Addressing Creative Step/Guideline #1

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Calibrating the internal compass -

Implementing Creative Step/Guideline #1

Creative Setp/Guidelines #1


Discerning Personal Truth

Discerning personal truth exercise

Reviewing the results of the discerning personal truth exercise

General statements about what serves and doesn’t serve you

Let feelings be your measure of personal truth

Measuring truth by feeling

Calibrating the internal compass

Part one: Fullness of life - fullness of being - feeling most alive

Part two: The desire to engage life

Part three: (Optional) Desiring to share

Part four: Sharing the description of the feelings as you remember them

Part five - Looking for your life’s purpose

Part six (Optional) - Sharing

Setting the internal compass

Using the internal compass

Finding “the” feelings

Creative Step/Guideline #1: Calibrate your internal compass to know what serves and doesn’t serve your creative spirit and learn to read your internal compassion to be able to align with the flow of energy created by your intention.

Background (Top)

Every experience you have is the result of a flow of energy into and out of that experience. In being aware of how and what we feel, one can learn to sense the flow of energy that is giving rise to the experience we have or will have. In that awareness one can learn to decide whether a flow of energy serves or doesn’t serve their creative efforts.

There are three parts to calibrating the internal compass. One is to understand you can discern what is true for you and you do so through feeling. The second part is that you do have an inherent internal compass that can and will lead you into life giving activities. The third part is to use this internal compass and align through your feelings with the flow of energy your intention creates to manifest what you desire to create.

The most important single action you can take to create what you desire, and/or to find satisfaction in life, is to calibrate your internal compass to know what thoughts, words, actions and memories serve and don’t serve your creative needs. You can learn to “feel” the flow of energy that gives rise to each thought, word, action and memory. You can come to know if that thought, word, action or memory serves you and leads you toward manifesting what you desire.

In many ways learning to “feel” each thought, world, action and memory is much like using a navigating compass. There is a direction to which the compass always points and one navigates relative to that direction. Analogously, there is direction to which the flow of energy that is sustaining your being always points. It points to that which gives life and freedom within one’s being. You can learn to feel the flow. This same energy that sustains your being is what you use to create whatever you desire. In knowing the feeling associated with the direction as to where your energy wants to flow and knowing the feeling of what you desire to create, you can create a single point focus to move toward what you desire to create based on the direction inherent to the flow of energy that sustains your being. If you get distracted by the mundane world and forced to go in a different direction as a ship would be blown off its course in a storm, you can always come back to your internal compass and regain your bearing.

Now a note needs to be made here about direction of the flow of energy that sustains your being and is the source of your creative powers. From a creativity perspective, each of us came into this world to have certain types and kinds of experience. The desire for these experiences are reflected within our being as an internal longing to achieve something of deep intrinsic value to the us. When we are on course we feel a fulness within our being and a contentment with life. The more we in line with what we came to experience the greater the feeling of the fulness within our being.

The internal longing arises when one is off their course or moving in a direction away from the direction that the flow of their creative life energy is carrying them. The more one moves away from this direction, the greater and the more intense the longing. The more one was in alignment with the direction of this flow, the greater joy and bliss one felt about life regardless of what they were experiencing externally. Here there is no longing for one is joy and bliss. They are living it and being it. What needs to be realized that you are free to create whatever you desire. There are no judgments on what you desire although there are consequences for the time and place in which you live. However, the more you move away from the reason for your incarnation, the greater this internal feeling and pain that will result. That is not necessarily bad. You just need to realize where the pain comes from and whether or not what you are choosing to create that is giving rise to the pain is worth the price that you are paying. Sometimes it is. Or, sometimes it isn’t.

Discerning Personal Truth (Top)

To calibrate and use the internal compass, one needs to understand how it is possible to discern personal truth. That is, how it is possible to feel what serves and doesn’t serve one’s creative needs. The ability to discern personal truth is very important. To deny a personal truth is to deny one’s being. A personal truth is not the same as an ultimate truth of reality. It may be, but does not necessarily have to be. In fact, as you will come to understand, as you explore your creativity, because of how we create our experience, to create a particular type and kind of experience, often a personal truth will not be an ultimate truth and cannot be an ultimate truth. Most often our personal truth is a relative truth we hold that is necessary for us to accomplish what we have chosen to create.

