Divination tools


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Divination tools
The issue
Divination tools
Divination tools as catalysts

The issue (Top)

Any truly creative endeavor takes us into the unknown. It brings into existence that which has not previously been seen or experienced. Since mind only knows the past, it is of little help as to knowing what exactly we will need to do and/or face in our creative journey. Our intuitive guidance, by accessing the feeling of the flow of energy giving rise to the experiences we have, can provide us information as to what we will face and the decisions we need to make.

However it is very difficult to rely solely on feeling. Mind continually tried to interject itself and interpret what is being felt. It wants to know and understand what is happening. However, in interjecting itself it will only be accurate to the extent it has the requisite set of inimum experience to understand, explain and communicate what is being felt. Here again, for a truly creative endeavor it will only gain the necessary minimum set of experiences over time. It cannot, and will not, have the information it desires. Mind will have to live with the anxiety of the unknown until it gains a sufficient set of experiences to being to understand what is unfolding. How long it takes depends on whatever one is trying to create.

Life itself is a creative endeavor and, as with any creative endeavor, it is difficult to sit in the anxiety of the unknown and/or to feel the undercurrents of energy not knowing where they are leading. Many look for ways to calm what they feel. Some turn to meditation. Some turn to substances or activities that will mask, numb or suppress the discomfort and anxiety. Others look to divination tools.

Divination  (Top)

Divination as defined is the act or art of foretelling the future or discovering by supernatural or intuitive means that which is hidden or unknown. It refers to that which is foretold as a prophecy. It can also refer to a successful or clever guess.

The primary issue with divination is not that it is impossible. Rather, in general, the whole concept of divination is clouded misunderstanding, naiveness, lack of awareness about the unseen aspects of creation, hearsay, and those who seek to make profit like charlatans and individual with less than honorable intention in something poorly understood.

Nevertheless, divination is quite possible. It is simply no more that access an appropriate deep undercurrent of creation/Creation through the wave nature of our being and having the necessary minimum set of experience to properly characterize the flow path. Our intuitive guidance does this all the time and we all have an intuitive guidance. Our difficulty is three fold. It is to simply:(1) to learn to use the intuitive guidance we have ; (2) to learn to understand our inner language; and (3) realizing our enculturated mind may not always have the minimum set of experiences we need to properly characterize what we experience.

In fact, it is these very conditions that are often the reasons why divination tools are used by some individuals. That is, we haven’t learned to use our own intuitive guidance, we have not learned our own inner language and we don’t have the minimum set of experience to really understand what we access. We think someone other than ourselves will know better how our life and our creation will unfold. Sometimes that is true, but more often it is not. One of the recommendation is that if you really want a divination tool, learn to develop your own inherent powers. We all have them but we have to do our own experiments to see how they work. No one can do the experiments for us and no one can really advise us how our creative spirit is choosing to create its experiences.

Divination tools  (Top)

Within the creativity perspective, a divination tool is anything that an individual uses to either access their intuitive guidance or expand the range of their intuitive guidance and/or improve its accuracy. Traditionally a deck of cards such as the Tarot deck or one of its various permutations are used. Things like the I Ching, runes, pendulum, palm reading, Ouija board, tea leaves, drumming, dance, hypnosis, trance states, crystal, crystal balls, artifacts, symbols, bones, flames, the stars, hallucinogenic materials, and a variety of other things have been used as divination tools. Generally it is not the tools themselves that carry any power. We say generally in that some materials for example magnets, hallucinogens, hypnosis, dance, or trance have effects independent of their use in divination.

The power of a divination tool, more often than not, is in their ability to focus the attention and awareness of the individual who is using them in a particular direction. If the power was in the tool, any one who used the tool would get similar results. But that is not the case. More often than not a divination tool is particular to a tradition and/or the beliefs and experiences of a group of individuals. Individuals schooled in a given tradition or trained under an similar apprenticeship, will use very similar divination tool. Individuals who have very personal experiences, such a true shaman, tend to have very unique divination tool and often different approaches. Here a true shaman is seen as someone who has their life changing shamanic experience before they are every exposed to, and biased by, any training. Although it is common for someone to have a shamanic experience and then be trained by a shaman, someone who is truly as shaman has a very unique set of experiences and tools to go with those experiences.

