Honor the intuitive guidance you get. The person who is brought to you may or may not have the conscious awareness of what to do but they will nevertheless be able to do what needs to be done. Realize if you make a choice from the perspective of mind and what you think you need, the individual will only be the best you get until you can create something better. Ultimately your intuitive guidance, based on the flow of energy of your creative endeavor, will lead you to the best person to help you hold the focus. Whether or not they are consciously aware, most often they will become a muse in some way pulling you forward into your creative efforts. The essential point to realize is it that the energy of the creative effort itself will lead you to the best person that can hold the space for your creative endeavor. Your intuitive guidance will take you there, not your mind.

The way to honoring the intuitive you get was discussed under Creative Step/Guidelines #5.

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