It is here you can find the key to understanding the statement made by mystics that “mind is an illusion.” It is an illusion in the sense one must be able to hold untruths to create an experience of Creation. If you experienced Creation as it truly is, and experience the depth and breadth of your creative ability as it truly is, you would not live your life the way you do. You create the experiences you do by the relative and personal truths you hold. The truth of this statement is not necessarily something you can agree to with your mind. Rather, it is something you will have to experience to know its truth. So, go ahead and disagree. When you experience the truth of what is said here, then and only then, will you understand.

As you will come to see if you work with your creative ability, we create what we experience by denying certain absolute truths and then hold those denials as true. That, in turn, creates the experience we desire to have. Consider a simple example. To have an experience of being righteous, you have to find something that you believe is not righteous for you to have your experience of being righteous. That is, you need to create the duality of this right or wrong to have the basis to experience righteousness. However, the fact you believe something is not righteous is not necessarily correct and your belief does not make that something not righteous. It is only your belief relative to what you think righteousness is. In any case, the issue is not “what is truth or true.” Rather, the question one needs to be able to address is, “How do I know when something is personally true for me and how do I know what type and kind of feeling should arise when something serves or doesn’t serve my being and/or my creative needs?” At this point in time, all you need of which to be aware is “What is true for me and how do I know?”

The easiest way to see how to discern personal truth and to learn to know what is personally true for you is to do an exercise on personal truth and become consciously aware of what you feel.

Discerning personal truth exercise (Top)

This exercise is best done if someone narrates the text of this exercise. Trying to read this exercise rather than just being able to listen and do what is directed will break your concentration. If you are reading this material alone, it is recommended you go find someone to slowly read this exercise to you. Or, record the exercise on a tape and then listen to it.

To get the most out of this exercise, give yourself permission to feel. Tell yourself that you are free to feel whatever it is you need to feel in this exercise and that you are perfectly safe.

  • Close your eyes and calm yourself

  • Focus on your breathing

  • Allow your awareness to follow the rise and fall of your chest

  • Imagine a stone dropping into a large pool of water

  • Every time you breathe in, see a stone drop into the pool and a ripple formed

  • Every time you breathe out, the ripples expand outward and dissipates creating a perfectly calm pool of water

  • Continue to watch a stone drop and watch the ripple expand outward dissipating again and again with each breath

  • Each time a new ripple forms and dissipates, know you move to a deeper calmness

  • [To the narrator: Give some time for the individual to be with their breathing before continuing the exercise

  • After watching the stones and ripples for a time, think of some object or thing, a personal experience, a person, an activity or whatever you choose that has great and unparalleled beauty and joy for you. You are free to choose whatever you wish. You can be at any time or place and at any age. The place can be real or imaginary. Just think of some object, thing or personal experience that gives you unparalleled beauty and joy

  • [To the narrator: give some time for the individual(s) to find their object of focus]

  • Every time you breathe in, experience this object of unparalleled beauty and joy

  • Every time you breathe out, allow yourself to savior and feel the experience of this object of focus throughout your entire body

  • Continue breathing in the experience and breathing out allowing yourself to full feel and savor the experience

  • [To the narrator: allow some time to feel the experience]

  • As you experience this object of focus that gives you this great beauty and joy, notice the feelings you have

  • Allow yourself to be with what you feel and allow the feeling to permeate all of your being

  • Pay particular attention as to how you would describe what you feel and/or recognize what you feel at some future time

  • Feel the beauty and joy of this experience

  • Tell yourself you will always remember what these feelings of great beauty and joy feel like and you will recognize them in the future

  • Allow yourself to feel the beauty and joy this object of your focus gives you

  • Allow yourself to be present to this beauty

  • Now, tell yourself all that you have just felt and experienced is a lie and totally untrue because you hate whatever it is that you said gives you bliss and joy

  • Tell yourself you hate the object of focus

  • Tell yourself all that you just experienced is a fabrication, a lie

  • Tell yourself you have been deceived and that beauty and joy is not found in the object of your focus

  • Allow yourself some time to feel the lie

  • [To the narrator: allow for a few moments to be with the feelings]

  • Now notice how you respond to this revelation about what you cherish and how and what you feel

  • Pay particular attention to how the feelings have changed

  • bserver and record the feelings you had both when you were with the object of focus that gave great beauty and what you felt when you told yourself a lie

Reviewing the results of the discerning personal truth exercise (Top)

There are several things one needs to understand from this exercise. One is what you felt in thinking about what give you great beauty and joy contains the elements of what truth feels like to you. It contains all the elements of what truth feels like to you at this points in time and/or is the “direction” of truth in your life. That is, (1) the feeling you had is the type and kind of feeling you will feel when you experience something that is personally true for you and (2) as your belief structure changes and you gain more experience in life, you may find what is true for you changes. .

