Guided meditation - Exploring the intention one holds


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following is material developed by the author for use in workshops to assist others to step into their own creative power. You may find the following useful in your own creative endeavors They are provided here as one way to address the given topic. Although you may like with you see and use it as it is, it is recommended you develop an equivalent in your own words and in the way that works to empower you. Use creating the equivalent of the following as an opportunity to step into your own creative powers. To do so, it is recommended you eat and digest what you think you want to use, then allow the insights to arise from your own being as to how you should use what is here, rewrite it or create your own equivalent.

The following guided meditation should be recorded on a tape and then simply play the tape back as you sit and relax listening to the tape. The tape guides you into the exploration you desire.

Of course, it would be better if another records the guided meditation for you so your mind does not anticipate what is to occur in the guided meditation. One solution if another is not available to record the guided meditation for you is to record it one day and then let it sit for a few days before you use it. Unless you have a very good memory, chances are you will remember the overall flow of the tape but not the details.

Depending on what you wish to explore, you may find you need to reword or rework the text to get at exactly what you desire. It is recommended that you rewrite the text however you feel appropriate. This is your journey and your exploration. You are the creator. Do it however you wish. What is provided here is a sample and a guideline. There is nothing special about the format. Use what is effective for your needs.

A few notes

Places that require you to insert your topic of interest are noted with an "(1)". Within the text below at various locations is the follow phrase: (1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?" It is in this format so that you can find the "(1)" and insert a phrase more appropriate to the intention you hold. For example, if your intention is to find a mate, you can insert, "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on my intention to find a mate?" Or, you can simply leave it as it is. Your mind will know what intention you hold as to why you are doing this guided meditation.

When recording this on tape. Talk slowly in a relaxed voiced. Remember the "......" between the phrasing advises you to pause and let what has been said to be digested.

The phrasing on the text is the person on the tape is talking to you. If you use your own voice, you can change the text to talk to yourself.

It is to be noted the tape enters through the doorway of the heart and what is symbolized in the heart. This is a direct access to your creative spirit and your intuitive guidance. It is consciously telling your mind that it is being bypassed. If your mind is not easily bypassed or you perceive fears in such an approach, you may wish to reword the entrance point to allow mind to accompany you on the journey. For example when it is said, ".......... as opposed to your conscious mind...... " you may with to say, "..... we invite your conscious mind to accompany us on this journey...... but we ask that it stands aside and does not interfere with the journey......" Remember the key to creativity is to be about to step out of mind as we know it.

Before the guided meditation is started, you may wish to utilize some type of calming and centering exercise that goes beyond what is provided in the transcript To do so, simply record wherever calming and/or centering exercise you may wish to use on the tape before the guided meditation. A sample calming exercise and a sample centering exercise are provided based on the pool of Creation concept.

Guided Meditation - explore the intention one holds

If you are willing to participate, ...........I would like to take you on a short guided meditation....... into your own nonconscious........ through the doorway of the heart, the symbolic Source of your creative life energy, .............. through the feminine aspect of your being ..... and the nonconscious........... as opposed to your conscious mind......

In doing so, ......what needs to be understood that what comes from the heart ............and your intuitive guidance ..... and the nonconscious,........ does not always look like what you expect ........and what you would like to see.......

Give yourself permission to be with whatever arise.........view it as a detached witness.......view it much like you would view a movie.............

We will use the doorway of the heart .............because the goal of this journey of exploration........... is to experience (1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"............ and we need to see the heart’s view of

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

....... not what your mind thinks...........

First, I ask you to give yourself permission ........ give yourself permission to go into your own nonconscious........ through the doorway of the heart ... and what is symbolized in by the heart......... to see what it desires to communicate to you.........about

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

To take this journey............ I ask you to close your eyes, .......relax........ and place the focus of your attention on your breathing......... Feel your chest rise......... and fall ....... feel it rise and fall with each breath........... remain focused on your breathing........

Relax .........and continue to follow your breathing.......... As you watch your breathing........Go to a place of your own choosing, ............any where in time ..........and space ..........where you are free to experience the oneness of Creation..........

Pay attention to the environment which you find yourself......... What doe it look like....... describe it to yourself............

As you relax in this place........ and your mind is focused on your breathing,........ ask your heart simply saying to yourself .........or thinking this thought..... "Heart, I ask you to show to me ..........what the you would like me to see, .......feel .....and/or experience ........about

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

Heart...... show me...... what you would like me to see........ feel ...... and/or experience....... about

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

Allow whatever images, ........thoughts, ........or sensations to arise ..........without any judgement of by your mind........ ..that what you see .......or feel in any way right or wrong ........or good ......or bad.... ..... Just be with what is............

Pay attention to see...... if any particular body part........ is talking to you....... in some way.........some sensation ........ some feeling..........

If nothing arises........, just allow yourself to relax.... .....and wait.......... trusting your heart,....... will reveal what needs be communicated a way that it wishes to be seen...... if not now...... it will reveal itself....... in a time and place....... of its own choosing.

Since you have asked your heart....... trust it will honor your request.......

Be with what is being communicated............... ................... ............... ............... ..............

Now ask your heart....... in whatever form it has presented

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

......... or not presented itself as the case may be............ "Heart, what would you like to tell me........ about

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

......... about me..... role and relationship to

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

......... ......about my life......... .......... about the world in which I find myself.

Again allow any thoughts,...... images....... or feelings........ to arise...... without judgment............

Allow yourself to be with what is ..... ............ ............. ........ ........

Ask your heart, ........ "Heart, what have you always wanted to tell me.........or what do you need to share in this moment........about

(1) "What do I really wish to feel and experience based on the intention I have set?"

.......... about the past...... ....present ........ .....or future?"

Allow any thoughts...... images......or feelings....... to arise without judgment..............

Allow yourself to be with what is ..... ............ ............. ........ ........

After you have received what your heart desired to share........ allow yourself to return to the awareness of this room........

When you are present to the room, record your results. If you remember nothing, just start writing or drawing without judgment whatever come to your mind.

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