Fear of God 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There are many concepts of God. How accurate any one concept of God is is open to question. In those beliefs systems where God is seen as an infinite creative power ruling over Creation there arises a fear of God. There is a fear that if we in some way alienate God, the One who oversees and controls Creation, and/or disappoint God, He/She/It in some way will punish us. The wrath of God and God punishing individuals are very old concepts and are very real concepts in the human collective. Such a belief has affected tribes and societies across the globe. Individuals and societies have their ways of appeasing God so that harm does not befall them.

The only way to become creatively  free and/or become free of the fear of God is to have a concept of God that we do not fear and/or we do not have to appease in any way. If we believe in a concept of God were we need to do anything to appease that God in any way, we will never be free for we can never be sure we are getting it correct.

Probably the biggest question we have in looking to find a God we do not fear is what type and kind of God would create a world of pain and suffering and what purpose do the pain and suffering serve if they are not punishment or representative of failure in some way. If we can understand the reason and origins of pain and suffering finding a God we do not fear becomes relatively easy.

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