The comment as to the “direction” of the feeling means that, although what you feel in the future may not be exactly like what you feel now, what you feel now is the type and kind of feelings you will have. The feelings in the future may be different because you may be in a different environment. For example, the feelings you have in laying down and resting have an element in common whether you lay down on a nice soft bed or a slab of stone. The feelings of truth at different points and times in our life will have elements in common. If you follow the common feelings, you will always be moving in the same direction in your life. You can learn to discern these common elements of the feeling and use them to measure how true something is for you.

Realize that what gives you great beauty and joy is unique to you. It is your truth. The feelings of great beauty and joy you feel also contain the feelings you have when you embrace what is true for you and/or a truth about what you desire to create. What is true for you serves you and who and what you are. What is true for you does not cause you to deny the essence of your being. It allows you to grow and expand into the awareness of who and what you are. If you are open to your feelings, you may literally feel yourself expanding. It is said what you felt contains the elements of what truth feels like because you can, and will, feel what is true for you whether or not something is pleasurable.

Two things do need to be noted about one’s personal truth. One is that as you gain experience in life it may, and most probably, will change. However, the second point is, the feeling that makes you feel alive and full of life does not change. That feeling is immutable. As you move into life and into those activities that give you life you will have a greater fulness and/or passion within your being. This is the essence of the internal compass and is reflective of why you incarnated and the experiences you incarnated to have.

What you felt in telling yourself that what gives you great bliss and joy is a lie contains the elements of what you feel at this point in time when something does not serve you or the “direction” you are going does not serve you. That is, if you continue to do things that give you such feelings (the feeling of this lie) you will be going in a direction in life that does not ultimately serve you your best interests. What you felt is a combination of what you feel when you know you are lying to yourself and what you feel when you experience an untruth for a lie is an untruth you tell yourself. What needs to be understood is what is untrue for you does not ultimately serve you and who and what you are and you can feel when you are not being served. What does not serve you causes you to deny the essence of your being in some way. What is untrue for you does not allow you to grow and expand in awareness. Rather, in some way, you have to deny what is to live or act in accordance with that untruth.

To live or act in some way that is not true for you is the same as telling a lie to yourself and, if you are aware, you will feel it. To continue to tell the lie and/or live in the lie and not feel pain or discomfort you will have to numb what you feel. This in turn lays the seed for addictions and/or desensitizing yourself to what you feel. As a minimum you can become aware of how an untruth seems to steal or drain your energy to be enthusiastic in what you do. You may even see and feel yourself shrinking and collapsing much like a balloon whose air is being released. Or, you may simply find yourself going to sleep at whatever level of your being that is not being severed by what you are doing. The more you lie to yourself the more and more you move into unawareness about yourself. In doing so, you become more and more insensitive to what you feel. The more you lie to yourself and/or live the a lie, the less passion, energy and enthusiasm you will have to life and/or for life.

General statements about what serves and doesn’t serve you (Top)

There are some general statements that can be made about what severs or doesn’t serve you.

Typically, activities that serve you cause you experience one or more of the following: you feel an expansion within your being; experience a lightness of being; experience a feeling of bliss and joy within your being independent of what is happening externally; and/or a calmness in your being as you are actively engaged in whatever it is you do. The more you feel what you would describe or interpret as a feeling of bliss and joy in what you do or one of these other feelings, the more that what you do and experience is probably in alignment with your personal truth.

The more you feel what you felt in telling a lie, the more your experience is in alignment with a lie relative to your personal truth. What needs to be understood is that you can feel truth. You can feel what is true for you and the essence of your being and what is a lie where you in someway deny your essence. You only need to be aware of what truth and a lie feels like. In essence, this exercise was an initial calibration of your ability to feel and use feeling as your measure of personal truth and realize you have an internal compass. The next task is then to calibrate that internal compass.