Divination tools as catalysts (Top)

The point that the power of the divination tool is in its ability to focus the attention and awareness of the individual is very important. Any tool that is use as a divination tool has an origin and there is an intention and a set of beliefs behind it is use as a divination tool. As such there are beliefs that go with that tool. To use the tool as a divination tool you are subscribing to the beliefs which give rise to that tool whether you realize it or not. There is nothing wrong with this. The issue is those beliefs are focusing the user’s attention and awareness in a particular given direction at the expense of looking in another direction. Here again, there is nothing wrong with this if it is the bias we are looking to have. That is, we are using the divination tool to essentially amplify our focus in a given direction.

Of course, it needs be pointed out here and emphasized that the focus we get from the tool we use may not be the focus we need to have. We need to remember the divination tool we select is based on what mind thinks. Mind’s thinking is both based on the past and the desire of mind to get control over the journey into the unknown. Often the divination tool can be misleading. When pursing a creative endeavor we should be very sure at to the origins of the divination tool we select and why we select it. We need to become aware of what information we really are seeking. To calm the anxiety we feel and/or remove fears or pain, is to run away from what needs to be face. That in turn, will stifle if not kill our creative endeavor.

For example look at the traditional tarot deck. The traditional tarot deck has a particular set of images. Those images and what those images mean reflect what the authors had in mind and what they understood when they created the cards. Others have kept the same general images but change them to fit time, place or shift the focus. For example there are the traditional images of royalty, king, queen and the like, on the traditional tarot deck of cards. Many did not like the pictures so they changed the pictured but kept the images. That is, they did not like the looks of the king so they kept an image of a king but drew a king the suited their personal preferences. Then there are other who kept the overall set of card but changed the images. That is they replace the images of royalty with maybe environment images or images of animals because there was the desire to emphasize man’s connection with nature. Then there are the authors who keep the overall concept of a tarot deck but add or remove cards or images to suit their fancy. Then there are some who create a whole new deck of cards with totally different images with a totally different philosophy.

What needs to be understood is that any deck that is used focus our attention and awareness in a slightly different way. It focuses us in a way desired by the designers of the deck and the beliefs they carried about creation/Creation.

What has been observed is that is we are truly open to what the unseen will provided in response to a given question, we can use three different divination tools or three totally different sets of card images and get the same information where the divinations tools overlap. In some ways it can be a check on the openness of the individuals. For divination tools that do not overlap, they should point in the same general direction. If there is conflict between the tools and/or the direction of travel indicated, then there is something that is not being shown, kept secret or ulterior motives. That is, either the tool is biased and not a honest broker to explore the unseen, or someone is attempting to manipulate something. In such cases the recommendation is to stand back and look carefully at what is happening and what is being observed. Also, it is recommended to check what is being felt. What we feel often tells us whether or not we can trust what is unfolding..

What is important here is that whatever is used focuses our attention and awareness into, or through, the filters and beliefs of those who created the deck or divination tool. Most individuals think they are getting an improved reading over their own intuitive guidance. But in reality, they are just being focused into someone else’s beliefs. That focus may or may not be what is needed.

The recommendation here is that if we are using a divination tool to supplement or make up for the lack of our own intuitive guidance, use three different techniques. Pursue the same lines of inquiry using all three separately and then compare the results. Use our intuition to see what it says about the results we get and become very aware of what we feel about what is unfolding. If all three separate tools agree and we don’t like the results, we probably never wanted to hear the truth in the first place or our intuition is telling us using divination tools is taking us away from what needs to be faced. If however our intuitive guidance gives us a feeling of puzzlement at the results, we need to become very aware. We need to begin a contemplation as to what we may be really seeing. We cannot ever assume a divination tool can give us better results than our own intuition Look at a divination tool as a set of field glass. They help us to see a little better in the direction to which the divination tool point, but not necessarily in the direction we need to go.

It just needs to be remembered any divination tool catalyzes us to focus our attention and awareness into the direction of the beliefs and intention that gave rise to the tool we are using. Take that fact into consideration whenever a divination tool is used. On this point, we can talk about using the Creation Building Blocks as a divination tool.

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