Let feelings be your measure of personal truth (Top)

In realizing you can feel any event in your life, you can learn to feel what thought, word, action or memory allows you to feel as though you are being served and those that allow you to feel you are experiencing a lie. Hopefully, you have learned from the experiences you can feel as true and you can let feeling be your measure of personal truth. Now what is important here is we are talking about your personal truth. That is, that which is accord with your being and who and what you are and what you desire to create. We are not talking about absolute truth of the universe or social truth of the society you inhabit. Your personal truth may or may not be in accord with the ultimate truth of the physical plane as it exists and/or the social truth of your society. Rather, it is what is in alignment with who and what you are and what you choose to experience.

Exactly how and why this works and why your personal truth may not be alignment with ultimate truth of the physical plane and/or the social truth is, as you can come to experience for yourself, because there is an intention that is governing your life that may or may not be in alignment with ultimate truth of the physical plane and/or the social truth. Your purpose for being here may be to change what physical creation looks like. Hence in some way your truth will be opposed to physical Creation as it currently exists.

For example, to carry the dream of flying or going to the moon several hundred years ago went against what it meant to be human as humanity existed in Physical Creation at that time and in that place. Acting on that dream and going to the moon has caused physical Creation to become different. You may ask, “How has Physical Creation become different?” It is the same understanding (the physics and chemistry) that has allowed humanity to go to the moon that has allowed humanity to tap and release the energy within fossil fuels. However, as a result of humanity choosing to burn fossil fuels, the evidence suggests humanity is increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases. These gases, in turn, contribute to Global warming. In the end, Physical Creation, as represented by the earth, is being changed by humanity. It is changed by humanity by what we collectively think and choose and not choose to do. The collective in turn is only the subtotal of all our individual desires. Ultimately, it all starts with the choices you choose to make and I choose to make.

You will have to give yourself permission to do your own experiments and explore your own truth to see what is true for you. The recommendation made here is to get out of the judgments and thinking of your mind and let feelings be the measure of your personal truth. To open yourself to what you feel is one of the more powerful actions you can take to access and release your unlimited creativity and/or to come to know who you are. It is a powerful gift that you give yourself because it is what you feel that allows you to better see and understand how to allow your intuitive guidance to lead you in your creative endeavors.

If you don’t feel or can’t feel the truth about something, then say to yourself “I don’t know if it is true for me or not.” That does not mean whatever it is you experience is true or untrue. Rather, 1) it is just not “your” truth or, 2) you have not raised your awareness to know if it is true for you or, 3) you may have shut down your feelings relative to that subject area so you don’t really know what is true. It needs to be realized that you may accept something as true but it is not your truth. If you use feelings as a measure of truth what you will come to find is that on a scale of one to ten, most of what we know or think as true is not our truth. You will find you are probably somewhere around a two or three on a scale of ten as to what you feel and know is true for you as opposed to all that you think you know is true and/or have been told is true and have only accepted as true without looking..

Now if you do this “truth check” on what you believe is true and find you have little feeling for, or against, most of what you believe, you need not be frightened. Or, if in doing this “truth check” you find some of your most deeply held truths are not true for you, you again, need not panic. Rather, you only need in a non judgmental fashion accept that this is where you are and simply ask, “What is my truth and how do I go about establishing my truth?” Your intuitive guidance will lead you to what you need to do and/or experience.

Measuring truth by feeling  (Top)

So how does one measure truth by feelings? To measure truth by feeling, one needs to “get out of mind.” That is, outside the thinking and judging mind. Then they need to listen to what they hear, be aware of what they see, and become aware of what they feel. Then in that state of feeling, see if what is felt causes one to expand the fullness of their being and the feeling of life or whether it collapses them and causes them to shrink and move away from life. Those experiences that allow for an expansion are those that need to be further explored and experienced and are the experiences that will probably serve you in life. Those experiences which cause one to shrink and collapse, one should avoid as much as possible. They will not serve you and ultimately harm you. The recommendation and goal provided by the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is to feel the fullness of being, the fulness of life and what gives you life and the desire to engage life and that fullness can only be felt.

It needs to be noted here that mind will provide an interpretation to what is felt but it does not feel. Your being determines what is felt. Look at your body and brain as a metaphor for you being and your mind. There is a symbolic and literal relationship between your body and the brain and your being and your mind. One needs to realize the brain is part of your body, and has no nerve sensors. It does not feel. The sensors that give rise to feeling lie in the body and the body is what feels. Similarly, your mind does not feel but your being does. Your mind is part of your being as your brain is part of your body and it is your being that feels, not the mind. Mind is only a collection of the experiences we had.

What needs to be understood is that, whatever is felt will be characterized by mind and whatever is characterized by mind will have a feeling. But, rather become aware of what we feel, we believe mind’s interpretation of what we feel. We don’t go back to see exactly what is felt that gives rise to what mind projects to see if mind’s characterization is correct. We fail to realize is that unless one has the minimum set of experiences to properly characterize what is felt, something is lost every time mind attempts to characterize what we feel and experience. Unless we have learned to feel we will be missing important information. How much we lose and how important it is obviously depends on the situation at hand. In any case, the characterization of mind - thoughts, words, images or the like that give you a feeling of expansion are the ones to embrace. The characterization may be inaccurate but it provides the correct direction. In the ancient recommendation that one should have good thoughts, good words and good deeds, there is an interpretation which needs to be added to this sage advice. Have thoughts that give a feeling of fullness of being, have words that give the feeling of a fullness of being and have deeds that have a feeling of fullness of being. On this note, what gives you a fullness of being will not necessary give me a fullness of being. So what is good for you will not necessarily be good for me. In any case, to feel the fullness of being, you must be open to feeling.

Calibrating the internal compass (Top)

Collecting the information to calibrate the internal compass (calibrating): This exercise has three parts. The first two parts are what you need to create whatever you desire. The third part will carry you into the purpose of your incarnation and most probably ultimately shatter your ego. So it is recommended you skip the third part unless you have some desire to either (1) transcend your ego as you currently know and understand it and/or (2) wish to explore the reason for your incarnation.

In the following exercises, you will be asked to remember experiences in your life that made you feel a certain way. It doesn't matter if you were doing something acceptable or unacceptable in the eyes of your society or even in when viewed by the eyes of your own mind. You just need to remember the feelings you had in the experience you were having. The focus should be on remembering the feelings and what exactly what feelings you felt. The focus should not be on any judgments of your mind or the mind of others and/or what the implications of the experience you had. At this point in time, just remember the feelings and exactly what you felt to the best of your memory. If you have difficult remembering and/or find the types and kinds of experiences requested here, there is some recommendations provided at the end of this section to address such an issue.

Part one: Fullness of life - fullness of being - feeling most alive

  • Recall at least five experiences in your life when you felt the most fully alive, where you had an enthusiasm and/or a passion for life and for living. That is, you were full of life and the abundance of what you felt caused you to want to experience more of life

  • These experiences should be experiences where you felt a passion or you were so full of enthusiasm, energy and/or awareness that you thought you would explode. They should give you a feeling that everything inside of you wants to burst forth, to come out like a flower blossoming, or an orgasm about to happen. You can call such an experience a peak experience in your life

  • The feeling may have felt so wonderful such that it was almost as though you could sit for eternity in the feeling

  • The emphasis here is that you want to be in the experience and just be with the experience as opposed to doing anything with it

  • You may feel as though you wanted to experience to never end

  • The experience could be: with a person, a place, a thing, a sensation, an experience of some type, a discovery

  • It doesn't matter what it was, just record at least five experiences that made you feel most alive, full of life and/or gave you a passion for life and for living

  • Another way to view this passion and enthusiasm is feeling that if you cannot do what gives rise to this passion or you are unable to feel this passion, a part of you would die or atrophy in some way

  • If you have no memories of such overwhelming experiences, then look to see what experiences you have had that come close, or lie in the direction, of the description described above

  • This is not about listing pleasurable experiences. You may find you had a level of pain and/or fear in the experience--like climbing the face of a mountain--but it nevertheless gave you a passion and a desire to live and/or engage life and be in the experience. For a woman, these types of feelings could be the simultaneous pain/pleasure associated with childbirth. For a man, they could be the simultaneous fear/thrill in the experience of combat or a fierce competition that gives rise to these feelings. Some may call these an experience an adrenalin rush. It doesn't matter. The question is "What experiences made you feel most alive and full of life?." "What were you doing in these experiences?" And, "Who were you with?"

  • When you have finished listing the experiences, prioritize the experiences. List which ones gave you the greatest fullness of being, the greatest fullness of life. That is, which experience gave you the greatest feeling of being alive or a feeling like you were totally full, or so totally fulfilled in life that you could burst because of the life that was being contained within your being

  • Here again the emphasis is that you want to be in the experience

  • Beginning with one, rank the experiences that you listed as to their fullness of being. The number one experience is the experience out of all those you listed that gave you the greatest feeling of fullness of life. It was as if you could not fit any more of life into yourself because you were so full

  • Once you have listed and prioritized the experiences, look and see what the feeling of the fullness of being looked or felt like

  • What are the common feelings of fullness, if any, that ran through all the experiences?

  • The emphasis here in is on how did the feeling of being most alive and/or full of life look like to you

  • With the expectation that you will share your results, describe the best you can what this feeling of wanting to burst forth with life feels like to you. How would you describe it? How would you recognize it. Pay attention as to how you would recognize it in the future if experienced again

  • If there are attributes of the experience you cannot explain or describe, at least become aware of these noncommunicable attributes within your being. You can have an awareness of things, and know you have awareness, without being able to describe them.

Part two: The desire to engage life (Top)

  • Find five experiences that gave you the greatest enthusiasm for life and for living, and made you want to engage life more. That is, to move into life, either wanting to create more of the same type and kind of experience and/or to change your life because of the experiences you had to create more of the experience. That is, you wanted to move into life. Either you wanted to create the same type and kind of experience and/or to change your life because of the experiences you had. They can be the same five experiences previously listed or new experiences

  • Here the emphasis is on wanting to engage life and move into life. The earlier exercise was about not having any desire to move into life but rather to just sit in the experience

  • Beginning with one, rank the experiences you listed. Let the number one experience be that one experience out of all those you listed that gave you the greatest enthusiasm and desire to engage life and jump into life

  • It doesn't matter if the numbered sequence agrees or disagrees with the previous part of this exercise

  • With the expectation that you will share your results, describe the best you can as to what this feeling is of wanting to burst forth and jump into life feels like to you. Pay attention as to how you would recognize it in the future if experienced again

  • If there are attributes of the experience you cannot explain or describe, at least become aware of these noncommunicable attributes within your being. You can have an awareness of things, and know you have awareness, without being able to describe them

  • Once you have listed and prioritized the experiences, look to see what the enthusiasm and passion to jump into life felt like. Determine if there are common feelings, if any, that ran through all the experiences you listed. The emphasis here is on how the enthusiasm to jump into life felt

Part three: (Optional) Desiring to share (Top)

  • Identify five experiences that gave you the greatest desire, passion and/or enthusiasm and the desire to share what you had experienced with another person. That is, describe what you were experiencing that was so wonderful that all you could do was desire to share it with another person. For example you were in such wonderment and “ah” that all you could do was share as if you were a little child trying to share a new discovery about life

  • Don’t list experiences were you like to share. Rather, the experiences here are experience where you were so overwhelmed that all you could do was share. You may want to look to those experiences where you were trying to share but were reprimanded in some way and told to “stop playing around and get to work”

  • These experiences can be the same experiences listed above or different experiences

  • Beginning with one, rank the experiences you listed. Let the number one experience be the experience out of all those you listed that gave you the greatest enthusiasm and desire to share what you had experienced. It doesn't matter if the numbered sequence agrees or disagrees with the previous part of this exercise

  • With the expectation that you will share your results, describe the best you can what this feeling of wanting to your experience feels like. Pay attention as to how you would recognize it in the future if experienced again

  • f there are attributes of the experience you cannot explain or describe, at least become aware of these noncommunicable attributes within your being. You can have an awareness of things, and know you have awareness, without being able to describe them

  • After you have listed and prioritized the experiences, look to see what the enthusiasm and passion to share life and what it feels like to desire to share life. What are the common feelings, if any that ran through all the experiences you listed? The emphasis here in is on what the desire to share felt like

Part four: Sharing the description of the feelings as you remember them (Top)

  • Present your list of experiences to another. Share to the best of your ability (1) what the feeling of the fullness of being was like when you felt most alive and/or what you felt when you had an enthusiasm for life and/or a passion for life. (2) Share what the fullness of wanting to engage in life and have more of life feels like to you. (3) Share what the feelings of desiring to share feels like to you

  • The three responses may, or may not, be exactly the same type and kind of feeling. You can expect them to feel different from each other but they can be the same. Pay particular attention to the differences and describe those differences

  • Pay particular attention to the differences and similarities, if any, between what you and others describe

  • Pay particular attention to the fact that you are unique. The experiences you listed may, or may not, correspond to the experience of others with whom you share have listed and/or describe

  • Do not try and fit your description or make your description agree or look the same as another’s. If there is agreement, that is okay. If there is disagreement, that is okay too. You just need to become very accurate as to what the feeling looks like for you so that you can recognize it in the future

  • Similarly how you experience feeling most alive, an enthusiasm for life and/or a passion for life may or may not correspond to another’s and you need to learn to appreciate and live your truth

Part five - Looking for your life’s purpose (Top)

  • You have come into physical incarnation to (1) have a physical experience and (2) to have a particular type and kind of physical experience

  • The feelings of the fullness of being and the fullness of life will tell you if you are free to experience being physical. The feelings that cause you to want to move into life tell you when you are living the purpose for which you incarnated or are moving toward that purpose

  • If you feel pain in what you are choosing to create and/or have a deep longing, know that you are trying to create is probably out of alignment with the purpose of your incarnation. Now, there is nothing wrong with this. But you need to evaluate if what you desire to create is worth the cost you are paying. It is much like creating a new life and giving birth. The pain may be the doorway to something beyond or greater than you. Then again, you may be only causing yourself pain in creating something that just does not serve your reason for being here

  • Is there any experience in life that allows you to combine both the fullness of being and a passion and enthusiasm to engage life and for living?

Part six (Optional) - Sharing (Top)

  • The desire to share tells you if you close to, or have reached, the Source of life Itself
    • When you access the source of life, all you want to do is share life and give life. You are so overwhelmed with life all you can do is find some way to give it to another and/or to call it forth from within another

  • What needs to be understood is that we all are here for different reasons. Some are here solely to be physical and be in the physical experience. Some are here to do something specific. Some are here to share life and create life at any and all levels of being

  • The key to life is to go where you are lead. However, you have to open yourself to feel and ensure you have not shutdown your ability to feel because your freedom to experience life and find your own way in the past was somehow thwarted

  • When you open yourself up to feeling and looking to feel which thought, word, action and memory serve you, you will find your way to know what it is you are here to do even if it is only to have a physical experience and do nothing in particular

  • Is there any experience in life that allows you to combine all three, the fullness of being, the passion and enthusiasm to engage life and the desire to share what you have experienced?

Setting the internal compass (Top)

The object of this exercise is to remember the experiences in life that made you feel most alive and/or want to live and embrace life. The feeling of wanting to share is for later reference as you live your life and share your life. After listing and reviewing the experiences, you should begin to discern which experience in life gives you, or moves you, toward a fullness of being and that moves you toward enthusiasm and passion for life and for living. The emphasis here is to remember the feelings and what exactly the feelings felt like to you. Discerning between the feeling of fullness of being and a passion for life and for living will help you to see both what gives you a satisfaction in life that lead to being full of life and what propels you forward wanting to engage in life. Doing what gives you the fullness of being will help you to create a life you feel is worth living and can even give you an inner bliss and joy that never run dry. The feeling of wanting to engage life is where you will find the passion to create and manifest anything you desire. To find yourself and truly learn to live life in a way that allows you to have a fullness of being and a passion and enthusiasm to engage life, you will have to become a little narcissistic and maybe even withdraw from your normal life for a while. You will need time to find yourself. You cannot give what you don't have. You must first find the truth of your being and then come to know your truth and what it feels like. Then you then have to develop the strength of will to freely live your truth fully expressed in the external world. When you have achieved that, then you can give truth and create the space for another to find and live their truth. Until then you can only give captivity to another for that is all you have. The feeling of the desire to share is what will allow you to create the unconditional space for another to become free and participate in freedom with you in your creative endeavors. This feeling is “True North” on your internal compass. Knowing what gives you freedom and the ability to expand into the freedom of your own being takes you to the source of your creative power.

Using the internal compass (Top)

You set your internal compass for a particular creative endeavor by looking to the feeling of the experience you desire to create. Ask yourself, “What will it feel like to have what I desire” and look to see what you feel. The feeling itself can be used to guide you or the feeling representing the mismatch from “True North” to guide you. However, some confuse the feeling that aligns with the flow of energy that arises from the intention you hold in mind and mind wishes to create as being the flow of energy arising from the intention for one’s life. But they are different. In any case, the mismatch will tell you how the removed you are from the source of your creative power and how well you are being served by what your mind is choosing to create. What ever feeling you lock on to, you then need to become aware of every decision you make. Look to the feel and its alignment to the feeling of what you desire to create as to whether it serves you to move into the feeling or severs to move you away from the feeling. What you choose to focus on is your choice. There are no judgments on what you choose, only consequences for the time and place in which you live.

It is noted you may find that when you actually get what you desire, you do not have the feelings that you thought you would have when you ask, “What does what I desire feel like?” The reason for this is that mind cannot know the unknown. What you really desired that gave rise to what you think you wanted was a flow of energy inaccurately characterized by mind. You can feel the flow of energy accurately. But your mind will not accurately characterize it unless you have had the minimum set of experience to characterize it. So when you get what you thought you wanted, you simply need to realize you got your mind’s improper characterization of what you wanted. But you have not made a mistake. You now know what you want is not what you think so you are free to surrender to the feeling and allow the feeling to guide you. If this is what you experience, you simply need to ask yourself, “what is the next step that I need to take - what does it look like - to create what I desire to feel.” Then honor the intuitive insight you get. It may take several iterations but in time you will move toward having experiences that move you closer and closer to the experiences you desire to feel.

When you combine the fullness of being/fullness of life and the desire to engage life in what you are doing in life, you are aligning with, or moving toward, your life purpose. When you want to sit in the experience and not move into life, you are somehow disengaging or missing the reason for your incarnation. If you want to create more of a certain type and kind of experience but you do not optimize the fullness of being, then what you do is relate to what you incarnated to do but you are missing it. You will need to explore what similar things you can do that also give the fullness of being and allows that fulness to grow and expand. You then simply need to look for the one that gives the greatest feeling of being. You may be here to serve people but there are many different ways to serve. If your real purpose lies with children but you serve the elderly, you are missing your purpose and you will never be as effective as you could be and you will never feel the fullness of your being as it can be experienced. Although you may have great satisfaction in serving the elderly and contribute greatly to their well being, what you do will not be as significant as what you do following the alignment with one’s life purpose. Doing things are amplified, especially the experience of life itself when you are aligned and doing what you incarnated to do.

Finding “the” feelings (Top)

One issue some individuals face is finding or being aware of feelings. Other than outright pain, some individuals are unaware they can perceive subtle feelings. Yet it is these subtle feelings which can be used as a compass indicator. If one has trouble feeling or discerning what they feel, one can always create a situation that can allow them to learn to discern what they feel. To assist you in the effort of calibrating your internal compass or getting a feel for what you wish to create, you can create a real or symbolic or representative experience, such as a ritual or theatrical performance.

To calibrate your internal compass, the intention is to feel and align with the flow of energy that causes you to enter physical life. To get a feel for this energy you can construct a theatrical experience of what you think is the intention for your life or what you desire to create and become aware of the feel of the experience. Depending on what you feel, you can stop there or do some other variations of the theatrical experience to see how the feeling does or does not shift. For example, you may think the purpose for your life is to work with people. So you could spend an afternoon in an old age home, an afternoon in a day care center working with small children, an afternoon working with teenagers, an afternoon working with healthy adults and an afternoon with sick adults. You can then compare the experiences and see which experience, if any, made you feel the most alive. As you set up scenarios, you can refine the feelings and come to know what makes you feel most alive, feel full of life and cause you to desire to want to engage life. Then with the awareness of that feeling, become aware of every decision you make as to whether it serves you to move into the feeling or serves to move you away from the feeling.

Similarly you can do the same for what you think you wish to create. You can create scenarios to play out getting what you desire and see what it feels like. If what you experience feels like what you would like to experience or lead in the direction of what you wish to feel, you can use that feeling to guide your decisions as described in the paragraph above. In any case, what you choose to focus on to create is your choice. There are no judgments on what you choose, only consequences for the time and place in which you live. However, to do this, you need clarity as to what exactly you desire to create.

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